Her blond hair is found in individuals who have a low level of a dark pigment called eumelanin.
I have many variations in hair color, from blond to platinum blond, dark blond until tending to brown.
Her blond hair is found almost exclusively in populations of European origin and are typical of northern Europe, where they have the widest possible dissemination. Generally the hair are associated with eye color (light blue, green, gray or hazel). It
says that the spread of hair is due to sexual selection, in fact, women with blond hair have a greater number of estrogen and thus higher fertility.
Her blond hair is found almost exclusively in populations of European origin and are typical of northern Europe, where they have the widest possible dissemination. Generally the hair are associated with eye color (light blue, green, gray or hazel). It
says that the spread of hair is due to sexual selection, in fact, women with blond hair have a greater number of estrogen and thus higher fertility.
The blond, thanks to the icons of the past has entered the collective imagination as the color that is the charm, beauty and sensuality is also a certain amount ..
How not to mention the famous movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," starring for excellence by the blonde: Marilyn Monroe, actress and icon wet dream of many boys.

Who considers them a bit 'stupid, which of easy virtue. And they are stewed. Thus was born the first World Organization Blondes, headquarters in Sofia, branch offices from Moscow to Riga between feminism and post-irony
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