Leopard shows no signs of great improvement, in fact I wonder how much mucus can produce a creature of 11 pounds?! In the purest I do not feel so well ...
However, the fourth day of forced seclusion of mad I think (it's not over, is now the fifth and I do not know what will go on is old story .. ) and I started to make millemila things, whereas the mucosa creature woke us up at 6.50 and we had breakfast at 8.
Now: clean house (again, but what sporcan sti children? I believe it is proportional to riescon to produce mucus that make him ...), the fumenti with chamomile and baking, prepare the meat loaf to the Genoese with laws green beans and potatoes, the recipe I took here, even though my mother pointed out to me that they do it with prescensoa, which can be substituted with the ricotta, but this recipe without cheese.
for the comfort of brunch (and for the umpteenth time, Museum Tinguely) we missed a latte made with brownies, prepared the day before
. While the baby slept I am making do with a penguin pasta fimo (but you're out? You say. Evidently yes!), To create a kind of ball than With snow, you know, right? Those who turn and the snow falls. But as they wake up is a bit 'too big compared to the container, but it's nice to come from ..
She wakes up mad as a snake and try to coax centrifuged with a carrot, apple and pear hausgemacht . And her husband la brillante idea di usare la polpa avanzata per fare una torta di cui gli avevo parlato, trovata su questo blog di ecocucina , davvero carino e interessante! Quindi vai di torta, che, devo dire, anche se a prima vista sembrava un po' troppo consistente, è venuta davvero gustosa, ottima a colazione!
Finalmente il giro di boa delle 18 è passato: quindi bagnetto, birrozzo, e pizza per tutti (solo la pizza per tutti, il resto equamente divided by age!).
at 20.15 we are more dead than alive: final round of fumenti, nasal wash (and here I do not know if Leopard or more rebels Mr Coppola, is a good match, I would say!) And a long, long phase addormentamentopupo .. .
Yay I can turn on the TV. Ah, what a strange, there really is nothing even vaguely interesting ... At 22 I go to bed with a book, turn off the light at 22:29, and I do well because the night will be even more demanding of the day just ended. ..
Yes, I know it's a terrible place, but you have to understand, or at least try it, if you can!
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