the fine di questo post potete trovare l'esclusiva della foxnews di ieri, riguardo a questa notizia, che se confermata da successivi studi, sarebbe a dir poco eclatante.
Ed a seguire, l'approfondimento in lingua italiana...
Quei batteri nei meteoriti
"Forme di vita dallo spazio?"
Ricercatore della Nasa scopre fossili estremamente piccoli precipitati su zone remote del pianeta. Alcuni somigliano a forme di vita terrestri, altri sono "alieni". Grande cautela nella comunità scientifica per una scoperta potenzialmente dirompente
Sono lunghi e filamentosi. So appear the first (or maybe the second) aliens landed on Earth. A researcher at NASA in fact, claims to have discovered a fossilized alien form of life came from outer space that can explain, among other things, like life itself has arrived on Earth. His discovery was published in the scientific journal Journal of Cosmology. Despite the certainty of discovery, the result of years of research, the researcher Richard Hoover, an astrobiologist who works for the Marshall Space Flight Center of NASA, asked researchers from around the world to determine that the evidence can not in any way be corrected.
The extraordinary success of Hoover comes after ten years of studies on fossils of bacteria very children killed in remote areas around the planet. Hoover in fact, has turned from Antarctica, and Siberia to Alaska to try the ice extremely rare form of meteorites called carbonaceous chondrites CI1, of which there are currently only ten samples.
Some of the fossils brought to light that resemble bacteria on Earth are called Velox Titanospirillum. "This discovery tells us that life in the Universe is far more widespread than we think," said Hoover, who continued: "Looking at the microscopic meteorites have identified various types of fossils of different bacteria, some of which resemble terrestrial bacteria, others are, are completely unknown, real aliens. "
If so valuable assume the hypothesis of panspermia, ie the thesis that wants that life arrived on the planets, including Earth, from space and is not a unique phenomenon of our planet. "An important element-the researcher said, is the fact that many bacteria are recognizable and can be compared with terrestrial species. This ties the life of our planet from space with the flow."
The discovery in itself extremely interesting Hovver would have identified the bacteria that do not have nitrogen.
Some researchers, like Seth Shostak, an astronomer at the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), said it was really hard to believe a simile scoperta. "Se ciò che sostiene Hoover fosse vero, le implicazioni sarebbero di vasta portata in tutto il campo della scienza e dell'astronomia", ha detto Shostak. Ora le ricerche di Hoover verranno sottoposte a test indipendenti e se troveranno conferma avremo la certezza che gli alieni sono davvero scesi sulla Terra.
Va ricordato che questa scoperta si affianca a quella del meteorite di origine marziana trovato in Antartide noto come ALH84001, da Allan Hills, il luogo ove venne scoperto nel dicembre 1984 da Roberta Score. Nel 1996 David McKay della Nasa sosteneva di aver trovato al suo interno tracce di vita. Tra le sue pieghe infatti, vennero trovate strutture a catena di probabile origine biologica.
Con un diametro compreso between 20 and 100 nanometers, their sizes were similar to those of some terrestrial nanobacteria. The discovery has been disputed, but when the biological explanation is the one that prevails.
Article Link:
Below is the link to access the original online publication ...
(in English - ).
Here, among other things, these are the possible implications of this discovery, with the bacterial life on comets ... (and bacterial least, in my opinion) on Europa, and Enceladus.
Even more interesting ... right?
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