continues from part CIX .
USA: The revolution is beginning
New World Order.
The Parliament of the state of Utah, known for the presence on its territory of a large community of Mormons who still practice polygyny (polygamy is both sexes, if polyandry is practiced by women) has approved a law by an overwhelming majority of 47 against 26.
The State of Utah has, in effect, appropriated the power to coin money and legalizes the issuance of coins of silver and gold at the federal level. The measure passed, also is launching a study which addresses the adoption of a local currency than the dollar.
The news was given on page 45 de “IL CORRIERE DELLA SERA” del 5 marzo. Il taglio dell’articolo lascia pensare , al lettore superficialmente informato , che si tratti di una originalità, di quelle che un tempo si chiamavano “AMERICANATE”.
Continua su:
Quello che non sapete sulla Libia .
Eh SI! Che "possiamo sapere...vedendo", cosa succede in Libia...
La Libia "nel mirino" di e- Geos
Giovedì 10 Marzo 2011 12:55
La società Asi-Telespazio fornisce al ministero della Difesa italiano immagini dettagliate del territorio libico. La tecnologia di e-Geos per "mappare" Libya in revolt. Following the Libyan crisis, the Emergency Team of e-Geos, ASI-Telespazio, it is readily activated to provide, upon request of the Italian Ministry of Defense, satellite images and maps of towns in the North African country.
The initiative, said in a statement the company "was held under the project G-Mosaic (Gnes services for Management of Operations, Situation Awareness and Intelligence for Regional Crises) of the European Union, coordinated by e-Geos. The company also reports that "e-Geos is providing the Italian authorities to-date data and satellite maps of the main attractions of the city and the territory of Libya, such as ports, airports, ambasciate, ospedali e principali vie di comunicazione. Inoltre, e-Geos è impegnata nel monitoraggio di alcuni punti di frontiera del territorio libico".
Link articolo:
Libia, le forze di Gheddafi a Ras Lanuf
Ue: "Il raìs di dimetta, Cnl nostro interlocutore"
Le forze leali al leader libico entrate nel porto petrolifero nell'est del Paese controllato dagli insorti. La Nato fa piani per un vero blocco navale, se non per la dichiarazione di 'no-fly zone', avvertendo che azioni militari sono possibili solo con una risoluzione dell'Onu. Oggi a Bruxelles il presidente francese Nicolas Sarkozy vuole proporre al summit dei Heads of State and Government of the eurozone "shelling" on the Libyan coast, also agree Cameron. Merkel: "The EU gives signal of unity." Draft Council document "Ensuring security anyway." Already released and return to the three Dutch soldiers held in custody for about two weeks by the Libyan authorities. FAO warning: "A food safety risk"
Link updates 11 / 03/2011:
Libya: Gaddafi threatens EU
Possible stop terrorism and illegal immigration
March 11, 13:47
(AP) - TRIPOLI, 11 MAR - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has threatened the European Union to erase its support in the fight against terrorism and illegal immigration.
was reported by agency Jana. If 'Europe does not endorse, and ignores the active role of Libya in the fight against illegal immigration - he said - and as the guarantor of stability' in North Africa, Libya will '(...) forced to withdraw its efforts on fight against terrorism and to change its policy toward al-Qaida '.
JOURNALISTS: Benghazi to prayer: 'Thank you France'
March 11, 14:49
Envoy-Talamanca Laurence Figa'
''Thanks France for freedom 'to Libya'',''Merci France '',''Merci''Sarkozy. The people of Benghazi on Friday thanks' Prayer of the decision of France to recognize the Transitional National Council as the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan Libya, made yesterday by President Sarkozy. A huge French flag red, white and blue 'was withdrawn from the roof of the Court in the capital of Cyrenaica, where the new political body of the Council' Revolution of February 17 '. The faithful gathered for prayer today are 20-25 thousand, many more 'last week.
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Future veiled threats ... for nothing "...
Saif Gaddafi, "crush the rebels and Italy will pay for his betrayal"
"The Libyan people joined soon win the battle against these terrorists and then we'll deal with them all. It will not be difficult for us to replace the old friends become enemies, we can sell our gas and our oil to anyone "
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" Ras Lanuf captured by forces Gaddafi "
Arab League asks UN no-fly zone
troops loyal to Colonel continue the attack to the east in the areas controlled by insurgents, clashes also measured and it is feared the final match in Benghazi. Today the summit of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo on Arab League leader Mussa says supports the idea of \u200b\u200bcontrolling the skies to stop the bombing. In the evening should get an official request to the Security Council of the United Nations. Established in Italy representing the transitional National Council of Benghazi. Berlusconi's People Interview: "Kiss to Gaddafi? Am a Gascon"
Link updates 12/03/2011:
"Acceptable fears, and adequate preparations from overseas ..." ...
Obama Accepts prospect of nuclear-armed Iran
(in English - ).
From the article ...
official language Reflects the U.S. administration's turnabout on Iran policy. March 7, Washington Announced that the USS Monterey guided missile cruiser, whose Aegis radar can monitor long-and short-range ballistic missiles and transmit the data to interceptor missile ground stations, would be deployed in the Mediterranean. "The US has started implementing its plan to protect Europe from a potential Iranian nuclear threat."
DEBKAfile notes that all past references to the US nuclear shield for Europe referred to Iranian ballistic missiles – never a nuclear threat.
Our military sources note that one of the key ground stations to which the Monterey's radar is linked is the X-band forward radar station located in the Israeli Negev near the Egyptian border, which in turn is connected to Israel Arrow anti-missile missile batteries designed especially to shoot down Iranian ballistic missiles. The
the Iranian nuclear menace comes closer to reality, The Further it Recedes from Israeli political and media rhetoric.
The turnabout reflects the official U.S. language policy of Iran. On March 7, Washington announced that the missile ship USS Monterey, equipped with Aegis radar that can track ballistic missiles of short and long range and transmit data to station missile interceptors on the ground, would be deployed in the Mediterranean. "The U.S. is beginning to implement their plan to protect Europe against a potential Iranian nuclear threat."
DEBKAfile notes that all past references to the U.S. nuclear shield for Europe refer to the Iranian ballistic missile - the nuclear threat ever.
Our military sources note that one of the key stations on the ground that the radar is connected Monterey is the band - X in front of the rented radar station in the Negev near the Egyptian border, which in turn is connected to the anti-missile batteries Arrows Israeli missile specially designed to knock down ballistic missiles in Iran.
The approach of the Iranian nuclear threat come true, a further step away from politics and rhetoric of the Israeli media.
(AFP) - Riyadh, 11 mar - Polizia schierata in massa in Arabia Saudita per prevenire le manifestazioni di protesta che si sarebbero dovute tenere oggi dopo la preghiera del mezzogiorno. Nel quartiere di Olaya della capitale Riyadh, dove i contestatori si sarebbero dovuti ritrovare, centinaia di agenti hanno circondato la moschea e hanno controllato i documenti dei passanti. A calmare le acque anche i sermoni dei religiosi, che per la maggior parte hanno criticato le manifestazioni di protesta, sostenendo che non sono conformi agli insegnamenti islamici e che porterebbero solo caos.
Anche nella citta' di Al-Qateef, dove ieri erano state ferite tre persone che manifestavani per la liberazione di 9 detenuti sciiti in galera da 14 anni senza processo, la situazione e' calma.
Saudi Arabia, which holds about a quarter of world oil reserves, and 'a key country for security in the Middle East and signs of possible disorders are nervously monitored by the United States and other world powers. red-uda/sam/lv
South Sudan: City attacked 'oil
escalation of violence between the army and the militias of South
March 12, 9:29
(ANSA) - JUBA ( SUDAN), MARCH 12 - Militia attacked the cities' oil of Malakal, the capital of Upper Nile in southern Sudan, causing an unknown number of casualties.
The attack marked an escalation of violence between the army of south and the militia. Last January, the South Sudan voted yes' to independence by an overwhelming majority of 98.83% in a referendum provided for in the peace treaty between North and South reached in 2005. The act of secession and 'expected on July 9.
"More sparks on the straw ..." ...
Horror in Israel, endless family
In the northern West Bank a Palestinian suicide bomber entered a house and stabbed in the neck parents and three children
March 12, 9:08
Continue to:
In fact, here is the Israeli answer to "luck", "bloodless" ... at least for now ...
Cisgiordania: Israele costruira' case
Netanyahu, centinaia di unita' abitative nella zona occupata
13 marzo, 08:29
(ANSA) - GERUSALEMME, 13 MAR - Israele ha dato il via libera alla costruzione di centinaia di nuovi alloggi nelle colonie della Cisgiordania occupata.
Lo ha annunciato oggi l'ufficio del primo ministro Benyamin Netanyahu. 'Il consiglio ministeriale con delega per gli insediamenti ha deciso ieri di autorizzare la costruzione di alcune centinaia di unita' abitative a Gush Etzion, Maale Adumin, Ariel e Kyriat Sefer', e' scritto in un comunicato.
Libano: in piazza contro Hezbollah
Mega raduno a Beirut, manifestanti da zone Christian and Sunni
March 13, 13:51
(AP) - BEIRUT, 13 March - Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese are pouring into central Beirut's Martyrs Square, where the coalition backed by the United States and Saudi Arabia has called a mega-rally to protest against the presence of the arsenal of the Shiite movement Hezbollah, an ally of Iran.
The protesters into the streets, waving flags of Lebanon, Hariri's party and the Lebanese Forces Christian flock from areas of the country and the Sunni ones.
Following the part CXI.
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