Friday, February 18, 2011

What Does Hodgkin's Lymphoma Do


Prosegue dalla parte C .


Grecia, ritrovato Altare dei 12 Dei di Pisistrato

Vi si celebravano i principali Dei del Pantheon ellenico, venne costruito nel 522 aC

19 febbraio, 16:12

ATENE - Gli archeologi greci ritengono di avere riportato alla luce nell'area dell'Agorà, sulle pendici nord occidentali dell'Acropoli, i resti dello scomparso Altare dei Dodici Dei, già considered the true center of Athens and one of the most important monuments of antiquity.

The discovery, during the works to re-Kifissias Piraeus electric railway, of which the newspaper Kathimerini, has caused great excitement among scholars who believe that could "change the map dell'Atene we know."

Altar, where they celebrated the major gods of the Hellenic Pantheon, was built in 522 BC by Pisistratus in 425 BC and rebuilt after the Persian invasion of 480 BC It was also used as the central point for measuring distances. The remains of the monument suffered damage during the construction of the railway and only a corner of the original structure is now visible.

Article Link:

"There, where was the 'home ground', those 'government' ... and 'government' still, the sky."

New World Order.

LIBYA Libya, at least 24 protesters killed

Benghazi military patrol after clashes victims funerals today

February 18, 09:36

(AP) - TRIPOLI, FEBRUARY 18 - It 's at least 24 people dead and tens of wounded toll from clashes between police and antigovernment demonstrators in Libya began Tuesday 'last year.

The Human Rights Watch report. Meanwhile, the soldiers guarding Benghazi, the second city 'in Libya, after a notte di scontri tra dimostranti antigovernativi e forze dell'ordine. Oggi sono previsti i funerali delle vittime dei sanguinosi scontri negli ultimi due giorni, e la tensione resta alta.

Libia, Amnesty: 46 morti in tre giorni

Bengasi al buio, chiuso l'aeroporto, Facebook inaccessibile

18 febbraio, 23:21

(ANSA) - ROMA, 18 FEB - Amnesty International sostiene che negli ultimi tre giorni almeno 46 persone sono sono state uccise dalle forze di sicurezza libiche nel corso delle manifestazioni anti-regime. L'organizzazione chiede che i responsabili di questo eccessivo uso della forza vengano identificati e tradotti davanti alla giustizia.

Intanto la Bbc riferisce che l'aeroporto di Bengasi, e' stato chiuso e vari testimoni affermano che la citta' e' al buio. Facebook inaccessibile a Tripoli e in altre localita' del Paese.

Libia: 84 morti in scontri

Lo afferma Human Rights Watch

19 febbraio, 09:21

(ANSA) - IL CAIRO - Le forze di sicurezza hanno ucciso almeno 84 persone in Libia in tre di giorni di manifestazioni. Lo afferma Human Rights Watch. Ieri sera Amnesty international aveva fornito un bilancio di 46 morti. 'Le autorita' libiche devono porre fine immediatamente agli attacchi contro i manifestanti pacifici e proteggerli da gruppi antigovernativi', si legge in un comunicato dell'organizzazione umanitaria. Intanto e' stato chiuso l'aeroporto di Bengasi e internet e' inaccessibile across the country.


"Libya, the dead are more than two hundred"

tight against the events

The budget in excess of those provided by international organizations, is quoted by The Independent. Similar to Al Jazeera had by medical sources. Dispute unprecedented in the country of Gaddafi, who tried to resist by force the protests libertarian

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Ships Iran to Suez, Egypt

to allow the transit passage does not Constantinople Treaty can 'be denied

February 18, 17:44

TEHRAN - Egypt has agreed to serve passare attraverso il Canale di Suez le navi iraniane dirette nel Mediterraneo, che si trovano nel Mar Rosso ed avevano richiesto l'autorizzazione a transitare. Le navi sono in missione nel Mediterraneo, sembra per una visita in Siria, giudicata una 'provocazione' da Israele che ne ha dato comunicazione a tutti gli alleati. Ieri le autorita' egiziane avevano rifiutato la richiesta ma in base al trattato di Costantinopoli l'autorizzazione per il transito non puo' essere negata.

E poi, da Debka, una notizia che potrebbe portare a sviluppi, a dir poco, devastanti per l'intero medioriente...

Israel on high alert for Iranian warships' Suez transit. Kharg brings missiles
( in inglese - ).


"DEBKAfile reports: Israel has learned that the Iranian cruiser Kharg is carrying long-range missiles for Hizballah which it plans to unload at a Syrian port or Beirut harbor.
Friday, Israeli government and military officials were urgently casting about for a way to prevent those missiles reaching the Lebanese terrorists."

"Da quanto le fonti di Debka riportano: Israele ha saputo che la nave Kharg sta trasportando missili a lungo raggio per Hezbollah tramite un pianificato scarico ad un porto siriano o nella baia di Beirut.
Venerdì, il governo ed i comandanti militari israeliani, si erano incontrati with respect to find a way to prevent those missiles from reaching terrorists in Lebanon. "

In the case of an Israeli reaction, aimed at preventing the delivery of those missiles ...

This could actually be the ..." ... just spark that unleashed hell. "

We'll see.

DJIBOUTI Djibouti: Two dead in clashes

protest against the regime and for referring

presidential elections on February 19, 17:12

( ANSA) - DJIBOUTI, 19 FEB - The wave of protests and the first victims and 'extended also to Djibouti.
Two people, a policeman and a demonstrator were killed last night during a demonstration in the capital, Djibouti. The protest was organized by the opposition against the government and the postponement of presidential elections due on 8 April. This was announced by Interior Ministry sources said. Nine other policemen were injured, including one in serious condition.

arrested three opposition leaders.

MOROCCO Morocco: Tangier

tomorrow to protest the national demonstration for constitutional reforms

February 19, 17:24

(ANSA) - RABAT, 19 FEB - Tangier Protesters stormed a police station and properties related to the French company Veolia to protest against the charges for water, waste, energy and transport. He reports the Moroccan branch of the organization Attac. The protest appears to have no immediate connection with that tomorrow organized by the 'Movement for Change on February 20,' which calls for constitutional reforms to reduce the powers of King Mohammed VI and justice more than 'independent.

"Reforms to reduce the powers of the King of Morocco?

This reminds me of something, but did not end well ... at all.

The map of the protest

February 20, 0:23

ROME - From Libya to Bahrain, Morocco and Djibouti, does not stop the long wave of uprisings against regimes in the Arab world, which also gets to lick the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Here is an updated map of the events and the events of the last hours:

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Use: House, federal spending cuts ok

Drawing bill passes the Senate, where it will be rejected

February 19, 12:39

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 FEB - The U.S. House of Parliament , controlled by Republicans, approved a plan to cut by 14% and amounted to 61 billion dollars, federal spending. The bill now goes to the scrutiny of the Senate Democratic majority, which most probably boccera ', triggering a clash between duepartiti.Dopo over 90 hours of debate, the plan and' Room with state approvatodalla 235votiafavoree189contro.

Bce: proteste in MO rischio per economia

Trichet: ridurre deficit, aumento salari sarebbe ultimo errore

20 febbraio, 14:10

(ANSA) - ROMA, 20 FEB - Le proteste nei paesi arabi possono rappresentare rischi per l'economia globale. Lo ha detto il presidente della Bce, Jean Claude Trichet. Per Trichet e' necessario ridurre i deficit pubblici e non aumentare i salari, sarebbe 'l'ultimo errore' in Europa per la lotta contro la disoccupazione. Il taglio del deficit e' essenziale per creare posti di lavoro e per i risparmiatori, spiega Trichet sollecitando il Portogallo e gli altri Paesi Ue a rispettare gli impegni presi sul debito pubblico.

Economia and society


after liver transplantation for a month living in a car

The City Hall did not pay more than the rent of your apartment. "I was a cook, then I got sick - he says the man - now I share the car with my wife and my son. We have been forgotten by the city"


They have nothing to lose. The only good that possess Red This ideology is timed with the assurance that every night it becomes a makeshift bed, parked in Independence Square a short walk from the bar Santoro. That gives him something to eat and a bathroom as necessary. Inside the car a couple of blankets, some heavy shawl to face the night pillows and shabby. Always wearing the same clothes torn and dirty.

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I wonder ... and I ask you.

it be more appropriate, before thinking, even to the needy people everywhere, to the sacred rights of the needy Italians?

And what follows, in my opinion, there is less emotional impact ...



slave in Saudi Arabia for 15 years without pay, has forgotten native language

February 19, 11:50

(Reuters) - COLOMBO, 19 February - A Sri Lankan woman, visited Saudi Arabia to work as a maid, and ' stata tenuta segregata dal padrone come una schiava per 17 anni, senza mai uscire di casa o poter contattare la famiglia, in una stato di prostrazione che l'ha portata perfino a dimenticare la sua lingua natale. Lo scrive il Daily Mirror. La vicenda e' venuta alla luce quando la figlia venticinquenne della donna ha presentato una denuncia al ministero degli Esteri a Colombo.

Io penso che...anche se, l'Arabia Saudita, non è un esempio di libertà e diritti civili,anzi, semmai l'esatto contrario...questa notizia è, allucinante.

Ed infine ( ed ancora ), ricollegandomi a quanto già scritto nella parte LXXXVII .

Tenendo in considerazione per il brevissimo periodo il giorno of ...

- Tuesday, February 22, 2011.

And then, in what has emerged from a recent news curious, very interesting in my opinion, the day of ...

- Thursday, March 3, 2011.

The next "time windows", in order of occurrence of events more or less "harmful" (depending, again, from the point of view), they will fall ...

- From 10 to 19 March 2011.

- From 21 to 31 March 2011.

With a "focal point" around March 30.

- From 31 March to 09 April 2011.

Then again ...

- From 24 April to 03 May 2011.

- From 05 May to 15 May 2011.

With a "focal point" around May 14.

- From 15 May to 24 May 2011.

always ... I repeat, time / day or so.

"As always, 'look forward' if any events, in these 'time spans', impact is" ...

Or not.

Following the part CII.


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