Saturday, January 29, 2011

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Era un notte buia e tempestosa...

words: my birth

It's been almost a year. A year long. A breath. And while the memories fade, I'm afraid to forget. One year because of stomach of odors and emotions. One year when I found out, despite a good girl I did not believe in any way cynically, that the maternal instinct does exist, in spite of everything, in spite of myself, mostly.

Before the year shoots and really forget everything, I would put in writing (finally) highlight the memories of the expulsion of the infant, otherwise known as confinement.

So here it is. Imperfect, incomplete, perhaps filled with platitudes.

January 2010. The contractions in recent months have become increasingly numerous and frequent (and they were exactly like those precedon childbirth, even though I had always heard that it is not), but above the belly increasingly abnormal. Even the famous gynecologist sfizzero looks at me more and more terrified of saying that speriam born a bit 'before! But he, as yet unnamed, he was very comfortable in the warmth (and I believe, who was out in the cold), despite the limited room, and came with only four days in advance.

I was convinced it would come with the snow. And so it was. On the night of January 28 and 27 began to snow, and I lost the infamous cap. I went back to bed and I said to Mr. Coppola: love, I believe that something is moving ... Ah, yes? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzh. Oh well, thanks for your participation. When the course (not completed Wow!) The midwife said when inizian labor pains if you do not wake up her husband at night, I thought, but it's crazy? Already I have to give birth, making him the less I have to let him sleep with the anxiety and the rest? But a surreal calm has taken hold of me, and I thought, better rest, and I have put back to bed too.
the morning to stomach ache and has significantly lowered the contractions and make me realize that perhaps we really, but I was not convinced, I repeat: I had contractions for months, then it could be the usual false alarm.
The husband goes to work and tells me you want me to leave the car? I mean, ok, independent, but are you stupid? Go to the hospital by car in labor (and even the snow) I seems a bit 'too much, no? I turn to my mother: Do you think these are the first labor? Answer: I do not know, I never had! Thanks for your help, 'but! And yes I had two natural births, eh? But it seems that she has missed the prodromal period ..
However, for the first time I did not really want to go out (in previous days, despite the cold and back pain I used to long walks). I take a shower to see if the pain passes, but nothing. I decide to pass the time making a delicious cake, I had tasted the Saturday before, the A pfelstreuselkuchen:
While the cake is baked in a skype call with a friend watching the clock because are regular contractions every ten minutes now. From now on (we are in the afternoon I seem to remember, but the memories are really a bit 'sfumatie times even more) diventan increasingly strong and close together, in a short time Passaniti from 10 to 4-5 minutes. I write a text message to Mr. Coppola, but nothing. Then I will say that he had no phone with it (but it seems?). At about 18 I have a hot bath, but nothing contractions continue as if nothing happened. Call

wife relaxed voice: how are you? Well well, if you consider that I have contractions every four minutes, would you come home maybe? It comes, I am a bit on the bed and fuck 'on fb with friends, just to distract me. Misuriam with the stopwatch: 3 minutes between contractions. Decidiam to eat a quick meal (both recommended that the course will have to eat) and finally chiamiam the hospital that says to go and show me.

Obviously it snows, just as I imagined in my fantasy. I am a midwife and arrival monitoring, tells me that everything is ok, apart from the pressure a bit 'low, that I am 3 cm dilated and asks me if I ate and if I want to stay or go home yet. I say that I have not the slightest idea that she is the expert could not give me a hint? Oh well, decidiam to go and make a walk in the garden (yes, with frost and the snow will be the 21 or so), during the walk through a contraction e l'altra (ormai sempre più fortine) decidiam finalmente il nome: e Leonardo sia! Torniam sù diciam all'ostetrica che se non ha nulla in contrario andremmo un paio d'ore  a casa (a guardarci Annozero, ma questo l'omettiamo, ovviamente!). Lei ci dice: ma siete pazzi? Ho guardato meglio il tracciato, hai contrazioni ogni due minuti, ma dove vuoi andare??? E gliel'avevo detto io! Mica mentivo eh?? è lei che me l'ha chiesto!

Comunque, ci fa accomodare in questa stanzetta carinissima, con lettino, divanetto e bagno rpivato. Non che me la goda molto, perche da lì a cinque minuti le contrazioni si fanno davvero insopportabili. Intanto cambia il turno, arriva la mia ostetrica, una ragazza tedesca, giovane e minuta, molto dolce e anche brava: ha fatto tutto da sola, e non c'era nessun altro in tutto il reparto! Mi chiede se voglio far un bagno in questa vasca stupenda con oli rilassanti e quant'altro, mi rilasso (per quel che si può) due minuti due ma poi mi si rompon le acque e da lì i dolori son davvero insostenibili e senza tregua, quindi mi rivesto (si fa per dire, ho un bel camice!!) e vado in sala parto! Provo mille posizioni, son stanca e mi sembra davvero di non farcela più, però lei mi dice che son già a 8 cm (leggi: niente epidurale cocca, tra poco ci siamo!), mi incita - e con lei Mr Coppola, che non  perde mai la calma- , mi ripete che ce la faccio (e io dico no, mo, and then no: Schaff ich es nicht ! I believe in the delusion that he asked if I could make at least a break), they say I do not push, but it really seems impossible, Leonardo now shows the temper that he and drives like a madman! Finally I permetton to sit on the stool and push for the birth. In the meantime, get my gynecologist, addormentatissimo, you listen to the CD that I had prepared for labor (but if it is the only one who heard it was him! Category: Beautiful Song-my-gynecologist speaks Italian it is Elvis? ehh?!? Phew, pant, azz, how? One moment, I do not feel that ... Ah, no, whatever!) and occasionally handing me a glass of water! Comunque in non troppe spinte Leopard è finalmente fuori. A metà credo davvero di non farcela, mi dicono: ma nooo, si vedon già i capelli, ne ha tantissimi (in tedesco) !!! Ed io: ma cosa m'importa dei capelli, fatelo uscireeeee!!! Comunque: è lì. Non mi sembra vero. Mi immaginavo un esserino piccolo piccolo.  E invece la prima cosa che esclamo è: ma è grande! Ed è bellissimo!!

Me lo metton subito sulla pancia, mentre mi dicon di spinger ancora per espellere la placenta, ma ormai non capisco più nulla, continuo a guardarlo inebetita e dire: è bellissimo, no?? Lo controllano velocemente mentre il medico mi ricuce (And bad, but this is another sad chapter) and then me and we rimetton breast Permit all three a bit 'lying together on the couch. And I wonder how you can pass so quickly from a state of pain and semidisperazione pure ecstasy. Then Rompon the charm, they make me get up (but I can not, I am too weak and I lose too much blood) and I bring home in your room. Cacciani the poor father, while I Permit with Leopard in bed. Are already five in the morning will dawn soon. Leonardo sleeps, I watch it, smell it, touch it and do not seem true. Mervaglia am overwhelmed and I can not sleep. It's already morning, the white light coming through the window full of snow. It's a magical evening, snow covers all the noise and makes it all hushed and sweet. Scene reaching a huge tray full of delicious things for breakfast. My stomach has finally reopened after nine months and I savor everything and I think, is our breakfast together, and it is perfect!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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chilly Sunday morning, but blue skies and sunshine.

Mr. Coppola: Consider it an impossible idea to go running today?
Me: Well, enough, I fear that Leonard hibernates in the stroller (as well as the risk of serious pneumonia vintage men for us parents). But how many degrees are there?
Mr. C.: four!
Me: Really?? (With voice, as if to say: so many?)
Mr. C: Less quattro, intendevo.

Da questo forse potete intuire la passione per la corsa del mio consorte. E l'aria freschina che nonostante il bel tempo ha avvolto Basel e la Svizzera tutta. Comunque visto che Leopard oggi sembra esserci deciso (di nuovo) per lo sciopero del sonno, farcito di lamenti, ci decidiamo a uscire nella speranza che si addormenti o almeno vada in ipotermia per un po'.
Fuori fa davvero freddo però (comunque dei pazzi che correvano, as usual, c'erano; una addirittura con pantacollant corti, giuro!!) e decidiam di andare a berci qualcosa di caldo, preferibilmente contenente della caffeina. impresa non facile visto che di bar aperti la domenica , qui a Basel, ce ne son davvero few.

Midway, when the baby seems really gone into hypothermia and her husband began to lament the loss of one ear due to cold and phalanges (and then wanted to go to run, tse!), Let 's see the signs of an exhibition of Andy Warhol, and then resolve to stop at Kuntsmuseum to see this exhibition .
I decided for once to munirmi audio guide in French (which, despite everything, if I want to relax, the only language they understand without the slightest effort of concentration is French). The show is not amazing, but interesting, at least in terms of art history and techniques used are the works di Warhol dal '61 al '64, ovvero le sue prime serigrafie. Il pupo appena si riscalda ovviamente si sveglia, cercando di strapparmi audioguida e quant'altro, quindi  finiam rapidamente il giro del museo e usciamo (non senza una capatina veloce al bookshop, ché quelli crucchi mi piacciono da matti: hanno sempre una sezione per bambini molto bella, non vedo l'ora di riempire il povero Leopard di libri-gioco artistici!

Usciti siam tutti e tre affamatissimi, quindi ci dirigiamo davvero verso l'agognata meta, ovvero Tibits, questo locale vegetariano molto carino (in realtà si tratta di una catena di ristoranti, bar, take away vegetariani, se volete dare un occhio, ecco qui !), anche attrezzato for children (playground, stokke profusion, low sofas etc). It is always crowded (I've already said that Sunday in Switzerland to find something open is like winning the lottery?), We still won a seat bench, food, a nice latte ... The relaxation does not last long, that our bustling little child has no intention of staying there that much, despite the bread that free ride to treason. Oh well re-examined in the freezing temperatures hoping afternoon nap (deluded) ...

Ah, if you really do not believe so cold, you look a bit 'here:

Friday, January 21, 2011

Why Is My Dog Stool Black

La disperata ricerca del nido sfizzero (part two)

OR: desolation!

we went there. Remember, no? The second nest, the second chance. A bit 'hesitant, it's true, but we said: It must be better! Besides the request for information sent us these documents on principles milemilla etc pedagogy. Will be prepared, too serious, maybe. And then they talk of organic food prepared on site, only fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, garden, Waldorf method (or Steiner). Yeah, okay, it's a bit 'away, but if it's worth it ...

Here, apart from the usual teacher who speaks to us solo in dialetto anche se noi le rispondiam, senza perder la calma e il sorriso, in hochdeutsch e le diciam che siam stranieri. Lei: non c'è problema, qui ci son due bambini che vengon da famiglie che parlan solo tailandese! Evvivaaaa!!! E tu, coi genitori dico, ti ostini a parlar svizzero??? Vabbè, no comment! La prossima volta che becco uno Svizzero in Italia però giuro che gli parlo in milanese! Ah, no, è vero, non so neppure il mio di dialetto...

E il decantato giardino? Lei indica un'aiuola di meno di una decina di metri quadri (quanti saranno: 5, 7 al massimo!!) che si affaccia direttamente sulla strada, senza barriere, senza nulla. Ma qui ci stanno solo un'oretta... Di primo acchito penso di non aver capito bene, sapete com'è: in Svizzero qualche particolare me lo perdo! E invece Mr Coppola appena usciamo mi dice: ma l'hai visto il "giardino"???!!! Noooooo, è quello davvero???? Speravo di non aver capito bene io!!! Immaginateveli: dieci bambini, lì, praticamente immobili per un'ora. E quello che si muove va sotto a una macchina, almeno c'è più posto per gli altri!!

Lo spazio per comment! I pannolini, al solito, te li porti da casa, tanto per 110 franchi al giorno mica vorrai che ci sian compresi due o tre pannolini, mica vorrai mandarli in rovina 'sti poveretti???
E i metodi pedagogici volevo I ask? But then look at Leopard and tells him, and with what you play with the toy cars? Cars? But 11 months I do not know your children, but my playing with wooden cubes, games, inserts, boxes of every shape and kind, the kind of abacus, above are sure to love the world, in short games of movement, coordination and concentrated, with the cars if the row still little, and it seems normal given the age, but it seems strange that the teacher and manager of high-flown the nest defined Steiner think you play with 'ste cars blessed! But it was only this, it would be the least ...

What was I saying? Ah, yes: desolation. To put it mildly, of course.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stuff To Write On Facebook

La fantastica avventura della ricerca del nido svizzero

Iniziam il giro dei nidi. Oddio, definirlo giro è un po' pretenzioso a esser onesti: quelli che al momento offron un minimo di disponibilità (una cosa tipo un giorno e mezzo a settimana, non vorremo mica rilassarci troppo??) su tutto il territorio di Basel Stadt sono ben..tattaratà (rullo di tamburi e quant'altro): due .

Oggi siam andati a veder il primo, questo nido (che poi è anche asilo, che qui è tutto insieme dai 3 mesi i 7 anni...e ti credo che poi gli svizzeri mi crescon poco flessibili: li lascian nella stessa stanza per ben 7 anni, then when the changes go crazy!) Italian - Swiss .

Therefore, the Italian has very little, except that it is inserted into the structure (a fantastic prefab do not know what dating in years) of the Swiss-Italian school, in fact when I asked (naive me!) Who were speaking languages children, I was answered promptly: Schwizerdütsch !

And then, looking sad: but there is a Swiss German educator does not know, poor girl - poor thing, he said her, I would say, for goodness sake! -. And with even more melancholy air: and then we read in Hochdeutsch (read: what the world is considered, semplicemente, tedesco), perché, sapete, il Kanton Basel vuole introdurre il tedesco perché altrimenti i bambini arrivan a sette anni (cioè all'ingresso nelle scuole elementari, che qui è un anno dopo che nel resto d'Europa, va a sapere con che ratio ?!?) che non sanno una parola di tedesco. E c'ha pure ragione 'sto Canton Basilea, volevo dirle io, ma mi son trattenuta! E l'Italiano? Ho domandato io (ingenua, si chiama asilo italo-svizzero, così, per vezzo, vorrai mica che gli parlino italiano, no??? Non che  ci tenga, sia chiaro, tanto glielo posso insegnare io l'Italiano, ma se non deve imparar neppur il tedesco, bè quantomeno che parli italiano, o l'inglese, o anche il French or English, I do not care, but only dialect I have to say, it makes me a rash! For heaven's sake I know that if I'm in a country adapt to their customs, but given a choice ...). No Italian, the teacher promptly replies, I only speak it, nor very well (to be fair, even bad, in fact, for Italian citizenship is a sewer, but if treated as foreigners have a very good level of English!) .

education? Two for all, a form ( ausgebilde t, just not graduate, but with the training required here) and no. But why not? With all that costs could not pay two formed ecchecavolo?

Vabbè, a onor del vero devo dire che la direttrice di tutta la scuola italo-svizzera è una signora molto gentile, una che mi piacerebbe aver come vicina di casa, per dire. E la vera cosa positiva del posto è che è a cinque minuti da casa (visto che brava a scovar i lati positivi? Che non mi si dica che son negativa!).

 Posso dire che son un po' demoralizzata? Vediam che succede domani con la seconda chance!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Gender Gap Index

Ovvero: quali sono i Paesi più amici delle donne?

Volevo scrivere, in realtà For months, a post from the investigation of Neewsweek " Italy is a country for women" , but trying not to make some statistics ramblings of everything (even if I do the statistics I often little exposure, depends on the chosen indicators and also the methods of investigation) and also because these things as a good geographer intrippano me to die, I am going to check The Gender Gap Index .

cavarvi eyes Do not try putting your head on the screen: Italy did not see, because it has been awarded a place vergognosissimo 74.simo, which is found below countries such as Mongolia , Mozambique, Uganda.
the first place, no big surprises come the Nordic countries, Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden.
indicators are taken into account participation in economic activities, education, political power, health and survival. Italy stands out that does not make me an infinite sadness, but it is not so surprising, now that our beautiful country seems to have used the worst.

Two data but I Colgone by surprise to be honest: the fact that the France, rich in services, and with a high rate of female employment is rather low in the rankings. And the fact that Switzerland is in tenth place. Ora, sembrerò pazza, ma la Svizzera tutto è tranne che un Paese amico delle donne, pochissime delle quali lavorano, perlomeno una volta diventate madri. Io in Italia (è vero che il mio metro di paragone è Milano, di certo non del tutto in linea con i parametri nazionali) non conosco nessuna donna della mia generazione che dopo la nascita di un figlio ha abbandonato il lavoro (nonostante le inaccettabili discrepanze di trattamento, salariale e non, tra uomo e donna, e le difficoltà pratiche a cui son sottoposte le madri in Italia), o che è stata licenziata allo scadere esatto del periodo di maternità (qui succede, e non è troppo fuori dal comune). In quanto a partecipazione ppolitica, parlare con donne Svizzere di politica is almost impossible, they are apathetic, do not vote, they are uninformed. So I really wonder how these data are taken, and how the data on Italy are shameful and alarming, as they are the mirror of the real situations in different countries, and I also love to hear your opinions on this, because this point I declare myself a bit 'confused.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

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Peter Highman (Robert Downey Jr.) is an expectant father for the first and the wife is only five days away. Peter is quick to take a flight from Atlanta to be at home with his wife for the birth, but his best intentions (I start with the crowds streaming Megavideo Torrent Ita ) are completely up in smoke when a chance encounter with an aspiring actor Ethan Tremblay (Zach Galifianakis) Peter undertakes to give a ride to Ethan in what turns into a road trip across the country that eventually destroying several cars, a number of friends and the patience of Peter.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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