Each one of us happened to see many women with hair cut short and then, like magic, showing off a long, thick hair ... to tell the truth in all this there is nothing magical about because the person will certainly applied to their heads ; hair extensions.
The hair extensions can be of synthetic materials ( to a very low cost) os and instead wanted to focus on result is even more natural, but somewhat expensive, the best solution is surely that of hair extensions ver the .
The stretch your hair is no longer just the preserve of a privileged celebrities today, any woman who wants to change his hairstyle can use the extensions.
The hair extensions can be applied in different ways, depending on personal taste and needs: the application can only be done in certain areas of the scalp, so as to give more volume to fine hair, or alternatively, it may be extended throughout the hair for added length and change, thereby drastically their look.
The hair extensions for volume of smaller, are usually fixed con dei micro fermagli che risultano pressoché invisibili dall’esterno.
Molte donne utilizzano l’extension per creare deliziose sfumature o per aggiungere un po’ di volume e lunghezza ai propri capelli.
Se invece si scegliesse di adottare uno stile assai più duraturo nel tempo, è possibile utilizzare estensioni per capelli che, trattate con un particolare procedimento, possono durare anche oltre quattro mesi.
Le extensions vengono applicate a piccole ciocche: queste aderiscono al cuoio capelluto tramite una colla speciale, attivata da un ferro adatto che salda la ciocca naturale di capelli con quella artificiale dell’extensions. Questi piccoli collegamenti risultano invisibili anche quando si decida una pettinatura with the hair facing up.
An alternative method for attaching the hair extensions is to use a small pigtail, strictly tense: the lock d ' extension is so woven into the braid our hair natural, near the base of the hair.
This type of application is often not recommended, since the tension of the braids can compromise the quality of our scalp.
The hair extensions can be of synthetic materials ( to a very low cost) os and instead wanted to focus on result is even more natural, but somewhat expensive, the best solution is surely that of hair extensions ver the .

The stretch your hair is no longer just the preserve of a privileged celebrities today, any woman who wants to change his hairstyle can use the extensions.
The hair extensions can be applied in different ways, depending on personal taste and needs: the application can only be done in certain areas of the scalp, so as to give more volume to fine hair, or alternatively, it may be extended throughout the hair for added length and change, thereby drastically their look.
The hair extensions for volume of smaller, are usually fixed con dei micro fermagli che risultano pressoché invisibili dall’esterno.
Molte donne utilizzano l’extension per creare deliziose sfumature o per aggiungere un po’ di volume e lunghezza ai propri capelli.
Se invece si scegliesse di adottare uno stile assai più duraturo nel tempo, è possibile utilizzare estensioni per capelli che, trattate con un particolare procedimento, possono durare anche oltre quattro mesi.
Le extensions vengono applicate a piccole ciocche: queste aderiscono al cuoio capelluto tramite una colla speciale, attivata da un ferro adatto che salda la ciocca naturale di capelli con quella artificiale dell’extensions. Questi piccoli collegamenti risultano invisibili anche quando si decida una pettinatura with the hair facing up.
An alternative method for attaching the hair extensions is to use a small pigtail, strictly tense: the lock d ' extension is so woven into the braid our hair natural, near the base of the hair.
This type of application is often not recommended, since the tension of the braids can compromise the quality of our scalp.
fonte: http://www.extensioncapelli.net/
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