Wednesday, February 16, 2011


continues from part XCIX.

Thousands of Tombs in Saudi Desert Spotted From Space
(in English -

New World Order.


The following article, tells the continuing events, for the two Iranian ships, which last week had docked at the port of Jeddah, on the banks of the Saudi Red Sea, of which I have already informed, in a previous post thanks to an article in Debka ...

16/02/2011 -
Iranian warships in Syria
Anger in Israel: a provocation

Two boats head to the Suez Canal, the tension is mounting

Sale temperature in the waters of the Mediterranean between Israel and Iran due to the mission of two warships to Syria in Tehran, a few miles from the coast of the Jewish state. A 'branded initiative in Jerusalem come «una provocazione» dal ministro degli Esteri, Avigdor Lieberman, secondo il quale la comunità internazionale deve rendersi conto che Israele «non potrà tollerare» a lungo episodi simili. E affrontata in Usa con la dichiarazione che il presidente Barack Obama «è consapevole» dei piani dell’Iran di far transitare le due navi attraverso Suez.

Continua su:


Iran: nessuna nave da guerra ha attraversato il canale di Suez

Giovedì 17 Febbraio 2011 11:00

Le navi da guerra iraniane, che secondo Israele avrebbero dovuto attraversare il canale di Suez nella notte, non sono entrate oggi in the passage that leads from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.
said on an official who runs the channel.

The Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said yesterday that two Iranian warships were planning to sail the channel through the night en route to Syria, describing the move as a "provocation." "No Iranian warship crossed the Suez Canal today. The Suez Canal has no ship of war Iran on its waiting list for tomorrow, Friday," said Ahmed El Manakhly, board member responsible for the movements in channel.


This "provocation" is over here, or has only been postponed, even in a next future?

Ah! Here, perhaps, why have not crossed the Suez Canal ...

Iranian warships arrive at Jeddah
Iranian warships ARRIVE TO JEDDAH

A twelfth group of Iranian warships carrying the Islamic republic's message of peace and friendship has Entered the Saudi port of Jeddah.
(in English - ).

"They waited for the others."

And in fact (except, always possible, second thoughts), here is the further development ...

Tension rises a Suez.

Iran: 'Navi passeranno'

Israele accusa Teheran di "provocazione"

17 febbraio, 15:59

Sale la temperatura nella acque del Mediterraneo fra Israele e Iran a causa della missione di due navi da guerra di Teheran verso la Siria, a poche miglia dalle coste dello Stato ebraico. Un'iniziativa bollata a Gerusalemme come "una provocazione" dal ministro degli Esteri, Avigdor Lieberman, secondo il quale la comunità internazionale deve rendersi conto che Israele "non potrà tollerare" a lungo episodi simili. E affrontata in Usa con la dichiarazione che il presidente Barack Obama "é consapevole" dei piani dell'Iran di far transitare le due navi attraverso Suez.
Le due navi warship, a frigate and a supply ship, Asam and Kharg, meet yesterday in the Red Sea.

TV IRAN, WARSHIPS GO TO SUEZ CANAL - The two Iranian warships yesterday that cross the Red Sea through the Suez Canal. He said today on state television in Tehran. Previously Canal Authority sources had said that the passage had been canceled, following a request from a representative of the two vessels.
"An Iranian naval officer - wrote on her website of state television in English PressTv - confirmed reports that two Iranian warships to cross the Suez Canal." "According to the Journal - adds the issuer - the ships are heading towards the Suez Canal.

OK TO SHIP TO SUEZ EGYPT TO PASS - The Iranian state television said that the Egyptian authorities do not see "nothing wrong" in the passage of two Iranian warships in the Suez Canal . Iranian officials have been in contact with officials in Cairo to ensure the passage of ships. The Egyptian authorities have found that there is nothing wrong in step, "said an anonymous source at the Iranian Navy Press Tv


And what follows is related to the see my post, above?

LEBANON Lebanon, Hezbollah responds to Barak: 'If provocati, pronti a controllare la Galilea'

Il leader Nasrallah ha chiesto ai suoi di tenersi pronti a occupare la Galilea, qualora Israele imponga la guerra Torna a salire la tensione al confine tra il Libano e Israele. Il leader della formazione sciita Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, ha chiesto ai suoi guerriglieri di tenersi pronti - se necessario - all' invasione di Israele, in particolare della zona settentrionale. La decisione arriva in risposta all'annuncio del ministro della Difesa israeliano, Ehud Barak, che ieri ha ipotizzato una rottura degli equilibri lungo il confine con il Libano.

"Non durerà per sempre - ha detto ieri Barak, in visita alle truppe nel nord del Paese - e in determinate condizioni la situazione potrebbe precipitate. "Immediately the replication of the leader of Hezbollah:" I ask the Islamic Resistance fighters to get ready for the day, if we will set the war, they will be ordered to take control of Galilee. "

The relationship between Lebanon and Israel have been gradually getting worse, after the conflict that saw them collide in the summer of 2006. A war which killed 1,200 Lebanese and 160 Israelis.

Article Link:

MO GAZA: ISRAELI ARMY KILLS 3 Palestinians,''''

placing bombs (AFP) - Gaza, Feb. 17 - Three Palestinians were killed by Israeli troops at Al-Waha, near the northern border of Gaza with Israel have been hit by a tank and some machine guns. The announcement was made Selmiya Abu Adham, a spokesman for the emergency services to Hamas.

Even the Israeli army confirmed the deaths of three men, stating that''the three Palestinians were attempting to place an explosive device near the fence.'' red / sam / rob

popular uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa.

Fight the system: 13 dead. Chaos in Libya and Bahrain

clashes during opposition demonstrations At least nine victims in the country in North Africa

February 17, 10:41

TRIPOLI - It 's at least 9 dead, 13 seconds altre fonti, il bilancio degli scontri nella città di Al Beida, nell'est del Paese tra dimostranti antigovernativi e forze dell'ordine. Lo riferiscono i siti di opposizione libici.
Ad Al Beida, terza città libica, nel corso della notte la reazione delle forze di sicurezza libica, è stata durissima. Secondo alcuni testimoni, citati dai siti dell'opposizione, sarebbero intervenuti anche degli elicotteri, che avrebbero aperto il fuoco sui manifestanti. Al momento non ci sono conferme ufficiali, né è possibile verificare l'attendibilità dei resoconti. Alcuni video pubblicati sul web mostrano decine di giovani nelle strade della città che inneggiano contro il regime.

Continua su:

Curiosity ... just a bit worrying ...

If you can not call the first time do not worry. It's the fault of an explosion of solar

Leopoldo Benacchio

tonight If you do not receive good radio or not be able to make phone calls or take the number the first time do not worry: it is the fault of the sun even if it is pitch dark. In a few hours in fact, between tonight and tomorrow morning, February 17, will arrive on our planet, the effects of a solar flare of class X, as we have not seen for five years. Our friend the Sun has played a rogue shot, while here on earth was going through the Valentine's Day, the joy of flowers and chocolates vendors, our star has literally shot the last of three flares, which occurred on 13, 14 and 15 respectively, and all caused by enlargement of a normal sunspot.

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There is an interesting detail.



Wisconsin is falling apart and the opposition runs

Governor Scott has seen fit to resolve the budget problems by dismantling the welfare state and bargaining. Faced with overwhelming Republican majority, Democrats have decided not to vote. Civil servants on a war footing

from our correspondent ANGELO AQUARIA

NEW YORK - The State is falling apart and to stem the deficit the Republican governor does not bleed better than civil servants breaking the legs of the union. And the democratic opposition is doing? Escape ... It sounds like a politically incorrect joke
chronicles the last hours that shook the Wisconsin. Yet history is serious, very serious, even dramatic. Some have already dubbed the Ground Zero of the unions. Even President Barack Obama has had to intervene in a local radio station to remember that the road taken is a dead end. Civil servants are not the enemy, civil servants are our friends, our neighbors are teachers, firemen, policemen. Thus spoke the President.

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And yet ...

What Might look like a government shutdown?
what could, possibly, TO STOP PAYMENT OF A GOVERNMENT?
(in English - ).

What about ...

"Flat-top", what I understood (and written) from the first post of "Conspiracy Theory" (but in truth, even before), he goes to achieve.

Well, it's coming "Gloria" ... at least for a while.

Remember ...

It's all connected.

economic crisis, riots, wars, famines, political crises, astronomical news, archaeological, etc.etc ...

And these days, do not put my hand on fire, even on the genuineness of all natural events.

also because the man, not thinking about weapons "semi-fiction", in time, he had the opportunity to be able to degrade through the intensive exploitation or through the excessive pollution and preserve the abandonment of territories .. . Mother Earth.

Sooner or later, "she regenerate ...

"But we ... we will be able to follow it?

Or perhaps, "in truth" ...

"She wants to make his share in this regeneration?

Following the CI part .


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