Thursday, February 24, 2011

Getting Paint Out Of Old Linen


continues from part CIII.


"Upgrades ... in anticipation of unpleasant events" ...

Russia allocates € 474 billion for military

Sottomarini nucleari, 600 aerei, 1.000 elicotteri e 100 navi

24 febbraio, 18:11

(ANSA) - MOSCA, 24 FEB - Entro il 2020 la Russia intende spendere 474 miliardi di euro per equipaggiare le sue forze armate con mezzi ed armi piu' efficaci. Il piano e' stato illustrato oggi dal vice ministro russo della Difesa, Vladimir Popovkin. E' prevista la costruzione di 8 sottomarini nucleari dotati di missili balistici intercontinentali. Saranno modernizzati anche i bombardieri Tupolev-160. Mosca acquistera' inoltre 600 aerei, mille elicotteri e 100 navi.

Che tuttavia, potrebbero palesarsi molto più celermente, dell'effettivo totale rinnovo.

Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.



Wisconsin, si dorme in Campidoglio: protesta contro i tagli

Prosegue nel Wisconsin l'ondata di manifestazioni contro i tagli alla spesa sociale e a favore dei diritti sindacali sta coinvolgendo altri importanti stati americani, dall'Ohio, alla Pennsylvania, dalla Georgia all'Indiana, dal Tennessee all'Idaho. A Madison, la capitale del Wisconsin, dove la settimana scorsa è scoppiata la protesta, la sede del governo locale è ancora occupata dagli impiegati statali, insegnanti in testa, che si oppongono al programma di tagli varati dal governatore repubblicano Scott Walker. Ma cortei simili, con le stesse parole d'ordine, si stanno taking in many Midwestern cities with photo galleries

Article Link:



Istat, stalled trade
Without retail sales fall

In particular small business (-0 , 4%), while all sectors of retail, however, point out positive changes. Down the food sales. Among the non-food, minus sign for computer and telephony, sustained increases for photo-optic and electrical

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"Gaddafi, goodbye forever"
Benghazi celebrated Liberation

In the streets of the capital, insurgents joy in the rubble. The cops have all fled. The service order is in the hands of boys, all young

from our correspondent PETER KING

BENGASI - From prison attacked last Friday, the sumptuous barracks of the Praetorian Guard Colonel burned two days ago, the places of the insurgency have already become stages of pilgrimage. Gaddafi in Benghazi
post is no longer a single policeman. All have fled or gone on the winning side. At every street corner, the boys make their contribution to the revolution, directing traffic and handing out to passers-martial air of the stars torn by divided abandoned in a hurry.

But the first national memorial is the square where, on Sunday, the army fell under the lead 300. Since then he has presided day and night by thick squads of young people who, by their powerful skid pick-up, praise to a future of freedom. What was the central bed is now plowed by several holes and burned edges and a half a meter deep. These are the holes dug by shells launched by the army against the opponents of the regime.

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(AGI) - Rome, Feb. 24 - Representatives of the revolutionary committees''' al soldo di Muammar Gheddafi hanno fatto irruzione negli ospedali di Tripoli e hanno ucciso i feriti, quelli che avevano manifestato contro il regime. Hanno portato via i cadaveri, per farli scomparire, forse per bruciarli, perche' sanno che si stanno avvicinando giornalisti stranieri. I medici, che si sono opposti, sono stati minacciati. E' avvenuto ieri e l'altro ieri''.
Lo ha detto all'agenzia missionaria MISNA Sliman Bouchuiguir, segretario generale della Lega libica per i diritti umani, affiliata alla Federazione internazionale dei diritti umani (Fidh), il quale ha citato una fonte medica di uno degli ospedali della capitale della Libia contattata per via telefonica dalla Svizzera, dove ha sede la Lega. red-uda/mcc/ss


Nella città assediata dove regnano i miliziani

All'aeroporto la scena pazzesca di migliaia di persone ammassate una sull'altra. Militari e mercenari accorrono verso Zawia. Per le strade spuntano elmetti e mimetiche

dal nostro inviato VINCENZO NIGRO

TRIPOLI - Una guerra. Tripoli aspetta una guerra.
Non c'è altra sensazione nel vedere, nel percorrere questa città vuota, paralizzata e congelata dal maestrale impazzito che solleva polvere e sabbia. Come sempre, chi può prova a fuggire: alle 5 del pomeriggio, quando nell'aeroporto di Tripoli ci affacciamo sulla hall delle partenze, rimaniamo senza parole.

Continua su:


fire on the crowds in Tripoli, victims
La Russa: "Recovering Italian hunger"

Qaddafi increasingly isolated, the capital would be in the grip of insurgents, who prepare the decisive shove. Tension over the announced demonstration after Friday prayers.
Witnesses said police fired into the crowd, there are victims. And 'a massacre, reports Al Jazeera. Voices bring new staff in the dictator's resignation, and some sons of Colonel already abroad. Interview with Seif: "Never destroy oil wells. We will remain in Libya until death." The EU towards the adoption of sanctions, the NATO summit today. But the Union's priorities, agree Italian and German diplomacy, is the protection of European citizens still in Libya.
Italian ships in the harbor of measurement for the evacuation of our nationals. Napolitano: "not to give in on the landings to alarms." "In the South East there are Italians who are starving.
We'll take it," said Minister of Defence.

Link updates 25/02/2011:

U.S. military advisers in Cyrenaica. Qaddafi's Loses His air force
U.S. military advisers in Cyrenaica. Gaddafi has lost its Air Force
(in English - ).

From the article ...

The advisers, Including intelligence officers, Were dropped from warships and missile boats at the coastal towns of Benghazi and Tobruk Thursday Feb. 24, for a Threefold mission:
consultants, including intelligence officers, landed Thursday, February 24, warships and speedboats to the coastal cities of Benghazi and Tobruk, a threefold mission:

1. To help the revolutionary committees controlling eastern Libyan government Establish frameworks for Supplying Two Million Inhabitants with basic services and commodities;
1. To help the revolutionary committees who control eastern Libya to establish government structures to support its two million people with basic services and useful things;

2. To Organize Them into paramilitary units, Teach Them How to Use They captured weapons from the Libyan army facilities, Them help restore law and order on the streets and train to fight Them Muammar Qaddafi's combat units coming to retake Cyrenaica.
2. Organize them into paramilitary units, teach him how to use the weapons they captured the Libyan army in infrastructure, to help restore law and order in the streets and teach them to fight in combat units if Muammar Gaddafi will come back to recover the Cyrenaica.

3. Prepare the infrastructure for the intake of additional foreign troops. Egyptian Among Those units are under consideration.
3. Prepare the infrastructure for the entry of additional foreign troops. Army units Egypt are among those taken into account.

MO WEST BANK: Palestinians against U.S. veto at the UN

Blocked by the U.S. resolution condemning Israel

February 24, 14:17

(AP) - JERUSALEM, Feb. 24 - Several thousand Palestinians implemented today in Nablus, West Bank, a protest against the United States for having vetoed a resolution condemning Israel for its policy of settlements, voted by the UN Security Council on 18 February. The protesters, waving Palestinian flags and shouting against 'the veto of shame', have also launched appeals for unity 'among the Palestinians, divisi tra Al Fatah e Hamas.


Siria: dal satellite visibili 4 impianti nucleari

Giovedì 24 Febbraio 2011 11:48

Dall'immagine del satellite si può evincere che la Siria abbia istituito quattro impianti nucleari aggiuntivi.

L'Istituto statunitense per la Scienza e la Sicurezza Internazionale (ISIS) ha pubblicato un rapporto sul programma nucleare siriano, affermando che il Paese sia dotato di strutture molto più avanzate di quanto previsto. Queste ultime comprenderebbero, oltre al reattore distrutto ad Al-Kibar,un impianto di conversione dell'uranio e tre siti di stoccaggio.


E poi, about the two Iranian warships, the Italian version, with some more detail, than we had anticipated Debka ...

Iran, Israel: 'The ship carrying Iranian arms to Hezbollah'

They docked in Syria. This would be an attempt by Iran to circumvent UN restrictions, banning arms sales to Tehran to the extremists Lebanese - Israeli government sources have indicated that the two Iranian warships arrived in the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal would have a material edge war. This would be high-tech weapons designed to Hezbollah rockets of various types, assault rifles, ammunition and night vision goggles. The sources - who have chosen to remain anonymous - have issued le informazioni al quotidiano "Màariv", che le ha diffuse tramite il proprio sito web.
Secondo gli israeliani, l'Iran sta cercando di aggirare le sanzioni che gli impediscono di vendere armi al movimento sciita libanese.
Teheran, infatti, deve fronteggiare delle misure restrittive imposte dal Consiglio di Sicurezza Onu a causa del suo programma nucleare, e questo sta creando problemi nei rifornimenti di materiale bellico per Hezbollah. É la prima volta dal 1979 (anno della Rivoluzione in Iran), che due navi da guerra iraniane attraversano il Canale di Suez.
Secondo una fonte iraniana a Damasco, le navi hanno attraccato in Siria, nel porto di Lattaquieh.

Link articolo:


"China, facing inevitable"

Egypt and fears in Beijing. "A revolution in China is inevitable," writes AsiaNews, Wei Jingsheng, a leading Chinese dissident analyzed for the agency PIME behavior of the Communist Party of China that "censorship and minimizes the news about the Democratic wave in the Arab countries." A comparison between these peoples and the cinese.Ormai says, "only those who speak for the people is heard. And in China is all set for a new popular uprising. "

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ISRAEL Israel anti-missile system operational in a few
Friday, February 25, 2011 11:46

The Iron Dome, the sophisticated anti-missile defense system that Israel is working on for years, will be operational in a few weeks. To state this is a source of 'Israeli army. The "Iron Dome" will be able to intercept Katyusha rockets fired from the Grand and Gaza and from Lebanon against Israeli territory.

four days, the military WOULD BE conducting tests in the Negev desert, so far, all other testing was done by the company that produces batteries Iron Dome, the quasi-Rafael. L 'other day the sirens sounded in Beer Sheva in the south of the country: the city, considered the "capital of the Negev, was hit by two missiles Grand. It 's the first time since the operation against the Gaza Strip Cast Lead (three weeks between 2008 and 2009) and ordnance fired from Gaza reach this area, 40 kilometers from the border with the' Palestinian enclave. There were no injuries, but four people were hospitalized in a state of shock.

"To cope with this range of weapons must have a great preparation," said a spokesman of the 'Israeli army, adding: "The Israeli Air Force is proceeding quickly and shipped to put the' Iron Dome can operate as soon as possible. "


acceleration in making this operational anti-missile system, I think it well to give the measure of Israeli fears, about what is happening around them.

Following the part CV.


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