continues from part CVII.
"The 'fall', the last pharaoh of the assistant ...
Zahi Hawass has resigned !
I always thought, man, "rather than to protect Egyptian antiquities" (which, however, give him and act on), protection, the "status quo" academic officer and thus put the "i spoke in the wheel "in search of alternative responses by independent researchers and / or a vision of Egyptian history and prehistory, which is considered" heretical. "
I hope that the future of research in the Egyptian sands, it is equally open, that the expectations of freedom of his people.
and not to turn too, in another kind of extremism, this time religious.
The example I posted a few days ago, about Saudi Arabia ... "teaches."
hope, but really, would not have to regret.
New World Order.
(ASCA) - Roma, 9 March - Portugal gunpoint.
awesome increase in interest rates on government debt Lusitanian.
to collect one billion euro, two-year bonds, due 2013, Lisbon had to offer returns of 5.99% in the previous auction had paid 4.08%. Male
also the trend of government bonds to more 'long term. On the secondary market, the yield on ten-year bond and 'rose to 7.72%, yesterday aveva chiuso al 7,66% dopo il massimo storico del 7,78%. Cosi' lo spread con il Bund decennale tedesco, il titolo di stato piu' solido dell'Eurozona, si e' allargato a 443 punti dai 435 punti di ieri.
Pesa anche la crescente instabilita' politica.
Francisco Louca, il leader del Blocco di Sinistra, che dispone di 16 seggi in parlamento, sta preparando una mozione di sfiducia contro il governo di minoranza guidato dal partito socialista. Il Blocco di Sinistra si oppone alle misure di austerita' perche' ritenute penalizzanti nei confronti dei ceti popolari. La mozione sara' presentata domani. Finora l'esecutivo portoghese ha rifiutato di chiedere aiuto alla Ue e al Fondo Monetario Internazionale. Ma una crisi di governo potrebbe cambiare radically the scenario.
For the Social Democrats, the main opposition party, the request for financial assistance from Lisbon would be a matter of weeks.
So far Portugal has raised the public debt market about a third of twenty billion it needs for this year. Men / sam / bra
Moody's cuts credit rating of Spain
bags down, the spread jumps
The decision of the agency starts from uncertainties about the costs of the possible restructuring of the banking system. Markets return on debt concerns of the peripheral countries, all the squares at a loss. Flywheel differentials titoli di stato con il Bund tedesco
MADRID - Moody's taglia il rating sul debito sovrano della Spagna, portandolo da AA1 a AA2 con outolook negativo. La decisione manda in perdita tutte le Borse europee e fa scattare in alto lo spread fra il bund tedesco e i titoli pubblici dei paesi periferici dell'area euro, Italia inclusa.
Continua su:
Punti di vista...sotto alcuni aspetti, condivisibili...
Maroni: Con interventismo su Libia, rischio Terza Guerra Mondiale
Per il ministro dell'Interno il "terrorismo potrebbe trovare linfa vitale" e Tripoli potrebbe diventare un nuovo Afghanistan
Roma, 8 mar. (TMNews) - The interventionist line in Libya could lead to World War III.
He says Roberto Maroni, Minister of the Interior, to Padania, returning to reject the hypothesis of an intervention.
"Threatening military action in Libya is very dangerous. It threatens to turn that land into a new Somalia or Afghanistan, where terrorism can find lifeblood. And have a few miles from us would be a mess," said the Minister for as "warmongers who prefer some shortcuts are not aware of how a military intervention would mean World War III." As the humanitarian emergency, "the bank but we are likely to be breached. From just can not do it" and therefore in view of EU Council on Friday, "I will talk to because Berlusconi is calling on Europe to take on a strong diplomatic pressure against Tunisia in particular."
And yet, from another source, with additional details of the interview ...
LIBYA: Maroni, the measure could LINE WITH THIRD WORLD WAR March 8, 2011 9:50
(AGI) - Milan, March 8 - "I'm not worried about Obama, as some warmongers who prefer shortcuts, not realizing how a military intervention would mean World War III." With these words, the Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, makes the point, in an interview to 'Padania', the Libyan crisis and policies to be used at this time in the Maghreb. "Military action strong, particularly from the U.S. - reflects Maroni - would only coalition other Arab states."
"An article by the military - then added the minister - must be the last possible way."
Even so it would be appropriate to focus on other actions, such as "a sort of Marshall plan" and a leading role for Europe, which "must do something" 'cause "we can not afford to remain a cluster of bureaucrats. " One key will toggle 'still on 11 March, the day for which' program in the European Council. "I'll talk 'with Berlusconi because' Europe has to bear a strong pressure diplomatica, in particolare nei confronti della Tunisia". Pressioni volte al controllo sulle partenze dei migranti, considerato che "l'obiettivo principale è di bloccarli alla partenza". La soluzione, ribadisce Maroni, è "intervenire in quei porti dove partono. Il governo tunisino non ci riesce? Ci pensiamo noi. Meglio tutta l'Europa. Ma servono le pressioni diplomatiche giuste".
E poi, in serata al TG de LA7...
(ASCA) - Roma, 8 mar - In Libia la ''situazione e' molto complicata e al di la' delle notizie diffuse non si hanno certezze se non il fatto che c'e' una situazione di stallo con bombardamenti e vittime destinata not be resolved quickly.'' This was stated by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, speaking to TG La 7. ''Of course - he said - and not 'as in Egypt and Tunisia: the situation in Libya and' different and not augur well: we are worried because 'Libya' s here, not halfway around the world .'' mpd / mau / ss
Although he is no stranger to interventions of this "tone".
In the blog, is another of his statement some time ago, in my opinion, very interesting, although not proving anything, of course ... it's just the "point of view," a minister of the Republic Italian.
Unless you do not want to think, to conspiracy, that behind his statements, there are hidden, knowledge based on solid foundations.
Gaddafi, it is time for negotiation
bombs on oil storage
Libyan leader confirmed the allegations to the Western powers. "They want to colonize Libya again, is a colonialist plot". Three aircraft belonging to the colonel took off from Tripoli, originally two were headed to Vienna and Athens, but then one has landed in Cairo, the others are headed to Brussels. The latter would have made a stop in Italy, but the government denies. After repeated attacks on the east controlled by the rebels, the growing number of calls the application of a "no fly zone" over the skies Libyans. The Secretary U.S. State Hillary Clinton: "The decision must be made by the international community, not the U.S."
Link updates 09/03/2011:
Sarkozy will propose air strikes targeted
France recognizes the Council of the rebels
Paris accelerated after legitimate representative of the Libyan people as the National Council of Benghazi clear, with President Sarkozy urges EU partners to raid "targeted".
Frattini: "Italy will not participate." Moscow: stop to all contracts with Tripoli. The European Council adopted a formal extension of the sanctions also freeze the assets of companies linked al regime libico. Continuano gli scontri sul terreno: secondo testimoni, Zawiya sarebbe stata riconquistata dalle forze fedeli a Gheddafi. Almeno quattro morti a Ras Lanuf. L'allarme della Croce rossa: è guerra civile, preoccupati per il numero di vittime e feriti. Arrestati due giornalisti del Guardian e dell'Estado che risultavano scomparsi.
Link aggiornamenti del 10/03/2011:
"L'inevitabile decisione", che può portare ad inevitabili conseguenze...
Netanyahu: "Forze di Difesa Israeliane rimarranno sul fiume Giordano anche in caso di futuri accordi"
Martedì 08 Marzo 2011 16:13
Durante una visita the Jordan Valley, Prime Minister Netanyahu has insisted on the need for secure borders by saying that there is no alternative to a military presence to ensure that terrorists and missile attacks do not reach the heart of the country.
Continue to:
EGYPT Egypt clashes between Copts and Muslims, 13 dead
budget continues to rise, also injured 140.
The violence erupted in the district of Cairo Moqqatam
Continue to:
MOROCCO Morocco: King announces 'comprehensive constitutional reform'
09 March, 22:18
RABAT - Morocco's King Mohammed VI announced this evening, in a speech to the nation, had decided to initiate a "comprehensive constitutional reform" to strengthen democracy.
Continue to:
from now, what will arouse much of my interest, will be, the events around Israel, and around, and inside, Saudi Arabia.
"... Everything else is boring."
SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Arabia for fear of protests
Thursday, March 10, 2011 16:37
After Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, the wind starts to blow the protest in Saudi Arabia but for the moment an even entirely underground. On the Internet, and particularly Facebook and Twitter, however, is running at this time so that an appeal to the Arab people 'take to the streets on March 11 to protest what organizers call the "day of rage", the day of' anger.
To stave off the protests, the Saudi monarchy has promised to distribute benefits to people for $ 37 billion and has publicly announced that any show and 'prohibited. According to local media, in addition, the government in Riyadh has ordered thousands of troops in the points that seem more 'warm and at the risk of a dispute, so as to discourage those who hope to play what is happening elsewhere in the Middle East. The scenario of a revolutionary outlet also in Arabia, the first oil producing country in the world, is holding the strings so that the energy markets are waiting to know the rate of accession will record that 'the 11th day of March. In the case of a large-scale protest, which will be followed in the tradition of Arab repression to punch hard, oil prices could further accelerate the race in recent weeks and a clear commitment to $ 200 a barrel. According to CNN recently, the speculative fervor at the time and 'so high that large financial institutions currently hold a number of contracts "long" on oil almost double compared to 2008, that' when crude oil reached a record price of $ 147 a barrel helping to plunge the world economy into recession. It 's not clear whether these reflect speculative positions already', and to what extent, the provision of further enlargement, including Saudi Arabia, the wind of revolt that is sweeping the Middle East. It 'clear, however, that such a development would potentially have the ability' to influence the entire global economy and put at risk a recovery that is now firmly underway. Many doubts that might have an answer already 'in the coming days, how many will join the tam-tam of the revolt that for now only acted as blogs and social networking sites on the Arabian peninsula.
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"Tutto il resto, potrebbe essere, realmente...solo noia".
A seguire la parte CX .
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