Friday, March 11, 2011

Blank Dvd Discs 3 Hour

Svizzera o Babele?

words: dialects, advertising and strange career counselors.

" whole earth had one language and few words. Emigrating from the east men chanced upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said one to another, "Come, let us make bricks and cociamoli the fire." They had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. And they said, "Come, build ourselves a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make a name, lest we be scattered all over the earth." But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The Lord said, Behold, they are one people and they have all one language, and this is the beginning of their work and now how they plan to do will be impossible for them. then go down and confuse their language because they do not understand one another's language . The Lord scattered them abroad from there over all the earth and they ceased building the city. why it was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of the whole earth and there the LORD scattered them over all the earth . "
(from the Bible, Genesis qq, 1-9)

I do not want to be blasphemous, but sometimes I wonder if when God wanted to punish human arrogance and launched his Babel curse on his thought to Switzerland.

I know this post is a bit 'Lunghin, I know sometimes boring discussions on dialects, but if you live in Switzerland, or you want to transfer, it is a very central issue, believe me, because it has to do with the work, the ability to integrate, daily life, dlla spending, the doctor, to yoga class. And maybe leggete fino in fondo!

Ecco la pubblicità della RAI per il 150enario dell'unità d'Italia .  

Il senso: i dialetti sono la nostra storia, la nostra cultura , rappresentano la preservazione delle identità regionali.  Ed io son anche d'accordo nel preservarli. Ma la l ingua nazionale è una, è l' italiano (e che lingua, se mi permettete!) e for once in this mother Rai (with all the criticism perfectly right that usually takes) has a great merit: the spread of the Italian national. If, as said Massimo d'Azeglio, "have made Italy, now we must make Italians." The TV (a little 'later) had a very big role in this. Honestly, I too would like to know more about my own dialect, but I would never dare to speak to a stranger, except by specific request. Nor do I wish my son knew better than the dialect of Italian. And today, that society becomes increasingly multicultural, it is more necessary than ever to open and use a common language.

Now, a
advertising Switzerland. One of the many. Without irony. Because here, in addition to super, the streets, in workplaces, nurseries, on any course you choose to follow in the hospital, even on TV (even on MTV, to say, even on national networks ) , even in the general transmission often talk DIALECT (even if what you hear on TV, to tell the truth, it is more understandable than sweetened man in the street). Because this is normal and that all sacred ' Ikea ads are done in dialect ( Schwizerdütsch ). It should furthermore given that every corner (and remember that the Cantons are as many as 26, for a state roughly the size of the Lombardy region) has its own dialect, and therefore you can not really talk about national language.

The point is not that they speak it, but that you are discriminated against if they do not speak.
you do a simple example.
An Argentine friend who knows very well German and lives in Zurich, told me that before going on to a job interview in the canton of St. Gallen, the consultant advised him to lie saying he already knows well the Züridutsch (dialect of Zurich), but is trying to learn what the canton of St. Gallen, which already understand (ever so great the second consultant), but still does not speak well. Time: But you think? It is as if a Frenchman who knows Italian and lives in Milan would be a job interview in Bergamo, and say: "I beg you, say you know well and that the Milan Bergamo understand it, even if you have not speak well. "

Now, in your opinion, what the French might respond to the consultant? And you think that Argentina can afford to do in Switzerland?


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