Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ati Mobility 9000(mg)driver


continues from part CIV.

archaeological finds.

"conspiracy questions on theft crafted for reasons of power" ...


experts doubt on Cairo museum theft

Several factors suggest a 'staging'

February 26, 13:26

(ANSA) - Paris, 26 FEB - Maybe I'm not real thieves those responsible for the thefts perpetrated in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo on the night between 28 and 29 January: numerous evidence suggests a 'staging' concocted to discredit the anti-Mubarak protesters in Tahrir Square. The Egyptologist and archaeologist says the Frenchman Jean-Pierre Corteggiani, for which the explanations of the 'media too' Minister 's Antiquities of Egypt, Zahi Hawass,' not convincing 'and are full of' contradictions'.

New World Order.



tense calm in the city after the battle of Tripoli
Berlusconi: "Gaddafi has no control"

all'attarreggio denied permission for the Air Force C130 Italian. Some firing in the night but the streets of the Libyan capital after the Muslim holiday on Friday and the clashes with the demonstrators, are now half-deserted and silent.
The Libyan authorities have decided to transfer the foreign journalists, including those sent the Italians, on the southern outskirts of the city. The executive order signed by President Obama sanctions is effective immediately, blocks the assets of the Colonel and his family. Ban Ki-moon: "Losing time means losing lives." Return of the West continues. Beyond what had been 50 thousand in Tunisia. La Russa: "Suspended in fact the Italy-Libya treaty"

Link updates 26/02/2011:


Libya, here are the UN sanctions
arms embargo and freezing of assets

The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution in the night against the regime of Gaddafi. Frattini: "Inevitably the colonel to go away." In the country while there seems to be a deceptive calm. Ten thousand people fled to Tunisia yesterday: the crossing of Ras Jedir health emergency. Arriving in Catania Italian ship with 121 Italians on board.
disorders including Oman where it is burned in the government palace in the city of Sohar

Link updates 27/02/2011:

Libya: Benghazi

army is preparing to march on Tripoli e conquistare la capitale

27 febbraio, 14:07

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 FEB - A Bengasi le forze anti-regime preparano un esercito per marciare su Tripoli e conquistare la capitale libica. Lo scrive il Washington Post. Il generale Ahmed Gatrani, divenuto uno tra i principali leader della protesta, ha affermato che diverse unita', composte da ribelli e militari che sono passati dalla parte degli anti-governativi, sono gia' arrivate nei pressi della capitale, e che un tentativo di prendere la citta' venerdi' scorso e' stato respinto dalle forze fedeli al rais.

Penso che questa notizia, sia "figlia" di quella tratta da Debka nel post (parte) precedente...

E quindi, a "conferma", almeno in part, in what it said.

Qaddafi's air force is again up and ferrying fresh troops to Defend Tripoli Gaddafi
The Air Force still flies and is carrying FRESH TROOPS TO DEFEND TRIPOLI
(in English - ).


Among the rebels besieging Tripoli avenge our dead "

Boys and deserters in the ruins of Zawiya:" At the end of fall. "Around the village there are the checkpoints of the militias that still maintain Gaddafi . I could not bear this regime. "final battle

Ready to Continue to:


With the insurgents of Cyrenaica
"break down the monster

From Benghazi to march on the capital. "Now we come to the country's future." Among those points of view on a possible intervention by the West. Provisional executive, composed of all cities "liberated"

Continue to:


Saudi Arabia: Shia

new protest in oil areas on the border with Bahrain

February 26, 14: 03

(ANSA) - DUBAI, 26 FEB - New Shiites protest in the eastern provinces of Saudi Arabia on the border with oil-rich Bahrain. The witnesses said. This is the second event, after that of 19 February, demanding the release of some arrested comrades. The authorities 'have already' released three prisoners after a protest last week. The event was' held on Thursday 'night in Qatif, the main city' of the Shiite province.


Urban warfare center in Tunis

order forces used tear gas, stone-throwing demonstrators

February 26, 17:54

(ANSA) - TUNIS, 26 FEB - Violent clashes between police and protesters in downtown Tunis. The air and 'almost unbearable because of the tear gas fired by security forces in an attempt to disperse the demonstrators, mostly young, responding with the launch of stones. The shops are closed and the movement of cars and 'almost' impossible. Eyewitnesses report that the protesters are demonstrating 'armed' with bags and bags full of stones.


February 25, 2011 18:54

(AGI) Vienna - Iran has increased its stocks of enriched uranium and a lack of cooperation with international inspectors to prevent who can certify that its nuclear program has only peaceful purposes. These are the main conclusions of a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency that has developed Tehehran 43.6 kg of highly enriched uranium dal febbraio 2010 e 3,61 tonnellate di uranio a basso grado di raffinazione. Resta aperto il sospetto che Teheran stia lavorando allo sviluppo di un missile balistico in grado di trasportare una testata atomica .

Iran: nuovi problemi al reattore di Bushehr, possibile sabotaggio

26 febbraio, ore 10:16

New York, 26 feb. (Adnkronos) - L'Iran ha ammesso gravi problemi di funzionamento del reattore nucleare di Bushehr che avrebbe dovuto iniziare a produrre energia elettrica in febbraio. Le autorita' iraniane hanno riferito agli ispettori dell'Aiea (Agenzia internazionale per l'energia atomica) che dovranno rimuovere 163 barre di combustibile nucleare dal reattore. Il riferimento e' contenuto nel rapporto appena diffuso IAEA, which accuses Iran of not responding to requests relating to possible military dimensions of its nuclear program.


February 26, 2011 17:26

(AGI) Damascus - Syria and Iran have reached an agreement after the training naval port, Thursday ' last two Iranian ships in a Syrian port. It 'as reported by the National News Agency of Iran. The agreement strengthens the bond between the two countries, both hostile to Israel, and it 'strategic Tehran is interested in growing its influence to other Middle Eastern states.


Complain touches Oman, killed demonstrators

The police opened fire on demonstrators in Sohar

February 27, 14:03

MASKS - Police opened fire on demonstrators in Sohar, Oman, shooting rubber bullets. According to witnesses, two protesters were killed.

GOVERNMENT BUILDING COMMISSIONER IN FLAMES - The palace of the government and the police station in Sohar are on fire.
witnesses said. Today, the city was the scene of a demonstration to demand new reforms resulted in blood: two demonstrators were killed when police fired rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.

CLASHES Sohar, POLICE FIRE TEAR - Scontri a Sohar, in Oman, tra i dimostranti e la polizia, che ha usato i lacrimogeni per disperdere la folla che lanciava sassi. Lo riferiscono testimoni. I dimostranti chiedono riforme, e per il secondo giorno si sono radunati in piazza. Altre proteste sono in corso nella città meridionale di Salalah, dove i manifestanti si sono accampati da venerdì davanti all'ufficio del governatore provinciale.


(ASCA-AFP) - Sohar, 28 feb - L'ondata di proteste che sta attraversando tutto il mondo arabo si estende anche ad Oman, stato asiatico situato nella porzione sud-orientale della penisola arabica.
Circa un migliaio di manifestanti, scesi in piazza per chiedere riforme politiche, posti di lavoro e una migliore retribuzione, hanno bloccato la strada che porta alla cittadina costiera di Sohar, dove si trova il principale porto di esportazione.
Bloccato anche l'incrocio stradale di Terra Roundabout, importante punto di snodo, bruciata una stazione di polizia e due uffici pubblici.

Secondo quanto riportato dalle autorita' locali, gli scontri tra dimostranti e truppe del sultanato, cominciati lo scorso sabato, hanno gia' causato la morte di due rivoltosi.

Mentre i manifestanti antigovernativi parlano di ''almeno ci cinque persone uccise''.

Un ufficiale della sicurezza riferisce inoltre che i manifestanti ''hanno attaccato una stazione di polizia'' e le truppe locali ''hanno risposto lanciando gas lacrimogeni e sparando proiettili di gomma''.

L'agenzia di stampa Ona scrive invece di un supermercato dato alle fiamme e un incendio nella casa del governatore di Sohar. red/sam/alf


Yemen: Presidente, Resisterò fino all'ultima goccia di sangue

27 febbraio, 15:44

SANAA - Il presidente yemenita Ali Abdallah Saleh, contestato dallo scorso 27 gennaio da manifestanti che chiedono lasci il potere, ha dichiarato oggi la sua intenzione di difendere "il regime repubblicano" fino "all'ultima goccia di sangue".

La situazione appare però sempre più dramatic, with the violent crackdown on last night in Aden (south) where at least three people were killed, and the sit-in students who continue in the capital Sanaa Taeza opposite the university and in the south, the city's main square . Saleh spoke today to the military leaders and policemen, accusing the opposition of not wanting to take seriously his proposal for dialogue: the South wanting to "divide the Yemen," the rebels Northerners trying to reinstate the monarchy abolished in 1962. "Our nation - said the president - facing enormous difficulties for four years and we are trying to address them by democratic means and through dialogue with all political leaders. ... But in vain There is a conspiracy against the unity and territorial integrity of the Republic of Yemen and we, along with the armed forces, we have sworn to defend the republican regime and territorial integrity of Yemen to the last drop of our blood. "Not the least problem in Yemen, there is a that the al Qaida terrorist organization is well established in the south-east of the country and fan the flames of any protest.

IVORY COAST Ivory Coast: UN Security Council

political crisis has caused riots exodus and bloody civil

February 28, 8:42

(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 28 FEB - The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, has called for an emergency meeting today Security Council on the situation of the United Nations Côte d'Ivoire, where the political crisis underway in the country has caused bloodshed and the exodus of civilians.

In particular, it is suspected that one of the parties in conflict has received an illegal supply of weapons.

E "Agents of Chaos", make that the "tentacles of the New World Order", you lengthen more and more deeply, even in Africa.

Following the part CVI.


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