continues to this post .
Japan: Fukushima station explosion
TV: there would be employees injured, destroyed reactor cage
March 12, 09:40
(AP) - TOKYO, MARCH 12 - Some employees of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima were injured by an explosion that would have crushed the cage containing one of the reactors. The NHK public television reported, saying that a column of white smoke seems to be out of the plant, which has already 'cooling problems. Shortly before the explosion Japan's nuclear safety agency had announced the success of operations to reduce the pressure in reactor.
Japan: Fukushima evacuation n2
radiation received per hour correspond to one-year limit
March 12, 11:13
(AP) - TOKYO, MARCH 12 - Residents within a radius of 10 km from ' plant di Fukushima n2, distante circa 11 chilometri dal problematico Fukushima n1, devono evacuare l'area. Lo ha detto il portavoce del governo Yukio Edano, riconoscendo l'esistenza di danni a Fukushima n1. Intanto la tv pubblica giapponese Nhk ha reso noto,citando esperti, che le radiazioni ricevute in un'ora da una persona nel sito della centrale nucleare di Fukushima corrispondono al limite di radioattivita' che non deve essere oltrepassato in un anno.
Fukushima, allarme fusione nucleare
Ancora scosse, Giappone in ginocchio
La terra ha continuato a tremare nell'arcipelago giapponese, ancora con epicentro la costa nord-est già devastata dal sisma di ieri e con un nuovo fronte a Nigata-Nagano, a west. The day after the devastation caused by the tsunami, the emergency appears that the main nuclear power. The area around the central Fukushima was evacuated within a radius of 20 km to the container after an explosion of a reactor. The authorities fear that a nuclear fusion has occurred.
Link updates 12/03/2011:
And if the situation would turn for the worse, ovverro fusion reactor core ...
Here is a table, the spread of any contamination resulting from the event ...
Now, aside from the fact that the earthquake with attached tsunami occurred on 11 / 03/2011 suffices, and this "numerical coincidence" and not a little to stimulate, my "side plot".
But then, the map of example above, it is apparent that there is anything but remote possibility that the contamination comes in the western United States, joined at the news of "recruitment drive" of FEMA and without possible neglect and consequent evacuation of citizens from the most exposed (in the already famous golf from FEMA pre-arranged time), "makes me sound a warning bell," I sincerely hope that proves to be false, 'with a red light, " directly into the brain.
And in that regard, as recited that saying?
"Un indizio, è solo un indizio, due indizi, sono una coincidenza, tre indizi potrebbero essere una prova"?
Dal link di
Presto iodio a popolazione attorno a centrali Fukushima
Le autorità giapponesi distribuiranno al più presto iodio alla popolazione che vive nei pressi delle centrali nucleari di Fukushima. Lo iodio, che fu distribuito anche a Chernobyl, protegge dalle radiazioni. La decisione è stata riferita dal governo giapponese all'Aiea.
Inviata equipe di medici e esperti a Fukushima
Un'equipe di medici, infermieri e esperti in radiazioni dell'Istituto nazionale di scienze radiologiche è stato spedito a Fukushima in via precaution. The team was taken by helicopter to a base 5 km from the Fukushima nuclear power plant n1
Authority French nuclear cloud to the Pacific
The winds would push Japan into the Pacific from any cloud radioactive pollution that comes out from the center of Fukushima, according to a statement today by President of the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN). "It seems - said Andre-Claude Lacoste - that the wind direction away any discharge into the Pacific."
"Clearly - he added - the situation is serious." The French intelligence services, said Lacoste, have at the moment "of fragmentary information, incomplete e quindi di mediocre qualità, dal momento che i nostri interlocutori sono concentrati sulla gestione della crisi".
Fukushima, in fila per l'acqua potabile
In più località nella zona di Fukushima, dove si teme per i danni provocati dal terremoto ad una centrale nucleare, i residenti formano lunghe file per ricevere acqua potabile che viene loro distribuita e che raccolgono in contenitori di fortuna, da teiere a contenitori di plastica.
Putin ordina verifica piani emergenza nucleare nell'estremo oriente russo
Il primo ministro russo Vladimir Putin ha ordinato oggi di verificare i piani e i mezzi di soccorso d'urgenza nell'estremo oriente russo a seguito dell'incidente nella Fukushima nuclear power plant hit by an earthquake in Japan.
The contamination could be more than three Fukushima
Three were randomly selected for examination from 90 patients at a hospital in the town of Futaba-machi approximately 5 km from the nuclear power plant. The patients had been waiting for help on a plot near a school, spending a lot of time outside, then transferred by helicopter when the explosion struck the plant.
really hope, that only extreme precautions.
And it can show instead, possible up to and beyond, to conceal the "bare facts" in order to avoid panic in the population, "choking the truth."
7 (AFP) - Tokyo, 11 March - The Agency for Nuclear Safety in Japan evaluated the incident and that 'occurred in Japanese nuclear plant Fukushima, level 4 on a scale from 0 to 7. This was announced by the same agency in a statement. map / sam / ff
So, by their estimate, it should be an emergency, only a "local" level.
Update ...
hope in happy endings.
"between duties and reassuring news, more and more gloomy scenario" ...
Japan, risk fusion reactors in 2
Government Spokesman, high concentrations can
March 13, 8:14
(AP) - TOKYO, 13 March - The Japanese government has warned against the risk of melting process in reactors 1 and 3 of the central Fukushima No. 1 hit on Friday 'last by the earthquake and tsunami. ''We believe it is highly possible that there has been a merger,''said government spokesman, Yukio Edan which recognized that radiation levels have risen.
There 's a risk - he added - that the reactor n3, now under stress, can have an explosion similar to that of the reactor n1.
Japan Earthquake: Damage to bar foreign reactor
Moltri leave Tokyo and surrounding areas
March 13, 11:47
(ANSA) - TOKYO, 13 March - The No. 3 reactor fuel rods in Fukushima were damaged. Attempts to avoid it, said the Japanese Minister of Economy and Industry, 'had no effect'. The atomic alarm is pushing many foreigners to plan flights from Tokyo and surrounding areas. 'We are not to panic, but there is' great concern', Ansa said a manager of a multinational.
According to other sources, there are thousands of airline reservations already 'done.
Japan calls on France to leave Tokyo
Premier Kan: Power rationing until late April
March 13, 13:47
(AP) - TOKYO, 13 March - The French Embassy in Tokyo calls its citizens to leave Tokyo and its region, the risks associated with the earthquake, including 'the risk of contamination'.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Naoto Kan has announced that from tomorrow at the end of April, the energy will be 'rationed with scheduled blackouts in many parts of Japan, including the capital Tokyo.
Ten thousand dead in Miyagi
only exceeded the limits of radioactivity
dramatically worsens the death toll from the earthquake and tsunami. It increases the risk of an explosion in the reactor in Fukushima 3. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has asked a number of Toshiba, the manufacturer of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, to take "decisive action" to avoid possible mergers on the site. Lack water, food and fuel. Another night in the cold for the survivors
Link updates 13/03/2011:
Pongo revealed by direct, linked above:
in Smoke other nuclear Miyagi
The output of smoke was also reported by another nuclear power plant in Miyagi Prefecture.
The public television reported, the NHK
state of emergency central Onagawa
The state of emergency was declared in another of Japan, one of Onagawa, after they have been recorded excessive levels of radiation . He told the IAEA informed by the Japanese authorities who are investigating the causes of squilibrio.Secondo authorities, however, the three reactors at the center are under control''.''
Onagawa: radiation at levels exceeding those allowed in the area near the central
According to Japanese reports, the IAEA, the three reactors of the nuclear site Onagawa "are under control" and "the warning was said the fact that the levels of radioactivity were recorded at levels exceeding those allowed in the area near the center. " "The Japanese authorities are trying to determine the source of radiation."
Ex designer of nuclear power plants, "Tokyo not telling the truth "
Masashi Goto, a former designer of nuclear power stations Japanese accused the Japanese government of not telling the whole truth on the situation of atomic plants damaged by the earthquake. In a press conference in Tokyo, said that for Japan prospect of a serious crisis, one of the reactors of the Fukushima-Daiichi is "highly unstable" and that the consequences of a possible merger would be "tremendous." So far the Japanese government has said that any merger would not lead to the release significant doses of radioactive material.
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