Monday, February 28, 2011

Platypus For Sale In Florida


continues from part CV .

New World Order.



And what follows is the confirmation from other sources, and Italian versions of what we learned from Debka and I posted within the party CIV ...

Libya: British troops in Cyrenaica

Monday, February 28, 2011 11:26

Hundreds of soldiers and American and French military advisers arrived in Cyrenaica British landed from the cruiser "Cumberland". It 's the first time a Western intervention by the riots in early January. The mission plans to help the revolutionary committees in the control of Eastern Libya, to set up infrastructure for a possible landing in force foreign troops and, ultimately, to train paramilitary units of the rioters. The news was confirmed at FocusMO sources of the Ministry of Defense, which in turn was picked up by Israeli intelligence sources.



missiles and helicopters, so Italy has armed militias of rais

In 2008, Libya has faced war costs to 1.1 billion dollars. With 205 million for Roma affairs, we are the first EU country to

Carlo Bonini

Even when everything is finished, a page massacre of the Libyan may still be deleted. Neither the duplicity of Western diplomacy, nor by his cynicism, nor later acknowledge, embargoes or from a new massacre is now consumed. That page says that in Tripoli, Benghazi, Tobruk, the blood of the insurgents has been and will continue to be paid by European and Russian-made weapons stacked in a frenzy over the past six years in the arsenals of the scheme. That in Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, the bullet casings left on the ground thousands of mercenaries from automatic weapons and government militias have engraved on the back matrices that indicate the manufacture Italian, English, Belgian, Russian.

Continue to:


Transition Council: "No to foreign intervention," Rioters
ready to unite in attack on Tripoli

The EU has approved sanctions against Gaddafi. Hafiz Ghoga, spokesman for the National Council in Benghazi Libyan presented yesterday, said the new board did not contact any foreign government and does not want to intervene. Opponents of the scheme are ready to restart shipments of Libyan oil company Arabian Gulf Oil. A Measured rebel forces cut down military helicopter. Meanwhile, combine forces to march on the capital

Link updates 28/02/2011:


against the Rockets insorti al checkpoint così il regime attacca la città del petrolio

Raid a Brega, per la prima volta il Colonnello invia gli aerei da guerra. L'esplosione davanti agli occhi dei giornalisti. I ribelli: "Sono stati piloti mercenari".
Qui ci sono i pozzi della Sirt Company.
Piattaforme in mano all'opposizione

Continua su:

"Moniti e manovre di ridispiegamento"...

Libia: Iran, occidente non ne approfitti

Per installare nel Paese le proprie basi militari

01 marzo, 11:08

(ANSA) - TEHERAN, 1 MAR - 'Gli Usa e altri Paesi occidentali non approfittino della crisi in Libia per installarvi proprie military bases, 'said the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehman-pilasters. Yesterday a spokesman for the U.S. defense, David Lapan, said that Washington was repositioning its forces around the area of \u200b\u200bLibya, but U.S. Secretary of State Clinton said the U.S. ships do not participate in a possible military intervention.

Possible U.S. aircraft carrier passing Suez

may enter the Mediterranean near Libya

01 March, 13:24

(ANSA) - CAIRO, MARCH 1 - Two U.S. aircraft carrier, the Carl Vincent and Abraham Lincoln and a ship supplies, now in the southern Red Sea, could navigate the Suez Canal in the next five days per entrare nel mediterraneo e portarsi nei pressi della Libia. Il 15 febbraio scorso la portaerei nucleare Uss Enterprise, accompagnata dal lanciamissili Light Gulf e dalla nave rifornimento Arctic, hanno passato il Canale,in direzione del Baharein,ma si sono fermate nel mar Rosso,dopo la crisi in Libia

Il dramma dei profughi, al confine con la Tunisia...

Libia: 12.000 profughi a confine Tunisia

In lembo dei terra di soli 100 metri, critica la situazione

01 marzo, 15:57

(ANSA) - RAS JEDIR (TUNISIA), 1 MAR - Almeno 12 mila profughi sono ammassati davanti alla recinzione al confine tra Libia e Tunisia, un lembo di terra di soli 100 metri, per cercare di entrare in territorio Tunisia. Hardly the army unable to control the situation. To try to calm the crowd, the soldiers are throwing bread and bottles of water to the 'fence.

Libya: Gaddafi's forces take over Brega

Al Arabiya, warplanes bombed the city 'Eastern Ajdabiyah

02 March, 10:05

(Reuters) - Benghazi, 2 MAR - Forces loyal to Gaddafi have regained control of the city 'East of Brega in Libya, where the oil terminal for exports, after heavy fighting.
The al-Jazeera television reported. According to Al Arabiya TV, however, Libyan warplanes are bombing the city 'of Eastern Ajdabiyah where the rebels control a military base and a cache of weapons.

IRAN Iran "must increase pressure on the country"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 19:04

A new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency stresses the importance of referring to increase pressure on Iran "Iran is trying to develop a missile armed with nuclear weapons."

The note in a confidential document, published at the weekend, marked a growing frustration in United Nations bodies for the lack of cooperation from Iran. The report clearly been expressing the determination of Iran to carry out sensitive nuclear activities despite Sanctions by the UN since 2006. Israel made it known that it would be necessary to increase the military force and economic pressure against Iran by the United States and the West, the only thing that could stop the Iranians is their belief that the West can put forward a 'credible military option, and would be willing to use it. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has sent this message a few days ago when some private meetings, including one held on Sunday with a delegation of Congress. "If there is a credible military option, he said, the possibility that the same may be used are Paradoxically, the reduced rate. The report also stated that, on the basis of information received in August 2008, and of those received recently, there are additional reasons for concern.

Article Link:

Iran to build permanent naval base in Syria
(in English - ).

From the article ...

"two days after Iranian warships Reached the Syrian port of Latakia via the Suez Canal, Friday, Feb. 25, an Iranian-Syrian naval Cooperation accord signed Was Providing for Iran to build ITS first Mediterranean naval base at the Syrian port, DEBKAfile's military and Iranian sources reveal. The base will include a Iranian Revolutionary Guards large weapons depot stocked ... "

" two days after Friday, February 25, when two Iranian ships have reached the Syrian port of Lakatia, through its military and Iranian sources DEBKAfile reveals that a Syrian naval cooperation agreement -Iran was signed by allowing Iran to build its first naval base, held in a Syrian port, in the Mediterranean. The base will include a large warehouse storage of weapons of Iranian Revolutionary Guards ... "

" A small steps to glory. "


The drama, alarm, help and prospects of future arrivals to our shores, including from the "point of view of the fight al terrorismo islamico"...


Allarme profughi alla frontiera con la Tunisia
"Missione italiana per assistere 10 mila persone"

L'appello dell'Unhcr: ogni giorno 15mila persone lasciano il Paese. La comunità internazionale si prepara ad agire. La Nato valuta l'invio di una forza aerea nel Paese, in discussione una no-fly zone. Mosca: Gheddafi leader politicamente morto, se ne vada. L'opposizione denuncia: nella notte almeno tre morti a Misurata. Vertice straordinario Ue 11 marzo. La Russa: "Per embargo serviranno navi italiane"

Continua su:



Libia, Maroni: "Duecentomila in fuga
Rischio infiltrazioni di Al Qaeda"

Il ministro dell'Interno riferisce alle Commissioni Affari costituzioni e esteri: "Temiamo una situazione simile a Somalia o Afghanistan. Ci stiamo preparando a impatto senza precedenti su nostre coste"

Continua su:


"Solo, Ipotetici Complotti" ? ...


(ASCA-AFP) - Sanaa, 1 mar - Il presidente yemenita Ali Abdullah Saleh ha accusato Israele e Stati Uniti di fomentare le rivolte anti-regime che stanno dilagando nel mondo arabo.

Anche oggi i manifestanti filo-democratici stanno scendendo in piazza a Sanaa to demand the resignation of the president. ghi / cam / bra

Yemen, Saleh: " the control room located in Tel Aviv "

SYRIA Syria confirmed supply missiles from Russia

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 15:50

Last Saturday The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed that will live up to the contract signed with Syria in 2007 for P-800 missiles Yakhont.
A confirmation has been, always on Saturday, the Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, according to which the agreement is being implemented. This is an agreement for the supply of various missile systems Bastion cruise missiles armed with supersonic SS-N-26 Yakhont, which have long has raised concerns in Israel and the U.S. that scared the idea of \u200b\u200ba defensive reinforcement of Syria and the possibility that the weapons from falling into terrorists' hands, have repeatedly tried, unsuccessfully, to cancel it. The Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak, already during his visit to Russia in September 2010, had declared himself concerned that the weapons could fall into the hands of Hezbollah.
According to the international non-profit "Tip", "The Israel Project, the American and French intelligence in October confirmed that" Syria is acting as a conduit for arms to Hezbollah. " Yahkont The missile has a range of 300 km, is capable of carrying a warhead of 200 kg and is capable of flying several feet above the water surface, which makes it more difficult to intercept.

Article Link:

Following the part CVII.


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