Prosegue dalla parte IV .
Parte V.
Era all'incirca passata la metà del mese.
Quando, mentre m'incamminavo tranquillamente per le vie del centro, causa mie faccende da sbrigare.
Passando vicino a due tali che discorrevano tra loro, uno dei due si rivolse a me e mi chiamò per nome.
- Paolo, ciao. Da quant'è che non ci si vede, come stai.
Mi voltai, lo guardai e francamente, non lo riconobbi.
E lui, rendendosene conto, continuò.
- Come, va bene che sono passati degli anni. Però, addirittura scordarsi dei vecchi amici, no eh !
Ma io, con il volto di chi "cade dalle nuvole", realmente, non lo riconoscevo ( ma davvero
Insistette - Ma dai, su pensaci bene - e mi diede degli indizi.
Ma niente, io continuavo a non riconoscerlo.
Il tizio con cui s'intratteneva, che io francamente non conoscevo, quanto lui
Affinché, dopo avermi ricordato da dove proveniva, il suo nome e cognome ( idem, vuoto assoluto per me
And at that moment, I finally enlightenment, about who he was.
Aaaaa! Now I know who you are - smiling, and added - my mother many years have passed, I have a certain age, you can not expect me to remember every single person I met in my life - laughed and cheered
, let go for a laugh even him.
he said - Just as well, because at first I thought you were joking, then when I realized that not know me for real, I was a sadness came upon him, that "you can not imagine" - and in fact, after I apologized, told him that I had not noticed its sad.
Discard the misunderstanding, and even, in some way for me to "forgive," offered to go for a drink in a bar nearby.
- Come on, forgive me for I offer you a drink, but I warn you do not have much time because I have to run away, to finish a few chores to do.
- It is - said - well I gotta go, I meet with my wife in about twenty minutes, and if delay is better than not coming home anymore - he smiled, but not much
And then, as often happens to me in these situations, I had a flashback of what I said earlier, that is, about where he lived.
it happens, a couple of miles, as the crow flies, but further downstream, the area which had attracted my / our curiosity.
And that is the center of this "funny stories".
I could not help but to request information. And see if he, thanks to its "privileged position" in relation to the location of his home.
I knew something more.
If he wanted to share it, of course.
I asked him - strange but you do not have more seen around all these years.
I believe - I said - are twenty years that I have outside Milan, on the other hand the work back there and I found it only once or twice a month, when I can, on weekends to be with my mother and when hunting is open.
Ah! You have a hobby of hunting - I cried.
Yes - he said - "is part of the heritage" that has left me with my father as a child, took me with him when he hunts with "his" team and I are keen.
certainly a passion, but can become very dangerous, in my opinion - I replied.
Yes! - Said - you're right, even with a good team, there's always the possibility, if you do not pay careful attention, particularly in wrought night, to take one of your companion in the bush for a cinghale, not to mention the possible presence of other teams that beat the same territory. He continued
- you have no idea what my wife makes me stories, and lately, even my mother and my daughter.
But it is beautiful, more like you are together and if you can get one ... it's party and two party ... it's great, but it is not easy - he had a smile that lit up her face
Listen - I said, changing the subject and trying to go where I was more interested in shielding - ma quando sei qui, su al paese intendo, non hai sentito o visto nulla di strano, intendo elicotteri che passano a tutte le ore, da trasporto e non, oppure altre cose che ti hanno "dato nell'occhio" e fatto pensare a qualcosa d'inusuale?
Ciò che mi rispose in seguito, mi causò soddisfazione, poiché avevo un ulteriore conferma, che la "mia salute mentale", non era così a rischio e poi, allegria, poiché quello che mi racconto, unito al modo di esporlo, ed agli eventi, mi fece ridere per buoni cinque minuti ininterrottamente, nel mentre che continuava a raccontare, pure lui ridendo.
Già alla parola, "elicotteri", vidi il suo volto "accendersi", ed ebbi "difficoltà" nel terminare di esporre la mia domanda.
ELICOTTERI ! - esclamò ad alta voce - allora Paolo ti racconto un episodio, che penso ti risulterà pure divertente, nel quale mio malgrado mi sono trovato ai primi di marzo.
Primi di marzo ? - chiesi, rammentandomi bene dell'episodio da me vissuto.
Si, era la notte fra sabato 7 e la domenica 8 marzo - mi confermò.
Bene, continua sono più che interessato, ma per davvero - gli risposi.
Ed aggiunsi - dopo, se avremo ancora tempo, a riguardo, ti racconterò qualcosa pure io.
Ero a letto, al piano superiore della casa dei miei, che sta ai margini del paese, semi-nascosta dagli alberi di un bosco attiguo.
A memory, have been more or less three, three and one quarter of the night, when I hear the sound of helicopters in the distance.
then and there, there, I noticed that much, since it had a couple of years abundant, that I felt them move nearby, but mostly during the day.
However, I was awakened by my (now usual, unfortunately) and two swearing drowsiness, frankly, I sent them to him in heart
But then, from that moment, the noise grew steadily, it was closer than ever to "my" position.
awake now and even visibly upset.
Not to mention angry black
Sitting on the edge of the bed, to inveigh against those who had the bright idea to take a ride over there at that hour.
I said - Oh well! Now that I have finally woken up, I want to see them.
My wife, meanwhile she awoke, she asked me where I was going. And I, a little abruptly, I said - but do not feel those "so" you, I only hear them, "I'm only in my head?
But what do you care, are just a helicopter, as if he had ever gone before - responded in turn.
Well! So close and at night, my dear, just, NO! - I replied dryly.
After that, now something infilatomi her, went downstairs and walked to the gate and the space in front of it.
The noise was more "clear", and at some point between the trees in the night sky I caught sight of one.
But how hard I tried, I could not focus on it.
Then I remembered that I had made the purchase from a few years before that, a walking Slav, where I had come across when I was on vacation that year to the sea.
A military binoculars, of apparent Soviet origin (or at least a replica Yugoslav), complete with a red star prominently, with however, including night vision goggles.
I had taken for any hunting night.
I tried it, but then, I've never used.
My wife, for that pair of binoculars, gives me the child, even now, years later.
But cabbage! It was beautiful, had to be mine, "at all costs"
I kept in the room, converted into a rifle in a shop window.
I rushed to get it, I have a vision, as clear as possible, of those helicopters that now literally ... "I was flying over his head."
went back home as quickly as possible, and once you have found the key where I had the answer, I went to the rifle.
At that moment, I feel I get moglie, che nel frattempo si era pure lei alzata, che vedendomi, a suo dire, molto agitato, mentre mi dirigevo verso i fucili parlando ed imprecando all'indirizzo degli elicotteri.
Con tono di voce fra il preoccupato, ed il disperato, praticamente, mi urlo - MA COSA SEI, IMPAZZITO? ADESSO GLI VUOI ANCHE SPARARE AGLI ELICOTTERI? (
Poi, per farla più "bella", vuoi per il frastuono degli elicotteri, vuoi per le urla di mia moglie nei miei confronti
All hell broke loose on me but you're out, what you do, stay calm, let it be guns and go to bed. As if I were a raving lunatic "patent".
And then, even my mother.
You know Paul, I think I'm one of the few husbands at the mother, more straight to the daughter that her son, but really
continued to laugh - all this went on for three or four minutes.
But then, at some point, I started to scream really - SO BUT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE TAKEN ME TONIGHT FOR A criminally insane? I just want to take the binoculars, the one I bought THE SEA - contact my wife at the same time that the weight transfer, as it prevented me from access to the rifle.
silence reigns.
My sister, with a whisper, whisper - Okay! But you could say - once I take the binoculars, giving no answer came, as I would have definitely rekindled the spirits, and had already lost many precious minutes to my purpose
Once again outside the home, including an expletive and the other " to myself, "
There he is! - I cried. I saw him.
I told myself - Try to enlarge if you can see it better, with more accuracy.
What I saw in that moment, I wondered.
What carries, at this time then? - I wondered.
A container? And what use is he? - I asked myself again.
At that point, I also curious, I answered him - a container, but are you sure? And then, the model helicopter but have you recognized? It's not that I've seen other helicopters that night, for "if"?
was a little surprised - It is good, and how do you know, you saw them too?
Yes - I said - and that very night. But still, I'm interested in your story this, and now, I think you understood why.
Smiling, annual
Then he went on - Yes, it was a transport helicopter, you know the ones that look like dragonflies, I think they are called Sikowski and American production.
Yes - I said - I've got this kind of helicopter, I saw some flying recently.
Well - said - but what I saw later, aroused my curiosity even more.
while continuing to observe the night away in the direction of the Apennines, through binoculars, field of view, I do not appear another, but for which I could not hear the noise, m'intimori this a little because I did not expect.
And what I saw, it was all black, unmarked and without signal lights, the first, however, had lit.
look more like a model military and civilian. But I'm not sure because, I repeat, from my viewing position I could see only partially, in particular, its bottom and left side.
But that's not there. While even the latter was leaving, in the same direction as vehicles. In the distance by eye, using as reference points of the landscape that I know well, 800/1.000 as the crow flies. I do not see another pop up there in front, at least apparently, also came from the valley, but through a different path and that was shown to me but to the side.
The first thing that came to mind was, now I try to zoom in further to enlarge it and see if I can recognize the pattern and expression, if any.
I took the maximum magnification of the binoculars and soak for purchases made years before, in spite of
I saw him, all black, no markings, it lights position as the second "friend" of a few tens of seconds.
's not all, because seeing him next, I'll tell you also that I think I recognized the pattern, though, whilst not being a hundred percent sure, this was very similar ... you have the helicopters that used by the Americans in the Korean War and Vietnam? - He asked.
Yes - I answered.
Well, if they were not "they" were "they" are very similar.
For my part, I confirmed that even the ones seen by me and in that time than another, at least, resembled the ones he mentioned.
Then he went on the story - all lasted 5 / 6 minutes or less, until, literally, disappeared behind the mountain that dominates the valley behind. And I, after you've looked further around another couple of minutes, cold, disappeared in my turn, but inside the house but
soon returned, now, my wife, I mumbled something about, with regard to humidity, cold night peck absorbed and the risk of some illness, all for a silly and my brother worse, adding that but everybody knows where they are building the new aqueduct. I've also said months ago, but we can see that recently you have hearing problems, will be the age advances.
"I would have strangled", rather then on second thought, I was tempted to go get the gun, but really
But then I only answer - then, since you you're a genius, and indeed "all your villagers, seeing that I now have an" old Milanese idiot. " Explain, in your opinion, or genius, but I'll give you time so you can seek solace with others, what enters the aqueduct with two helicopters blacks, no abbreviations and without parking lights on, a clear military fashion, in the middle of the night ?
He got up and walked away in her room, I sent covertly to that country muttering something about the hallucinations due to my chronic insomnia.
I avoided the controversy yet I continue.
And I tried to go back to bed.
Continued ...
Part V / 2.
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