violent earthquake in Japan, 8.9: dead. Ever so 'strong tsunami with waves 10 meters from 7.8
Replica, panic in Tokyo. Premier: Destruction devastating
March 11, 10:30
TOKYO - A violent earthquake of magnitude 8.8 shook Japan this morning.
In Tokyo, about 370 km from the epicenter, people took to the streets in panic. The Japan Meteorological Agency has launched a tsunami warning at the highest level in the prefectures of Iwate, Ibaraki, Miyagi and Fukushima. The NHK spoke risk of storm surges up 10 meters in the prefectures of Miyagi and Ibaraki.
A strong 7.8-magnitude replication was recorded half an hour after the first shock.
A first powerful tsunami of 7.30 meters and 'has just been registered in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture. The Japanese meteorological agency reported.
fires can be reported and several wounded. Closed the airport.
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has convened an emergency meeting of the powerful earthquake that rocked Japan less than an hour ago. The Minister of Defence, Toshimi Kitazawa, has alerted the self-defense forces.
and tsunami alert 'was issued for Russia Philippines and the Mariana Islands (Central Pacific), following the violent earthquake that struck Japan.
TSUNAMI 10 METERS IN THE CITY 'SENDAI - A 10-meter tsunami reached the city of Sendai, while in the prefecture of Aomori, the northern island of Honshu always, they would have had even higher waves. The report Fuji Television.
FIRST VICTIM in Ibaraki - The first official victim of the powerful earthquake that struck Japan was recorded in the Ibaraki prefecture, north of Tokyo. The Asahi TV reports, that a person would have been crushed under collapsed roof of a house.
REST HOUSE COLLAPSE IN 5 DEATHS - Five people were found dead in the collapse of a nursing home in the city 'of Minamisoma, in the prefecture north-east of Fukushima. The command includes the local fire department.
VIRTUALLY ALL PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING - The tsunami alert was declared in the Pacific except for the continental United States and Canada. The countries in which an alert is in effect are especially Russia, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. For the moment there's no evidence of serious tsunami also outside of Japan.
Correspondent Reuters,
hallucinatory experience
March 11, 10:24
''hallucinatory experience''that an Italian can say 'look normal, but that is described with great pathos by the Japanese, accustomed to living with earthquakes, from' the idea of \u200b\u200bthe extraordinary strength of the earthquake that affected the whole east coast of Japan. I've seen people spill on the street now and as soon as they 'felt the first shock of 14:46 (6:46 in Italy, revised by Jma measuring 7.9 to 8.8) was not transient. At least one minute, endless, which are followed by others of adjustment have increased the people on the street and in an area near the U.S. embassy, \u200b\u200bfull of offices. I have not seen scenes of panic, even jokes and smiles of amazement at what was happening, almost whispered voice, in spite of the asphalt under the feet seem more 'the treadmill of airports and department stores, making precarious balance, while the light poles and traffic lights swayed as powerful slingshots. The police before the U.S. embassy has now taken the bullhorns and called on all''to''not to create traffic jams and reach areas of the district appointed to act as a collection of the population in case of catastrophic events''.'' Have sprung up several plastic helmets, someone took the survival kit, which is compulsory in offices and public places. Just a little more 'than half an hour and a second powerful quake has prompted other people on the street, with many girls, barefoot, no heels, while TV journalists also wore helmets. After more than 'an hour was a quiet' relative and surreal, with the flicker appeared almost normal. At this point I asked myself and I asked a question at all:''What would have happened in Italy in front of a shock like that?''. From this point of view''- Seraphic said an employee of a company 'trading - and' better to stay in Japan''
tsunami in the Pacific: schedules
ANIMATION - The tidal wave caused by earthquake off the coast of Japan should also reach the coasts of other countries in the Pacific. The quake was at 6.46 (Italian time) here is the estimated time of travel of the wave.
For example, California should arrive around 16:46
the link above, there are other interesting resources, including, the live video of this devastating event.
Of which, the effects, even from the standpoint of economic impact, first in Japan, then, in the area, and later throughout the world, are all to be evaluated.
Update ...
Japan's nuclear power plant emergency
Tsunami on the ship with 100 people. 42 dead so far in the country
March 11, 13:32
(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 MAR - The Japanese government has declared a state of emergency for the nuclear Onagawa nella prefettura di Miyagi, in seguito al violento terremoto. Lo riferisce la Bbc. Il governo fa sapere che il processo di raffreddamento di uno dei reattori non sta procedendo come previsto. Intanto una nave con a bordo 100 persone e' stata travolta dallo tsunami. Lo rende noto l'agenzia di stampa Kyodo.
Stando ai media nipponici, e' salito a 42 morti il bilancio provvisorio delle vittime accertate.
La terra trema, paura in Giappone tsunami con onde fino a 10 metri
La scossa più potente di 8,8 Richter, rileva l'Usgs.
I grattacieli di Tokyo ondeggiano, panico tra le persone scese in strada per cercare rifugio.
L'onda anomala si abbatte sulle coste, con varia intensità . First reports of casualties, even in the capital. Stop the carriage, closed nuclear power plants. Prime Minister meets the Cabinet emergency
Link updates 11/03/2011:
(AFP) - Tokyo, 11 March - The Japanese government has called for the evacuation of thousands of people living near the nuclear power plant in Fukushima after the terrible earthquake that struck the country today. Tokyo issued a warning for about 6,000 people living within a radius of three kilometers from central Tokyo Electric Power Co.
The plant was stopped, but one of the reactors and 'verified un guasto nella raffreddazione.
Il primo ministro Naoto Kan aveva detto in precedenza che non si erano verificate fughe di materiale radioattivo dagli impianti nucleari del paese, anche in quello di Onagawa, nella prefettura di Miyagi, colpito da un incendio.
Secondo la Tohoku Electric, circa 4,4 milioni di abitazioni nel nordest del Giappone sono rimaste senza corrente elettrica. red-uda/sam/rob
Sisma Giappone: scomparso altro treno
Agenzia Kyodo, sale livello radiazioni in impianto nucleare
11 marzo, 19:46
(ANSA) - TOKYO, 11 MAR - Un secondo treno e' scomparso dopo il passaggio dello tsunami seguito al violento terremoto che ha colpito oggi il Giappone. Il secondo convoy and 'disappeared in the prefecture of Iwate, always in the northeast. He reports the news agency Jiji Press. The level of radiation at the 'number one nuclear power plant in Fukushima and' rising. The Kyodo Xinhua said. The Minister of Industry said that the center could be a small radioactive leak. JAPAN EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI
THE EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI IN JAPAN caused by a "solar flare"
(in English - ufo-
Japan Quake, salt level radiation
the Fukushima nuclear power
March 11, 23:18
(ANSA)-ROMA, 11 MAR-E 'increased a thousand times oltre la soglia normale il livello di radioattivita' registrato nella centrale nucleare di Fukushima. Lo dice la Bcc, citando l'agenzia Kyodo. Si tratta di una delle 11 centrali attive al momento della scossa che ha devastato le coste del Giappone, l'unica che non si era automaticamente spenta. Intanto le autorita' del Cile hanno aumentato ad allarme il sistema di allerta tsunami nell'isola di Pasqua, in mezzo al Pacifico, in vista dell'arrivo di un possibile maremoto.
E poi, per la serie, "non facciamoci mancare nulla"...
HAARP Caused Japan Earthquake : Benjamin Fulford
( in inglese - ).
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- Geophysical Institute: IN 10 MORE VIOLENT IN 150 YEARS
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