Prosegue dalla Part XXVII.
And "Finally", "as expected", reached the verdict ...
go-ahead by the British courts will be extradited to Sweden
rejected arguments by the lawyers of the Australian on the impossibility of a fair trial in the Scandinavian country, where he is accused of sex crimes against two women, and the possibility that deliver Assange Stockholm to the U.S.. Lawyers announce appeal focusing now on the violation of human rights
LONDON - The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, may be extradited to Sweden, where he is accused of sexual assault. This was established by a British court. The activist's lawyers opposed the request, arguing that their client in Sweden would not have a fair trial. Assange is under indictment in the U.S. for divulging secret diplomatic documents via its website.
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25/02/2011 - THE CASE Wikileaks
What punishment risks Assange?
by Gabriele Martini
A London court has given the green light for the extradition of Julian Assange in Sweden.
Why this decision?
This is a purely technical decision. Judge Howard Riddel of Belmarsh Court has not upheld the objections raised by Assange legal procedures against the Swedes, who plan to celebrate the rape trials in camera. According to the defense a "secret process" violates human rights and extradition in Stockholm would be the first step towards the delivery of 'imputed to the United States. The British court said, however, that there is no reason to fear irregularities in the trial in Sweden.
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25/02/2011 - 11:46
Gaddafi was not joking: he wanted to dismantle really
BERN, Switzerland - The Minister Swiss Foreign Affairs Micheline Calmy-Rey was mistaken: Muammar Qaddafi was serious about his idea of \u200b\u200bdismantling and Switzerland share the spoils between neighboring states. He had already spoken to the head May 21, 2009 U.S. military in Africa, General William Ward, almost two months before the Libyan leader reiterated the request to the G8 Summit and the Eagle Summit of Non-Aligned Movement in Sharm el-Sheik.
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Assange: "A Jewish conspiracy against WikiLeaks"
March 2nd, 2011 by Donato De Sena
Ian Hislop, editor of satirical magazine Private Eje, reveals the contents of a conversation with the 'former Australian hackers.
Scherzo o realtà ?
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Wikileaks: Spielberg compra diritti libro su Assange per trarne un film
ultimo aggiornamento: 02 marzo, ore 17:18
Londra, 2 mar. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Il produttore e regista americano Steven Spielberg ha acquistato i diritti del libro che racconta la saga di Wikileaks.
Lo riporta il quotidiano britannico Guardian, uno dei media originariamente usati dal fondatore di Wikileaks, Julian Assange, per pubblicizzare la diffusione di migliaia di documenti riservati relativi alle guerre in Iraq e Afghanistan e ai dispacci inoltrati dai diplomatici americani al Dipartimento di Stato.
Wikileaks, Manning threatens death penalty
Pentagon closes investigation, prosecution and 'collusion with the enemy
02 March, 23:56
(ANSA) - WASHINGTON, Mar 2 - Manning Bradley could be sentenced to death. The U.S. military 23 years, accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of files kept secret and shot them to Wikileaks, and 'called upon to respond to 22 new charges. Among them, the more 'serious'''collusion with the enemy,''which in theory provides just punishment capitale.E' what emerges from an intense seven months long investigation by the Army, whose results have emerged today.
Cable U.S.: War on Coca Cola in the clan Gaddafi
03 March, 08:53
WASHINGTON - A U.S. diplomat unusual dispatch, from WikiLeaks, tells the story of how the multinational Coca-Cola was involved in a family dispute broke out between two sons of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi: Mohammed and Mutassim. The dispute between the two on the factory for bottling of Coca Cola degenerate 'in an armed clash like a gangster film, as described in U.S. cable dated 2006. ''You know the movie 'The Godfather'? That 's what we are experiencing in recent months,''said a businessman involved in the dispute to an official of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Tripoli, according to the cable.
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3/3/2011 - The Amazon rainforest at risk
Peru, Wikileaks reveals the illegal trade of precious wood to the U.S.
According to the revelations, reported by Survival up to 90% of exports come from illegal logging in protected areas
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Wikileaks, Le Monde: Gaddafi is not well
Concerns about the health of colonel, in a dispatch of 2009
08 March, 21:26
(ANSA) - PARIS, MARCH 8 - 'E' clear that (Libyan leader Gaddafi) is not good ': and' what he wrote in a report to Washington in spring 2009, the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, according to new documents to Wikileaks, the newspaper revealed Le Monde. 'The exact nature of its evils and not' confirmed - he wrote the U.S. diplomacy in the cable - but it 's clear that he is not good'. According to the U.S. headquarters in Tripoli, it seems plausible that the colonel is hypertensive and 'almost diabetic' and especially a hypochondriac.
Wikileaks: Gaddafi son steal 'oil
says a U.S. embassy cable to Norwegian newspaper
March 10, 14:49
(AP) - OSLO, March 10 - The United States believed in 2009 that al-Seif Islam, son of Colonel Gaddafi, 'steal' much of the Libyan oil extracted from France's Total to make more 'money: it says a cable sold by the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten Wikileaks, the agency Reuters. According to the article, the U.S. embassy had got wind of the scam but could not 'clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhether it had been stolen cash to Libya or to foreign companies.
Wikileaks / New shadow on the investigation on Swedish Assange
One of two women who accused him is a friend of a cop
Stockholm, March 10 ( TMNews ) - A police officer friend of an alleged victim: the news released by a popular Swedish newspaper has cast a new shadow on the investigation of rape Swedish open against the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange. According to Expressen
, a policewoman who led the interrogations at the beginning of the story August knew the "Miss A", one of the women who reported sexual violence for the Australian. The official has since made numerous comments on Facebook unfavorable to the 39 year old Australian, wrote the newspaper which first revealed the "affaire Assange," August 21 last year.
This possible conflict of interest that the Swedish police and the judiciary have preferred not to comment, would weaken an already heavily criticized investigation. "If it is true, it is extremely unusual," said the lawyer Swedish Assange, Bjorn Hurtig. "If the first showing that the interrogation was not done in an objective, then there would indeed be the basis for an open investigation," he added.
Julian Assange, dismissing the accusations against him, he made an appeal on March 3 at the British decision to extradite him in Sweden based on a European arrest warrant issued by the Scandinavian country. His lawyers believe their client is the victim of a car and an "abuse of rights" by the Swedish justice.
Assange, who had introduced himself to the British police last December 7, was released on bail after nine days. It has since been under house arrest at the residence of a friend in 200 km from London.
Wikileaks, Crowley resigned from the State Department spokesman
The official forced to leave dopo le polemiche seguite alle sue critiche sulle condizioni di detenzione di Manning, la "talpa" che ha passato milioni di documenti riservati all'organizzazione di Assange
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