Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bill Gates Leadership Style


Continued from part CX.


The terrible season of major risks

New World Order.

Nuclear and "rogue states" Iran buy uranium in Zimbabwe

LIBYA Gaddafi

advances, rebels fleeing
"Cleaned Brega, march on Benghazi

Bombing of regular troops in the oil port stronghold of the insurgents. The city architect of the rebellion is now isolated: Skip the lines of mobile phones. But many soldiers defected in solidarity with the people

Continue to:

Syria supplies Qaddafi with arms. Exodus begins from Benghazi
( in inglese - ).


DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources report exclusively that over the weekend a Libyan army general arrived at the Syrian Naval command at Tartous to establish a liaison office for organizing military hardware supplies from Damascus to the Libyan army and arrange shipping schedules.
Our sources report that another Libyan official was in Damascus early last week to negotiate with Syrian President Bashar Assad the types of weaponry required, prices and transport arrangements. After he left, Assad ordered Syrian emergency military stores to be Opened and civilian freighters chartered to carry the consignments They Had Decided on across the Mediterranean to Libya.

The sources of military and intelligence DEBKAfile reported exclusively that during the weekend, an army general arrived at the Libyan naval command Syrian Tartous to establish a liaison office to organize military support in heavy weapons and organize scheduled transportation from Damascus Libyan army.
Our sources report that another Libyan official was in Damascus late last week to negotiate with Syrian President Bashar Assad the type of weapons required, price and arranging transportation. After he has lasciato, Assad ha ordinato ai magazini militari siriani d'emergenza di aprirsi ai mercantili civili per consegnare il trasporto che loro hanno pattuito, attraverso il Mediterraneo alla Libia.

Ah ecco! Ora, "i conti, iniziano a tornare".

"Ed insieme a loro, un altro pò di Gloria."


Marocco: decine di feriti dopo corteo

A Casablanca polizia irrompe in sede partito sinistra

13 marzo, 19:22

(ANSA) -CASABLANCA, 13 MAR -Decine di persone ferite, alcune gravemente, oggi a Casablanca dopo che la polizia marocchina ha cercato di fare irruzione nella sede di un partito di sinistra dove si erano rifugiati gruppi di manifestanti. 'There was a meeting of the Political Bureau - told AFP Bouaziz, historian and director of the PSU - and we were about to issue a statement very much in favor of the king's speech on Wednesday' has announced that democratic reforms, when the police searched to break into the home '.

South Park Iphone Wall

DEVASTATING EARTHQUAKE IN JAPAN. The nuclear crisis widens.

continues to this post .

Fear nuclear emergency in three central

Kan Premier: will not be 'another Chernobyl

Foreigners fleeing from Tokyo. After Fukushima, alarm sites and Onagawa Tokai
The drama of the survivors of the horror

March 13, 17:05

The Japanese government has spoken of the possible risk of process fusion reactors 1 and 3 of the Fukushima No. 1 center on the northeast coast of Japan, which was hit last Friday by the earthquake and following tsunami. Now threatens to blow up the No. 3 reactor, which also suffered heavy damage to fuel rods. Attempts to avoid it, said Minister of Economy and Industry in Japan, "had no effect." Smoke comes out from another nuclear plant in Miyagi prefecture. And the IAEA warns.

Meanwhile, an increasing death toll: 1,600. But only in Miyagi prefecture if they estimate more than 10 000. Appeal by the Prime Minister Kan, 'Never so' hard from the second world war, not "there will be another Chernobyl." And the impact of quake on the Japanese economy will be "substantial." The government spokesman said.

REACTOR SYSTEM FREEZES TOKAI - The cooling system of nuclear power plant in Tokai, Ibaraki prefecture (120 km from Tokyo), has crashed. He reports the fire command, quoted by the agency Kyodo.

Continue to:


Japan: Tokai plant quick stop

Two of the three generators are faulty, but the third and 'according

March 13, 20:14

(AP) - TOKYO, 13 March - A brief failure of the cooling of the nuclear plant in Tokai 120 km from Tokyo. The cooling system of the No. 2 reactor of the plant and 'in operation, said the Japan Atomic Power, which operates the plant. The JPA has stated that two of the three generators used for cooling are faulty, but that the third and 'running. The reactor and 'shut down automatically on Friday' last year after the earthquake and the devastating tsunami that and 'follow.

Japan: Fukushima, issues important

The Institute supports the French Nuclear Safety (Irsn)

March 13, 23:07

(ANSA) - Paris, 13 MAR - A''major''emission of radioactivity 'and they' checked yesterday by the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima 1 at the time of the explosion the shell of the reactor containment No 1. E 'assertion the French Nuclear Safety Institute (Irsn), according to which simultaneously''explosion''in the plant, damaged by a powerful earthquake on Friday, and there' was an''important''issue in ' environment.




Straight Sidede Canning Jars

The drumming

L a modella Karlie Kloss è stata fotograta in  vintage appeal  per la campagna pubblicitaria di Dior SS 2011 n egli scatti di  Steven Meisel.


Eleganti anni    '50   alla maniera   di   Grace Kelly in the shots of Benjamin Kanarek

Wear clothes bohème hippie-chic between shots of Joanna Kustra

There is a reason for cui   questa   serie di   foto   è stata   intitolata   Vintage Chic .   Fotografata   a Parigi ,   è   la   quintessenza   della grazia   femminile  e lo stile   di   un'epoca   rivisitata negli scatti di  Rachel   Rebibo


Track & Field Brazil Stores

photographing vintage girl ... women and percussion. HIPHOP

Searching drummer woman desperately ... and ... looks just like a drummer .... women there are very few ... if you do a search on Google with this request appears many ads .. .. we are led to ask ourselves why ? ... and maybe the answer I found in a comment about a girl left on a forum where the discussion was precisely this theme:

" Women are not only good at playing classical instruments ... L 'only reason we are playing a few guitars, bass and drums and' why 'we are hindered in doing so, a casino and in the end we prefer to keep it as a hobby. In more' our career is always quick 'cause the end of 40 years onwards nobody is interested in seeing a mature woman onstage while men may still continue for quite some'"...

Then I want to mention those that have made their determination and strength of their passion to emerge and win in a predominantly male field

We are in the disk of Jeff Beck , & Emotion Commotion, track 2, Hammerhead. To take place on the throne on which sits Vinnie Colaiuta is a 'square Alessia Mattalia that kick and snare with all the upbeat and downbeat at the right point to allow Mr. Beck to do his' dirty' and beautiful work, and entrusting variations of the Treble dishes and a hi-hat as becomes almost overwhelming.

Alessia Mattalia drummer is the most famous woman of Italy, one of many talents born in Turin, which exports the name of our city and abroad. Indeed, it is also well known in Europe and the U.S., where the tradition of female-drummer is more consolidated than in Italy for example, in the eighties Prince already had a musician on the drums .. the beautiful woman SHEILA E. ..

The drumming, especially the solo, Sheila E . they fell in love with many fans making the artist Sheila favorite of all the main world.

Sexy and powerful, Sheila E. was one of the first drummers to world fame when, in full 80 years, even girls with sticks if they saw a few around.

Cindy Blackman , batterista di Lenny Kravitz e Carlos Santana. Il famoso chitarrista , dopo l’esecuzione di “Corazon Espinado” ha dichiarato il suo amore verso la batterista, con tanto di proposta di matrimonio finale.

Divisa tra il pop/funk di Lenny Kravitz e il Jazz più sofisticato,, Cindy Blackman è una delle icone del drumming, è una delle star nel firmamento percussivo.

Ed Finally, let alone like her who can play with heels LUX Drummerette

sound is not a matter of sex, when it comes to think it is normal to see a woman on drums, then it will become truly normal.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Is The Bmi Scale On Pediatric


The road as a philosophy of life.
Culture "urban" which has generated a huge commercial and social phenomenon, revolutionizing the world of music, dance, clothing and design.
This is HIP HOP!!

Heart of the movement was the phenomenon of Block Party: street festivals, where young African-Americans and Latin Americans interacted playing, dancing e cantando, dove le persone scrivevano con le rime, con le bombolette, con le puntine dei giradischi...questo fu il punto di partenza della corrente musicale.
Ha avuto grande influenza sull'hip hop anche il maestro del soul James Brown che con canzoni come "Good Foot" ha ispirato nuovi passi di danza con allusioni sessuali e ha fornito nuove tematiche a cui potersi ispirare per i testi. 

Grande ispirazione è arrivata anche dal reggae, soprattutto dall'attività del giamaicano Kool DJ Herc, e dal suo uso delle basi e del microfono per intrattenere i partecipanti alle feste. Una delle particolari innovazioni dell'hip hop, è il creare una sort of music made in house with the advent of house and techno, funk and disco music practiced by professionals is a po'soppiantata.

In Italy, it is known hip hop in the late 80's when they released their first album of Jovanotti. Some new singers are born with the alternative music movement "The Posse" - the English term to refer to a group of music - that is developed in the late eighties and early nineties as part of the social centers and with which the rapper find a way to be able to express their opinions and disseminate them.

undisputed queen of the female HipHop
producer Missy Elliott, rapper, inspiration, icon, fashion designer.
Unlike most of female superstar of the music urban , Missy writes her own songs and performs as them, and his creative spirit equal with his poise elegant.

In second place was the great and beautiful Eve!
Winner of Grammy Award ... protagonist in blockbusters ... The cona fashion
She is proof that hip-hop did not need ; be saved or resurrected , needs only touch of a woman each so .

the third Queen Bee, Lil 'Kim or

... absolutely trash, is his style though, and she likes that!
