Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is Highlighting Your Hair Gay

Gender Gap Index

Ovvero: quali sono i Paesi più amici delle donne?

Volevo scrivere, in realtà For months, a post from the investigation of Neewsweek " Italy is a country for women" , but trying not to make some statistics ramblings of everything (even if I do the statistics I often little exposure, depends on the chosen indicators and also the methods of investigation) and also because these things as a good geographer intrippano me to die, I am going to check The Gender Gap Index .

cavarvi eyes Do not try putting your head on the screen: Italy did not see, because it has been awarded a place vergognosissimo 74.simo, which is found below countries such as Mongolia , Mozambique, Uganda.
the first place, no big surprises come the Nordic countries, Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden.
indicators are taken into account participation in economic activities, education, political power, health and survival. Italy stands out that does not make me an infinite sadness, but it is not so surprising, now that our beautiful country seems to have used the worst.

Two data but I Colgone by surprise to be honest: the fact that the France, rich in services, and with a high rate of female employment is rather low in the rankings. And the fact that Switzerland is in tenth place. Ora, sembrerò pazza, ma la Svizzera tutto è tranne che un Paese amico delle donne, pochissime delle quali lavorano, perlomeno una volta diventate madri. Io in Italia (è vero che il mio metro di paragone è Milano, di certo non del tutto in linea con i parametri nazionali) non conosco nessuna donna della mia generazione che dopo la nascita di un figlio ha abbandonato il lavoro (nonostante le inaccettabili discrepanze di trattamento, salariale e non, tra uomo e donna, e le difficoltà pratiche a cui son sottoposte le madri in Italia), o che è stata licenziata allo scadere esatto del periodo di maternità (qui succede, e non è troppo fuori dal comune). In quanto a partecipazione ppolitica, parlare con donne Svizzere di politica is almost impossible, they are apathetic, do not vote, they are uninformed. So I really wonder how these data are taken, and how the data on Italy are shameful and alarming, as they are the mirror of the real situations in different countries, and I also love to hear your opinions on this, because this point I declare myself a bit 'confused.


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