Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Possible Range Of Values


Prosegue dalla parte CII .


Alimentazione ed aspettativa di vita...


( ASCA ) - Rome, 22 February - who eats food rich in fiber can 'expect to live more' to those who not long ago, an average of 22% in piu '. And 'what emerges from a study published in Archives of Internal Medicine that examined the diet of 30,000 people aged between 50 and 71 years and which' were asked to declare their standard menu. It and 'found that men who ate an average of about 30 grams of fiber per day and women who are over 25 grams - mostly' whole grains such as wheat, oats and barley - have a life expectancy of 22% higher than those who consumed between 10 and 12.6 grams per day. The research 'was conducted by the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study. The fibers have properties' anti-inflammatory and inflammation, and 'often associated with infectious diseases and respiratory diseases. noe / sam / alf

New World Order.


The two Iranian warships in Port Said

The military boats had crossed the Suez Canal

February 22, 16:49

(ANSA) - CAIRO, 22 February - After crossing the Channel Suez, the two Iranian warships arrived in Port Said on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. The sailors and officers of the two boats, local sources, remained on deck during the crossing, many of them waving the local population and taking photos. The passage of the Channel and now 'the first since the revolution Khomeini in 1979.

And behold, the "obvious" news, which I expected ...


(AFP) - Jerusalem, 22 February - Israel will react 'immediately in front of any''provocation''by the two Iranian warships today have crossed the Suez Canal and are now in the Mediterranean. AFP said a government source in Tel Aviv, adding that Israel''will not give 'rise to any action''against the boats, but that''the answer will be' immediately''if the Iranians decide to act in a provocative way.

The two ships, the frigate and the ship Alvand support Kharg, are officially in mission training and en route to Syria, a destination that would bring close to Israeli territorial waters.


remarks, Iran, Suez, here is the post-Mubarak's watch

well those two Iranian ships which came at four o'clock in the Mediterranean. It is a spectacle entirely new, and is completely dedicated to us, Europeans, Israelis and Americans, staged to make us gnash his teeth, since 1979 the 'Egypt will not let go of its precious vessels corridor Khomeini of Iran, the country of the fundamentalist Shiite revolution and bitter enemy of Sunni power, if not the extremist Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda and other students of the genre. Now, however, this is the first gesture of 'post-revolutionary Egypt: since the U.S. ally has just dodged the crowd is underway, the new-old military power wisely imagine new alliances. Better not to argue with Ahmadinejad with praise that fills the Egyptian Revolution. Even the Saudis, too 'them Sunnis, have never had sympathy for Khomeini's Iran, on the contrary. Indeed, recently fought to defend Mubarak: the King Abdullah has made a tough call for Obama to tell him not to humiliate his friend. But the U.S. President 's abandoned, and that is that the Saudis new key strategic possibilities: ships Iranian made stopovers, it seems, the Saudi port of Jeddah.

Continue to: ilgiornale.it

Hamas Iran-made missiles hit Beersheba as Iranian warships dock in Syria
SYRIA (in English - debka . com). Interesting

the whole article, some news you knew, others sensed it, but I, I quote only the end ...

"DEBKAfile's military sources wonder if this message will not finally act as a wakeup call for Jerusalem."

"The sources of military Debka will be astonished if this message will not be an act designed to give the alarm for visit to Jerusalem. "

I'll tell you ... I always thought that from the moment the popular unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, they would see, what would happen over a couple of years.

Instead, all that may happen within months ...

"Ed, the old scores, after all, could also return."

Libya LIBYA: Berlusconi, Gaddafi's call

It is feared the arrival of 300,000 Libyan ships for return matches

February 22, 21:01

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Prime Minister Berlusconi in the afternoon had a telephone conversation with Libyan leader Ghaddafi. The news and 'a note of Palazzo Chigi. According to the Italian government there is' the risk that they arrive in Italy 200-300 thousand migrants fleeing from Libya. And 'one of the scenarios shown in a top night at the Palazzo Chigi. Meanwhile, games are to Libya some Italian navy ships that could be used for the repatriation of our compatriots.


Libya, killing and it is feared exodus of biblical
Frattini: "Cease horrible bloodbath"
Berlusconi: "Beware of fundamentalisms"

Do not stop the violence, the deaths could be a thousand in Tripoli. The Foreign Minister referred to the House: "Encrypt likely." And again: "Never provided rockets to insurgents, Italian anti false rhetoric. Gaddafi from unacceptable violence. Faced with this serious situation, the country is united. "
He also talks about the Prime Minister:" Wind of democracy in North Africa. No to violence, but watch what happens next. Avoid fundamentalist tendencies. "After the speech of the Libyan leader to the country, last night the UN Security Council called for the immediate end to repression. In Italy could reach 300 thousand 2-immigrants. In the morning meeting of the Technical Committee and monitoring of emergency the gas system. Time: The Libyan leader gave an order to the army to sabotage the oil pipelines.

Link updates 23/02/2011: repubblica.it

Libya: Evacuation of U.S. citizens

Hired two catamarans protected by U.S. warships

February 23, 11:21

(Reuters) - VALLETTA (MALTA), 23 FEB - E 'in the course of the evacuation by sea a hundred American citizens from Tripoli. The U.S. State Department has chartered two large catamarans Maltese to arrive in Libya after the authorities' Libya had denied landing permission for U.S. aircraft.

According to some sources, the stretch of sea between Malta and Libya are united 'to make U.S. naval armed escort for the two catamarans that should be included in Valletta in the afternoon.


Among boys heroes Tobruk
"The people will chase you"

Journey in the "liberated" of Libya between the young protagonists of the uprising on television while Gaddafi's anger explodes

from our correspondent PETER KING

Tobruk - To convince soldiers and police officers to fraternize with the square, the demonstrators began to burn with the police.
That gesture made it the first city in Tobruk fell into the hands of the insurgents. Now it's right in front of the ruins of that building that one week the protesters continue to rally, while plumes of smoke on the horizon stand clear blue Mediterranean, rising from an ammunition dump bombarded by the troops led by a son of Muammar Gaddafi.

Continue to: repubblica.it

Libya: Al Arabiya, 10,000 deaths

Al Qaeda has set up the Islamic emirate in the east

February 23, 16:49

(ANSA) - ROMA, 23 FEB - There are at least 10,000 dead and 50,000 wounded in Libya, writes about Twitter Al Arabiya, quoting a member of the International Criminal Court. The Deputy Foreign Minister in Tripoli, Kaim, meanwhile, reported that al Qaida has set up an Islamic emirate in Libya, Derna, in the east. The emirate is 'directed by Abdelkarim Al-Hasad, a former Guantanamo detainee,' said Kaim. The group would have had the obligation of the burqa for women and those who killed refuses to cooperate.

Libya: Tripoli Days of Fear

barricaded in their homes against the 'death squads'

February 23, 20:49

(ANSA) - ROMA, 23 FEB - They run the testimonials on the hours of terror that living in Tripoli in the district of Jansour, Al Jazeera reports, residents have barricaded themselves in houses, for fear of being attacked by 'death squads' in plain clothes who roam armed with swords and guns. The teams shoot to kill at random and then eliminate the evidence of the murders. It reads a testimony from the Libyan capital, published online by the BBC.


Libya, Gaddafi Zawia
Al Qaeda bombed the insurgents: siamo con voi

Testimoni riferiscono di un nuovo attacco contro la città a 30 chilometri dalla capitale. "E' in corso un massacro". Alitalia sospende i voli: "Troppo caos". Obama chiede che venga posta fine alla "violenza mostruosa". La repressione in corso "viola le leggi internazionali" ed è contraria ai diritti umani, che "non sono negoziabili", ha aggiunto il presidente Usa. Domani nuovo manifestazione a Tripoli annunciata via sms. La Russa: "Le nostre navi in mare pronte per evacuare cittadini italiani"

Link aggiornamenti del 24/02/2011: repubblica.it

Da cui...

La Ue si tiene pronta ad humanitarian military intervention in Libya. The diplomatic sources said in Brussels, adding that it was "an option".

Libya: Frattini, no missiles Italy

We are however in terms of preventing hypothesis apocalyptic

February 24, 11:17

(ANSA) - ROMA, 24 FEB - Foreign Minister Frattini exclude the possibility 'of a possible missile attack on Italy by Gaddafi.
to the minister, interviewed by Affaritaliani.it, the Libyans 'problems have far more' serious in them and obviously this would be an apocalyptic scenario and absolutely rule it out clearly. It 'clear, however,' - Frattini said - that the system of prevention are always alert and active. This 'clear'.

SENEGAL SENEGAL: broke relations with Iran, ARMA REBELS

February 23, 2011 12:02

(AGI) Dakar - Senegal has severed diplomatic relations with Iran after the discovery of a cache of Iranian arms to separatist rebels in Nigeria for Casamance.

was announced 'was the Senegalese Foreign Ministry in a statement. "Senegal has decided to terminate diplomatic relations with the Republic of Iran - the statement - We are outraged to learn that Iranian missiles have caused the death of Senegalese soldiers." The reference 'to the 16 soldiers killed in Senegal in December with those rebels who were described as "sophisticated weapons".

NORTH KOREA North Korea: Protesters, police clashes

injured and perhaps killed. Popular protest for lack of food

February 24, 9:53

(AP) - SEOUL, Feb. 24 - Clashes between hundreds of protesters and security forces took place in North Korea to Sinuiji, on the border with China, where talking about perhaps some of the dead and several injured.

to quell the protests and 'the army intervened, the newspaper said South Korea's Chosun Ilbo. That sparked the clashes, the use of force by police against a trader in the market, which caused the reaction of the population exasperated by the lack of basic needs'.

Following the part CIV.


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