Le nuove chicche di pediatrasfizzero
By now you should understand. Speak ill of pediatrasfizzero is so easy that it is a little 'how to shoot the Red Cross. Should I stop myself, maybe. But it's always a nice experience (between the tragicomic and life experience, I would say) make us a trip, so why not to share?
waiting room. Leopard as happy as if we had brought to the carnival games, children, his world really! Shame that as usual while he sdilinquisce in urletti excited and their greetings to the other dwarfs, as usual, the snub. You must be cool children grow a bit '... -I can say that word that starts with S and ends I? - A bit 'as well ... He did not give up and put in their mouths or any game that meets the tile (so he is already full of germs, speriam not pick up others ..), some just try to eat them, but we go further.
They make their triumphal entry about a mother and baby 2N (up to 2 years and 1 / 2), and after 15 seconds we hear: Gennaro, come here!
Gennaro? Now, I do not want to be unpleasant or politically incorrect. Even the name I chose for my son may not like, please! But Gennaro is a bit 'to spite you do to' I'm poor child! But what will be teased at school? If we wanted to give him the bill of Italian immigrants, well, your goal you have certainly achieved great! But you imagine: Genna Ah, tell us how you're ever to vote again and I'm (beep bipbiiiiiiip) Berlusconi you Italian? Me is true that you eat spaghetti for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Ok, so for him not to miss anything in the Italic mater trim Gennaro (Gennaro , you're hungry right? Come here! While that did not gave no sign!) Put up a better snack than overflowing sugar and does not pay dei bei salatini sempre industriali, quelli proprio coi pezzettoni di sale! Ora, io non voglio far la madre fissata col cibo e la salute, però telo scrivon ovunque ormai di star buoni con zuccheri e sale... Voi mi direte, ma la povera mamma magari lavora e non ha tempo..Non lavora, fidatevi!
Comunque, lasciamo Gennaro al suo radioso futuro. Tralasciamo l'assistente stordita che ha sbagliato a pesar Leopard: Ma, ma è dimagrito di un chiloooooo??? Ne dubito signora assistente, non è che lo ripesa? Ah, no, pfui, mi ero sbagliata! E te pareva!
E vi sembra che quando Leopard sta male io posso parlar al telefono solo con questa??? No comment!
We finally visited by pediatrasfizzero . Leo cooperate and have fun. Mr. Coppola is a bit incarta 'to find the positions recommended by your doctor (it takes a course, it seems) to hold it, but we let' successful! The pediatrician is so pleased with the fact that Leopard did not cry even once, and was made even look at my throat watching a voluptuous glass jar full of beautiful pink caramelloni (really beautiful, for goodness sake) and tells us to eat those? I, as always, I think (or hope) that you have misunderstood. Excuse me those things, the candy? We air a bit 'disbelief. To which he looks down, contrite, even a bit 'embarrassed, looks at the medical records and say, ah, no, in fact it is a bit 'small ...
now are two cases: either you give to the pediatrician puppet candy a year, and it seems pretty serious. O do not know how big it is Leo, and, oh well that he is taller than average and it seems a bit 'bigger, though, because you know him since he was born and you see it every month, however, is not so good ! No?
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