Monday, February 28, 2011

Citalopram Leave System

Una lunga domenica malaticcia..

Leopard shows no signs of great improvement, in fact I wonder how much mucus can produce a creature of 11 pounds?! In the purest I do not feel so well ...

However, the fourth day of forced seclusion of mad I think (it's not over, is now the fifth and I do not know what will go on is old story .. ) and I started to make millemila things, whereas the mucosa creature woke us up at 6.50 and we had breakfast at 8.

Now: clean house (again, but what sporcan sti children? I believe it is proportional to riescon to produce mucus that make him ...), the fumenti with chamomile and baking, prepare the meat loaf to the Genoese with laws green beans and potatoes, the recipe I took here, even though my mother pointed out to me that they do it with prescensoa, which can be substituted with the ricotta, but this recipe without cheese.

for the comfort of brunch (and for the umpteenth time, Museum Tinguely) we missed a latte made with brownies, prepared the day before
. While the baby slept I am making do with a penguin pasta fimo (but you're out? You say. Evidently yes!), To create a kind of ball than With snow, you know, right? Those who turn and the snow falls. But as they wake up is a bit 'too big compared to the container, but it's nice to come from ..

She wakes up mad as a snake and try to coax centrifuged with a carrot, apple and pear hausgemacht . And her husband la brillante idea di usare la polpa avanzata per fare una torta di cui gli avevo parlato, trovata su questo  blog di ecocucina , davvero carino e interessante! Quindi vai di torta, che, devo dire, anche se a prima vista sembrava un po' troppo consistente, è venuta davvero gustosa, ottima a colazione! 

Finalmente il giro di boa delle 18 è passato: quindi bagnetto, birrozzo, e pizza per tutti (solo la pizza per tutti, il resto equamente divided by age!).
at 20.15 we are more dead than alive: final round of fumenti, nasal wash (and here I do not know if Leopard or more rebels Mr Coppola, is a good match, I would say!) And a long, long phase addormentamentopupo .. .

Yay I can turn on the TV. Ah, what a strange, there really is nothing even vaguely interesting ... At 22 I go to bed with a book, turn off the light at 22:29, and I do well because the night will be even more demanding of the day just ended. ..
Yes, I know it's a terrible place, but you have to understand, or at least try it, if you can!


Platypus For Sale In Florida


continues from part CV .

New World Order.



And what follows is the confirmation from other sources, and Italian versions of what we learned from Debka and I posted within the party CIV ...

Libya: British troops in Cyrenaica

Monday, February 28, 2011 11:26

Hundreds of soldiers and American and French military advisers arrived in Cyrenaica British landed from the cruiser "Cumberland". It 's the first time a Western intervention by the riots in early January. The mission plans to help the revolutionary committees in the control of Eastern Libya, to set up infrastructure for a possible landing in force foreign troops and, ultimately, to train paramilitary units of the rioters. The news was confirmed at FocusMO sources of the Ministry of Defense, which in turn was picked up by Israeli intelligence sources.



missiles and helicopters, so Italy has armed militias of rais

In 2008, Libya has faced war costs to 1.1 billion dollars. With 205 million for Roma affairs, we are the first EU country to

Carlo Bonini

Even when everything is finished, a page massacre of the Libyan may still be deleted. Neither the duplicity of Western diplomacy, nor by his cynicism, nor later acknowledge, embargoes or from a new massacre is now consumed. That page says that in Tripoli, Benghazi, Tobruk, the blood of the insurgents has been and will continue to be paid by European and Russian-made weapons stacked in a frenzy over the past six years in the arsenals of the scheme. That in Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, the bullet casings left on the ground thousands of mercenaries from automatic weapons and government militias have engraved on the back matrices that indicate the manufacture Italian, English, Belgian, Russian.

Continue to:


Transition Council: "No to foreign intervention," Rioters
ready to unite in attack on Tripoli

The EU has approved sanctions against Gaddafi. Hafiz Ghoga, spokesman for the National Council in Benghazi Libyan presented yesterday, said the new board did not contact any foreign government and does not want to intervene. Opponents of the scheme are ready to restart shipments of Libyan oil company Arabian Gulf Oil. A Measured rebel forces cut down military helicopter. Meanwhile, combine forces to march on the capital

Link updates 28/02/2011:


against the Rockets insorti al checkpoint così il regime attacca la città del petrolio

Raid a Brega, per la prima volta il Colonnello invia gli aerei da guerra. L'esplosione davanti agli occhi dei giornalisti. I ribelli: "Sono stati piloti mercenari".
Qui ci sono i pozzi della Sirt Company.
Piattaforme in mano all'opposizione

Continua su:

"Moniti e manovre di ridispiegamento"...

Libia: Iran, occidente non ne approfitti

Per installare nel Paese le proprie basi militari

01 marzo, 11:08

(ANSA) - TEHERAN, 1 MAR - 'Gli Usa e altri Paesi occidentali non approfittino della crisi in Libia per installarvi proprie military bases, 'said the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehman-pilasters. Yesterday a spokesman for the U.S. defense, David Lapan, said that Washington was repositioning its forces around the area of \u200b\u200bLibya, but U.S. Secretary of State Clinton said the U.S. ships do not participate in a possible military intervention.

Possible U.S. aircraft carrier passing Suez

may enter the Mediterranean near Libya

01 March, 13:24

(ANSA) - CAIRO, MARCH 1 - Two U.S. aircraft carrier, the Carl Vincent and Abraham Lincoln and a ship supplies, now in the southern Red Sea, could navigate the Suez Canal in the next five days per entrare nel mediterraneo e portarsi nei pressi della Libia. Il 15 febbraio scorso la portaerei nucleare Uss Enterprise, accompagnata dal lanciamissili Light Gulf e dalla nave rifornimento Arctic, hanno passato il Canale,in direzione del Baharein,ma si sono fermate nel mar Rosso,dopo la crisi in Libia

Il dramma dei profughi, al confine con la Tunisia...

Libia: 12.000 profughi a confine Tunisia

In lembo dei terra di soli 100 metri, critica la situazione

01 marzo, 15:57

(ANSA) - RAS JEDIR (TUNISIA), 1 MAR - Almeno 12 mila profughi sono ammassati davanti alla recinzione al confine tra Libia e Tunisia, un lembo di terra di soli 100 metri, per cercare di entrare in territorio Tunisia. Hardly the army unable to control the situation. To try to calm the crowd, the soldiers are throwing bread and bottles of water to the 'fence.

Libya: Gaddafi's forces take over Brega

Al Arabiya, warplanes bombed the city 'Eastern Ajdabiyah

02 March, 10:05

(Reuters) - Benghazi, 2 MAR - Forces loyal to Gaddafi have regained control of the city 'East of Brega in Libya, where the oil terminal for exports, after heavy fighting.
The al-Jazeera television reported. According to Al Arabiya TV, however, Libyan warplanes are bombing the city 'of Eastern Ajdabiyah where the rebels control a military base and a cache of weapons.

IRAN Iran "must increase pressure on the country"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 19:04

A new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency stresses the importance of referring to increase pressure on Iran "Iran is trying to develop a missile armed with nuclear weapons."

The note in a confidential document, published at the weekend, marked a growing frustration in United Nations bodies for the lack of cooperation from Iran. The report clearly been expressing the determination of Iran to carry out sensitive nuclear activities despite Sanctions by the UN since 2006. Israel made it known that it would be necessary to increase the military force and economic pressure against Iran by the United States and the West, the only thing that could stop the Iranians is their belief that the West can put forward a 'credible military option, and would be willing to use it. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has sent this message a few days ago when some private meetings, including one held on Sunday with a delegation of Congress. "If there is a credible military option, he said, the possibility that the same may be used are Paradoxically, the reduced rate. The report also stated that, on the basis of information received in August 2008, and of those received recently, there are additional reasons for concern.

Article Link:

Iran to build permanent naval base in Syria
(in English - ).

From the article ...

"two days after Iranian warships Reached the Syrian port of Latakia via the Suez Canal, Friday, Feb. 25, an Iranian-Syrian naval Cooperation accord signed Was Providing for Iran to build ITS first Mediterranean naval base at the Syrian port, DEBKAfile's military and Iranian sources reveal. The base will include a Iranian Revolutionary Guards large weapons depot stocked ... "

" two days after Friday, February 25, when two Iranian ships have reached the Syrian port of Lakatia, through its military and Iranian sources DEBKAfile reveals that a Syrian naval cooperation agreement -Iran was signed by allowing Iran to build its first naval base, held in a Syrian port, in the Mediterranean. The base will include a large warehouse storage of weapons of Iranian Revolutionary Guards ... "

" A small steps to glory. "


The drama, alarm, help and prospects of future arrivals to our shores, including from the "point of view of the fight al terrorismo islamico"...


Allarme profughi alla frontiera con la Tunisia
"Missione italiana per assistere 10 mila persone"

L'appello dell'Unhcr: ogni giorno 15mila persone lasciano il Paese. La comunità internazionale si prepara ad agire. La Nato valuta l'invio di una forza aerea nel Paese, in discussione una no-fly zone. Mosca: Gheddafi leader politicamente morto, se ne vada. L'opposizione denuncia: nella notte almeno tre morti a Misurata. Vertice straordinario Ue 11 marzo. La Russa: "Per embargo serviranno navi italiane"

Continua su:



Libia, Maroni: "Duecentomila in fuga
Rischio infiltrazioni di Al Qaeda"

Il ministro dell'Interno riferisce alle Commissioni Affari costituzioni e esteri: "Temiamo una situazione simile a Somalia o Afghanistan. Ci stiamo preparando a impatto senza precedenti su nostre coste"

Continua su:


"Solo, Ipotetici Complotti" ? ...


(ASCA-AFP) - Sanaa, 1 mar - Il presidente yemenita Ali Abdullah Saleh ha accusato Israele e Stati Uniti di fomentare le rivolte anti-regime che stanno dilagando nel mondo arabo.

Anche oggi i manifestanti filo-democratici stanno scendendo in piazza a Sanaa to demand the resignation of the president. ghi / cam / bra

Yemen, Saleh: " the control room located in Tel Aviv "

SYRIA Syria confirmed supply missiles from Russia

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 15:50

Last Saturday The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed that will live up to the contract signed with Syria in 2007 for P-800 missiles Yakhont.
A confirmation has been, always on Saturday, the Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, according to which the agreement is being implemented. This is an agreement for the supply of various missile systems Bastion cruise missiles armed with supersonic SS-N-26 Yakhont, which have long has raised concerns in Israel and the U.S. that scared the idea of \u200b\u200ba defensive reinforcement of Syria and the possibility that the weapons from falling into terrorists' hands, have repeatedly tried, unsuccessfully, to cancel it. The Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak, already during his visit to Russia in September 2010, had declared himself concerned that the weapons could fall into the hands of Hezbollah.
According to the international non-profit "Tip", "The Israel Project, the American and French intelligence in October confirmed that" Syria is acting as a conduit for arms to Hezbollah. " Yahkont The missile has a range of 300 km, is capable of carrying a warhead of 200 kg and is capable of flying several feet above the water surface, which makes it more difficult to intercept.

Article Link:

Following the part CVII.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ati Mobility 9000(mg)driver


continues from part CIV.

archaeological finds.

"conspiracy questions on theft crafted for reasons of power" ...


experts doubt on Cairo museum theft

Several factors suggest a 'staging'

February 26, 13:26

(ANSA) - Paris, 26 FEB - Maybe I'm not real thieves those responsible for the thefts perpetrated in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo on the night between 28 and 29 January: numerous evidence suggests a 'staging' concocted to discredit the anti-Mubarak protesters in Tahrir Square. The Egyptologist and archaeologist says the Frenchman Jean-Pierre Corteggiani, for which the explanations of the 'media too' Minister 's Antiquities of Egypt, Zahi Hawass,' not convincing 'and are full of' contradictions'.

New World Order.



tense calm in the city after the battle of Tripoli
Berlusconi: "Gaddafi has no control"

all'attarreggio denied permission for the Air Force C130 Italian. Some firing in the night but the streets of the Libyan capital after the Muslim holiday on Friday and the clashes with the demonstrators, are now half-deserted and silent.
The Libyan authorities have decided to transfer the foreign journalists, including those sent the Italians, on the southern outskirts of the city. The executive order signed by President Obama sanctions is effective immediately, blocks the assets of the Colonel and his family. Ban Ki-moon: "Losing time means losing lives." Return of the West continues. Beyond what had been 50 thousand in Tunisia. La Russa: "Suspended in fact the Italy-Libya treaty"

Link updates 26/02/2011:


Libya, here are the UN sanctions
arms embargo and freezing of assets

The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution in the night against the regime of Gaddafi. Frattini: "Inevitably the colonel to go away." In the country while there seems to be a deceptive calm. Ten thousand people fled to Tunisia yesterday: the crossing of Ras Jedir health emergency. Arriving in Catania Italian ship with 121 Italians on board.
disorders including Oman where it is burned in the government palace in the city of Sohar

Link updates 27/02/2011:

Libya: Benghazi

army is preparing to march on Tripoli e conquistare la capitale

27 febbraio, 14:07

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 FEB - A Bengasi le forze anti-regime preparano un esercito per marciare su Tripoli e conquistare la capitale libica. Lo scrive il Washington Post. Il generale Ahmed Gatrani, divenuto uno tra i principali leader della protesta, ha affermato che diverse unita', composte da ribelli e militari che sono passati dalla parte degli anti-governativi, sono gia' arrivate nei pressi della capitale, e che un tentativo di prendere la citta' venerdi' scorso e' stato respinto dalle forze fedeli al rais.

Penso che questa notizia, sia "figlia" di quella tratta da Debka nel post (parte) precedente...

E quindi, a "conferma", almeno in part, in what it said.

Qaddafi's air force is again up and ferrying fresh troops to Defend Tripoli Gaddafi
The Air Force still flies and is carrying FRESH TROOPS TO DEFEND TRIPOLI
(in English - ).


Among the rebels besieging Tripoli avenge our dead "

Boys and deserters in the ruins of Zawiya:" At the end of fall. "Around the village there are the checkpoints of the militias that still maintain Gaddafi . I could not bear this regime. "final battle

Ready to Continue to:


With the insurgents of Cyrenaica
"break down the monster

From Benghazi to march on the capital. "Now we come to the country's future." Among those points of view on a possible intervention by the West. Provisional executive, composed of all cities "liberated"

Continue to:


Saudi Arabia: Shia

new protest in oil areas on the border with Bahrain

February 26, 14: 03

(ANSA) - DUBAI, 26 FEB - New Shiites protest in the eastern provinces of Saudi Arabia on the border with oil-rich Bahrain. The witnesses said. This is the second event, after that of 19 February, demanding the release of some arrested comrades. The authorities 'have already' released three prisoners after a protest last week. The event was' held on Thursday 'night in Qatif, the main city' of the Shiite province.


Urban warfare center in Tunis

order forces used tear gas, stone-throwing demonstrators

February 26, 17:54

(ANSA) - TUNIS, 26 FEB - Violent clashes between police and protesters in downtown Tunis. The air and 'almost unbearable because of the tear gas fired by security forces in an attempt to disperse the demonstrators, mostly young, responding with the launch of stones. The shops are closed and the movement of cars and 'almost' impossible. Eyewitnesses report that the protesters are demonstrating 'armed' with bags and bags full of stones.


February 25, 2011 18:54

(AGI) Vienna - Iran has increased its stocks of enriched uranium and a lack of cooperation with international inspectors to prevent who can certify that its nuclear program has only peaceful purposes. These are the main conclusions of a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency that has developed Tehehran 43.6 kg of highly enriched uranium dal febbraio 2010 e 3,61 tonnellate di uranio a basso grado di raffinazione. Resta aperto il sospetto che Teheran stia lavorando allo sviluppo di un missile balistico in grado di trasportare una testata atomica .

Iran: nuovi problemi al reattore di Bushehr, possibile sabotaggio

26 febbraio, ore 10:16

New York, 26 feb. (Adnkronos) - L'Iran ha ammesso gravi problemi di funzionamento del reattore nucleare di Bushehr che avrebbe dovuto iniziare a produrre energia elettrica in febbraio. Le autorita' iraniane hanno riferito agli ispettori dell'Aiea (Agenzia internazionale per l'energia atomica) che dovranno rimuovere 163 barre di combustibile nucleare dal reattore. Il riferimento e' contenuto nel rapporto appena diffuso IAEA, which accuses Iran of not responding to requests relating to possible military dimensions of its nuclear program.


February 26, 2011 17:26

(AGI) Damascus - Syria and Iran have reached an agreement after the training naval port, Thursday ' last two Iranian ships in a Syrian port. It 'as reported by the National News Agency of Iran. The agreement strengthens the bond between the two countries, both hostile to Israel, and it 'strategic Tehran is interested in growing its influence to other Middle Eastern states.


Complain touches Oman, killed demonstrators

The police opened fire on demonstrators in Sohar

February 27, 14:03

MASKS - Police opened fire on demonstrators in Sohar, Oman, shooting rubber bullets. According to witnesses, two protesters were killed.

GOVERNMENT BUILDING COMMISSIONER IN FLAMES - The palace of the government and the police station in Sohar are on fire.
witnesses said. Today, the city was the scene of a demonstration to demand new reforms resulted in blood: two demonstrators were killed when police fired rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.

CLASHES Sohar, POLICE FIRE TEAR - Scontri a Sohar, in Oman, tra i dimostranti e la polizia, che ha usato i lacrimogeni per disperdere la folla che lanciava sassi. Lo riferiscono testimoni. I dimostranti chiedono riforme, e per il secondo giorno si sono radunati in piazza. Altre proteste sono in corso nella città meridionale di Salalah, dove i manifestanti si sono accampati da venerdì davanti all'ufficio del governatore provinciale.


(ASCA-AFP) - Sohar, 28 feb - L'ondata di proteste che sta attraversando tutto il mondo arabo si estende anche ad Oman, stato asiatico situato nella porzione sud-orientale della penisola arabica.
Circa un migliaio di manifestanti, scesi in piazza per chiedere riforme politiche, posti di lavoro e una migliore retribuzione, hanno bloccato la strada che porta alla cittadina costiera di Sohar, dove si trova il principale porto di esportazione.
Bloccato anche l'incrocio stradale di Terra Roundabout, importante punto di snodo, bruciata una stazione di polizia e due uffici pubblici.

Secondo quanto riportato dalle autorita' locali, gli scontri tra dimostranti e truppe del sultanato, cominciati lo scorso sabato, hanno gia' causato la morte di due rivoltosi.

Mentre i manifestanti antigovernativi parlano di ''almeno ci cinque persone uccise''.

Un ufficiale della sicurezza riferisce inoltre che i manifestanti ''hanno attaccato una stazione di polizia'' e le truppe locali ''hanno risposto lanciando gas lacrimogeni e sparando proiettili di gomma''.

L'agenzia di stampa Ona scrive invece di un supermercato dato alle fiamme e un incendio nella casa del governatore di Sohar. red/sam/alf


Yemen: Presidente, Resisterò fino all'ultima goccia di sangue

27 febbraio, 15:44

SANAA - Il presidente yemenita Ali Abdallah Saleh, contestato dallo scorso 27 gennaio da manifestanti che chiedono lasci il potere, ha dichiarato oggi la sua intenzione di difendere "il regime repubblicano" fino "all'ultima goccia di sangue".

La situazione appare però sempre più dramatic, with the violent crackdown on last night in Aden (south) where at least three people were killed, and the sit-in students who continue in the capital Sanaa Taeza opposite the university and in the south, the city's main square . Saleh spoke today to the military leaders and policemen, accusing the opposition of not wanting to take seriously his proposal for dialogue: the South wanting to "divide the Yemen," the rebels Northerners trying to reinstate the monarchy abolished in 1962. "Our nation - said the president - facing enormous difficulties for four years and we are trying to address them by democratic means and through dialogue with all political leaders. ... But in vain There is a conspiracy against the unity and territorial integrity of the Republic of Yemen and we, along with the armed forces, we have sworn to defend the republican regime and territorial integrity of Yemen to the last drop of our blood. "Not the least problem in Yemen, there is a that the al Qaida terrorist organization is well established in the south-east of the country and fan the flames of any protest.

IVORY COAST Ivory Coast: UN Security Council

political crisis has caused riots exodus and bloody civil

February 28, 8:42

(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 28 FEB - The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, has called for an emergency meeting today Security Council on the situation of the United Nations Côte d'Ivoire, where the political crisis underway in the country has caused bloodshed and the exodus of civilians.

In particular, it is suspected that one of the parties in conflict has received an illegal supply of weapons.

E "Agents of Chaos", make that the "tentacles of the New World Order", you lengthen more and more deeply, even in Africa.

Following the part CVI.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Uk The Daily Sport

39 gradi

words: The fever of Leopard, the snow outside and distant memories of the trip

gives no respite from the cold outside, inside is too hot whereas Leopard has 39 of fever. Apparently jump on the weekend in Milan (usually lucky!) And I, complice il clima, la stanchezza, un certo senso di oppressione e malinconia avrei tanta tanta voglia di andar lontano. 
E allora ripenso ai viaggi zingari fai da te dall'altra parte del mondo, a quella libertà di partire senza programmare troppo che ora non possiam permetterci. E allora fatemi sognare e ricordare. Oggi è la Jamaica (febbraio 2008), se questo mood malinconico prosegue vi beccherete forse altri ricordi fotografici.

Bè le spiagge e il mare non hanno bisogno di presentazioni, son davvero paradisiaci. La mia preferita era quella di Winnifred Beach, pubblica, semideserta e battuta quasi solo da locali.

The Jamaica that we have discovered (I say ours was a trip organized the car we have circumnavigated using local buses and taxis), I was pleasantly surprised: I was a bit 'to be prevented sincere, there are so many clichés that surround, and is usually the place of all-inclusive packages for excellence, he says it's a very dangerous place, but Kingston (the capital) aside, it is not. We never had any problems, indeed. And the locals (especially in areas less traveled) are polite, friendly, perhaps the first day you're having a controlled and Tentan to sell you something (but very much less to what happens in Asia or even in Cuba), but after they learn to recognize (Bastan few hours) prendon you under their wing, and it does not take much, I'm talking about tiny villages with few facilities and hotels zero. We have learned the national game, dominoes, which we have practiced with them in the evenings many housewives. We had a real lunch Ital offered by Highcliffe, a real rasta (rare specimens, to be honest, many are for the consumption of tourists, then you see them getting drunk like sponges - which is not covered by the Rasta philosophy, and even- their use of ganja has little to see with spirituality). We know much more about the culture of Rastafari and Bob Marley and family, obviously true local celebrities, but little heard beyond the holiday resorts. And of course we enjoyed a disruptive nature and breathtaking, from the sea to inland waterfalls, natural parks. But above all, we approached the soul of a country with a truly fascinating history and culture.

Pelican Bar, in the midst of the sea. It can be reached only by boat.

True Ital dining or kitchen rasta, nature and ipersalutare, as well as good!
Note: please do not smoke ganja!
Perhaps not everyone knows that smoking is prohibited, except on specific occasions, such as during the annual concert organized by the Marley family.

I would have so much to tell and I willingly lose the memories, but I do not think that is the case. But I remain at your disposal for tips and suggestions if anyone would ever have to go and venture into the real Jamaica with a trip to do it yourself.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Getting Paint Out Of Old Linen


continues from part CIII.


"Upgrades ... in anticipation of unpleasant events" ...

Russia allocates € 474 billion for military

Sottomarini nucleari, 600 aerei, 1.000 elicotteri e 100 navi

24 febbraio, 18:11

(ANSA) - MOSCA, 24 FEB - Entro il 2020 la Russia intende spendere 474 miliardi di euro per equipaggiare le sue forze armate con mezzi ed armi piu' efficaci. Il piano e' stato illustrato oggi dal vice ministro russo della Difesa, Vladimir Popovkin. E' prevista la costruzione di 8 sottomarini nucleari dotati di missili balistici intercontinentali. Saranno modernizzati anche i bombardieri Tupolev-160. Mosca acquistera' inoltre 600 aerei, mille elicotteri e 100 navi.

Che tuttavia, potrebbero palesarsi molto più celermente, dell'effettivo totale rinnovo.

Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.



Wisconsin, si dorme in Campidoglio: protesta contro i tagli

Prosegue nel Wisconsin l'ondata di manifestazioni contro i tagli alla spesa sociale e a favore dei diritti sindacali sta coinvolgendo altri importanti stati americani, dall'Ohio, alla Pennsylvania, dalla Georgia all'Indiana, dal Tennessee all'Idaho. A Madison, la capitale del Wisconsin, dove la settimana scorsa è scoppiata la protesta, la sede del governo locale è ancora occupata dagli impiegati statali, insegnanti in testa, che si oppongono al programma di tagli varati dal governatore repubblicano Scott Walker. Ma cortei simili, con le stesse parole d'ordine, si stanno taking in many Midwestern cities with photo galleries

Article Link:



Istat, stalled trade
Without retail sales fall

In particular small business (-0 , 4%), while all sectors of retail, however, point out positive changes. Down the food sales. Among the non-food, minus sign for computer and telephony, sustained increases for photo-optic and electrical

Continue to:



"Gaddafi, goodbye forever"
Benghazi celebrated Liberation

In the streets of the capital, insurgents joy in the rubble. The cops have all fled. The service order is in the hands of boys, all young

from our correspondent PETER KING

BENGASI - From prison attacked last Friday, the sumptuous barracks of the Praetorian Guard Colonel burned two days ago, the places of the insurgency have already become stages of pilgrimage. Gaddafi in Benghazi
post is no longer a single policeman. All have fled or gone on the winning side. At every street corner, the boys make their contribution to the revolution, directing traffic and handing out to passers-martial air of the stars torn by divided abandoned in a hurry.

But the first national memorial is the square where, on Sunday, the army fell under the lead 300. Since then he has presided day and night by thick squads of young people who, by their powerful skid pick-up, praise to a future of freedom. What was the central bed is now plowed by several holes and burned edges and a half a meter deep. These are the holes dug by shells launched by the army against the opponents of the regime.

Continue to:


(AGI) - Rome, Feb. 24 - Representatives of the revolutionary committees''' al soldo di Muammar Gheddafi hanno fatto irruzione negli ospedali di Tripoli e hanno ucciso i feriti, quelli che avevano manifestato contro il regime. Hanno portato via i cadaveri, per farli scomparire, forse per bruciarli, perche' sanno che si stanno avvicinando giornalisti stranieri. I medici, che si sono opposti, sono stati minacciati. E' avvenuto ieri e l'altro ieri''.
Lo ha detto all'agenzia missionaria MISNA Sliman Bouchuiguir, segretario generale della Lega libica per i diritti umani, affiliata alla Federazione internazionale dei diritti umani (Fidh), il quale ha citato una fonte medica di uno degli ospedali della capitale della Libia contattata per via telefonica dalla Svizzera, dove ha sede la Lega. red-uda/mcc/ss


Nella città assediata dove regnano i miliziani

All'aeroporto la scena pazzesca di migliaia di persone ammassate una sull'altra. Militari e mercenari accorrono verso Zawia. Per le strade spuntano elmetti e mimetiche

dal nostro inviato VINCENZO NIGRO

TRIPOLI - Una guerra. Tripoli aspetta una guerra.
Non c'è altra sensazione nel vedere, nel percorrere questa città vuota, paralizzata e congelata dal maestrale impazzito che solleva polvere e sabbia. Come sempre, chi può prova a fuggire: alle 5 del pomeriggio, quando nell'aeroporto di Tripoli ci affacciamo sulla hall delle partenze, rimaniamo senza parole.

Continua su:


fire on the crowds in Tripoli, victims
La Russa: "Recovering Italian hunger"

Qaddafi increasingly isolated, the capital would be in the grip of insurgents, who prepare the decisive shove. Tension over the announced demonstration after Friday prayers.
Witnesses said police fired into the crowd, there are victims. And 'a massacre, reports Al Jazeera. Voices bring new staff in the dictator's resignation, and some sons of Colonel already abroad. Interview with Seif: "Never destroy oil wells. We will remain in Libya until death." The EU towards the adoption of sanctions, the NATO summit today. But the Union's priorities, agree Italian and German diplomacy, is the protection of European citizens still in Libya.
Italian ships in the harbor of measurement for the evacuation of our nationals. Napolitano: "not to give in on the landings to alarms." "In the South East there are Italians who are starving.
We'll take it," said Minister of Defence.

Link updates 25/02/2011:

U.S. military advisers in Cyrenaica. Qaddafi's Loses His air force
U.S. military advisers in Cyrenaica. Gaddafi has lost its Air Force
(in English - ).

From the article ...

The advisers, Including intelligence officers, Were dropped from warships and missile boats at the coastal towns of Benghazi and Tobruk Thursday Feb. 24, for a Threefold mission:
consultants, including intelligence officers, landed Thursday, February 24, warships and speedboats to the coastal cities of Benghazi and Tobruk, a threefold mission:

1. To help the revolutionary committees controlling eastern Libyan government Establish frameworks for Supplying Two Million Inhabitants with basic services and commodities;
1. To help the revolutionary committees who control eastern Libya to establish government structures to support its two million people with basic services and useful things;

2. To Organize Them into paramilitary units, Teach Them How to Use They captured weapons from the Libyan army facilities, Them help restore law and order on the streets and train to fight Them Muammar Qaddafi's combat units coming to retake Cyrenaica.
2. Organize them into paramilitary units, teach him how to use the weapons they captured the Libyan army in infrastructure, to help restore law and order in the streets and teach them to fight in combat units if Muammar Gaddafi will come back to recover the Cyrenaica.

3. Prepare the infrastructure for the intake of additional foreign troops. Egyptian Among Those units are under consideration.
3. Prepare the infrastructure for the entry of additional foreign troops. Army units Egypt are among those taken into account.

MO WEST BANK: Palestinians against U.S. veto at the UN

Blocked by the U.S. resolution condemning Israel

February 24, 14:17

(AP) - JERUSALEM, Feb. 24 - Several thousand Palestinians implemented today in Nablus, West Bank, a protest against the United States for having vetoed a resolution condemning Israel for its policy of settlements, voted by the UN Security Council on 18 February. The protesters, waving Palestinian flags and shouting against 'the veto of shame', have also launched appeals for unity 'among the Palestinians, divisi tra Al Fatah e Hamas.


Siria: dal satellite visibili 4 impianti nucleari

Giovedì 24 Febbraio 2011 11:48

Dall'immagine del satellite si può evincere che la Siria abbia istituito quattro impianti nucleari aggiuntivi.

L'Istituto statunitense per la Scienza e la Sicurezza Internazionale (ISIS) ha pubblicato un rapporto sul programma nucleare siriano, affermando che il Paese sia dotato di strutture molto più avanzate di quanto previsto. Queste ultime comprenderebbero, oltre al reattore distrutto ad Al-Kibar,un impianto di conversione dell'uranio e tre siti di stoccaggio.


E poi, about the two Iranian warships, the Italian version, with some more detail, than we had anticipated Debka ...

Iran, Israel: 'The ship carrying Iranian arms to Hezbollah'

They docked in Syria. This would be an attempt by Iran to circumvent UN restrictions, banning arms sales to Tehran to the extremists Lebanese - Israeli government sources have indicated that the two Iranian warships arrived in the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal would have a material edge war. This would be high-tech weapons designed to Hezbollah rockets of various types, assault rifles, ammunition and night vision goggles. The sources - who have chosen to remain anonymous - have issued le informazioni al quotidiano "Màariv", che le ha diffuse tramite il proprio sito web.
Secondo gli israeliani, l'Iran sta cercando di aggirare le sanzioni che gli impediscono di vendere armi al movimento sciita libanese.
Teheran, infatti, deve fronteggiare delle misure restrittive imposte dal Consiglio di Sicurezza Onu a causa del suo programma nucleare, e questo sta creando problemi nei rifornimenti di materiale bellico per Hezbollah. É la prima volta dal 1979 (anno della Rivoluzione in Iran), che due navi da guerra iraniane attraversano il Canale di Suez.
Secondo una fonte iraniana a Damasco, le navi hanno attraccato in Siria, nel porto di Lattaquieh.

Link articolo:


"China, facing inevitable"

Egypt and fears in Beijing. "A revolution in China is inevitable," writes AsiaNews, Wei Jingsheng, a leading Chinese dissident analyzed for the agency PIME behavior of the Communist Party of China that "censorship and minimizes the news about the Democratic wave in the Arab countries." A comparison between these peoples and the cinese.Ormai says, "only those who speak for the people is heard. And in China is all set for a new popular uprising. "

Continue to:

ISRAEL Israel anti-missile system operational in a few
Friday, February 25, 2011 11:46

The Iron Dome, the sophisticated anti-missile defense system that Israel is working on for years, will be operational in a few weeks. To state this is a source of 'Israeli army. The "Iron Dome" will be able to intercept Katyusha rockets fired from the Grand and Gaza and from Lebanon against Israeli territory.

four days, the military WOULD BE conducting tests in the Negev desert, so far, all other testing was done by the company that produces batteries Iron Dome, the quasi-Rafael. L 'other day the sirens sounded in Beer Sheva in the south of the country: the city, considered the "capital of the Negev, was hit by two missiles Grand. It 's the first time since the operation against the Gaza Strip Cast Lead (three weeks between 2008 and 2009) and ordnance fired from Gaza reach this area, 40 kilometers from the border with the' Palestinian enclave. There were no injuries, but four people were hospitalized in a state of shock.

"To cope with this range of weapons must have a great preparation," said a spokesman of the 'Israeli army, adding: "The Israeli Air Force is proceeding quickly and shipped to put the' Iron Dome can operate as soon as possible. "


acceleration in making this operational anti-missile system, I think it well to give the measure of Israeli fears, about what is happening around them.

Following the part CV.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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"Error 404: page not found"
The web and riots African

The network as a multiplier of ideas and claims. And off the dictatorial regimes to silence the voice of protest. Tools that have to do and how to succeed. But opponents know how to circumvent the prohibitions of

Arturo Di Corinto

no one can deny that the Internet has played an important role in uprisings that led to the first flight of Ben Ali and Mubarak and (maybe) after Gaddafi. The network is in fact the first offer as a platform to denounce the corruption and popular anger and then as an instrument of organization and coordination of protest actions which multiplies the force.
But it all started from there. Although the protests had been prepared by the underground workings of bloggers and activists who have often paid with imprisonment and torture their denunciation of the regime, had to wait for the bread riots in order to understand the extent to which he had dug the discontent.

Protests have erupted in Tunisia after a street vendor set himself on fire in protest at the continuing harassment police. Started only after a general mobilization in which what happened in the streets was announced to the world via the Internet and then bounced from independent radio and TV to be taken up and fired up Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social media, producing an effect of emulation in countries neighbors. When the systems they realized the power multiplying network, tried to block it, succeed, even if only briefly.


The network will stop only if you go out. But how do you stop the network of networks where the myth of its origins about a communication device capable of withstanding a nuclear war? "The Net interprets censorship as a malfunction and routes around it. "There is truth in the words of John Gilmore, an expert cryptographer and founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and is in the operating logic of the network using a technology, packet switching, packet switching, that treats data as the cars of a train that arrived at the interchange off separate, take different paths and then are reunited at their destination. But if the network is nothing to bypass.
What happened to the January 28 in Egypt and then in Libya on February 19 was just that: the disconnection of the network from national and international circuits.

How did they do it? The answer is simple: the orders of the government. Internet traffic is carried in all countries by telecommunications carriers through its facilities: telephone lines, fiber optic, dedicated cables, radio links and wireless connections.
These companies are not only subject to the laws and authority of the countries in which they operate but they are often publicly owned and operating in a monopoly or near monopoly, so that if a government asked him to turn off the network, they do.

E 'occurred in Nepal in 2005 following the invitation of martial law and in Nepal in 2007 during the revolt of the saffron. The two countries have been completely isolated. All over the country just in time this complaint was repeated many times in Belarus Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Bahrain, Uganda, Yemen, Iran, in occasione di elezioni o manifestazioni politiche, e nella provincia cinese dello Xinjiang dopo una serie di conflitti etnici. Lo "spegnimento" della rete è però una misura talmente drastica che è impossibile da sostenere a lungo. I danni economici che produce sono disastrosi. Per questo i regimi africani avevano precedentemente agito bloccando siti, impedendo l'uso dei social network, rendendo impossibili le comunicazioni cellulari.

Come si blocca internet. Le tecniche di disconnessione applicate da regimi autoritari sono molteplici e includono il blocco degli indirizzi Ip, delle Url tramite un proxy server, la manomissioni del DNS (il sistema che ci fa trovare gli indirizzi sites), actions that inhibit access to specific web pages, entire domains (. org.. com,. ly, etc.), or specific addresses. Other techniques involve the installation of filters within the user's computer, keyword blocking, which prevents access to sites that have certain words in the name or impede the search engines view them on the basis of blacklists of hot words. That's what still happens in the network when you type the words China Tibet or Falun Gong. These techniques have been used all over the North African repression.

But this happens more often than we think. The OpenNet Initiative, a research project on censorship and control of the network involving universities of Toronto, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge - found that more than 36 countries at various levels filter political content, religious sites, pornography, gambling. And what is worse is that network users often do not know, because it does not engage in prohibited activities, and because the means of censorship more prosaic use techniques such denunciations, arrests and intimidation. All of these techniques, technological filters and actions of police, needless to say are known as Peking Consensus.

Continue to:

Interesting article.

This applies, in respect of more or less been determined dictatorships tutto il mondo, con particolare focus, visti gli ultimi accadimenti, al Nord Africa ed al Medio Oriente...

Ma io mi domando.

Ciò, potrebbe accadere, anche nelle libertarie democrazie, in particolare, Occidentali ?

La mia risposta ?

In caso vi fosse necessità, a causa di eventi, di tale gravità, da compromettere ordine pubblico e sicurezza.

Senza alcuna remora...


Cruising Areas Atlanta

Ancora sul medico Sfizzero

Subtitle: po po po pooooo (double declining mode)

Today I return to write in this category which is a bit 'stranetta everywhere, but in the specimens Sfizzera is really bizarre, always be polite (and end, which I would other epithets!).

So the doctor Sfizzero :

a. It never looks a doctor. One from which they are gone now seems more a farmer, with its checkered flannel shirts arrotolote, corduroy pants and shoes, shoes ... bah At least sfizzero pediatrician and gynecologist sfizzero, that even they seem a doctors, have their own because physically speaking. Tall, well-made, one is so physical that could perhaps even vaguely looks like a doctor, but those of the American TV series that are running at lunch on the beach in California and have the ocean view studio, the other in that air elegant but not ostentatious, say, could be an architect. This seems to be a farmer, and has not the slightest ability to deal with people, I do not know a smile every now and then, a handshake, the air faintly reassuring? No, none of this. The shirts? You do not love him, obviously.

b. is NEVER with the human characteristic called empathy. I could tell galore, happened to me, or given, such as the one time I visited a doctor e si è fatta il segno della croce. Pensavo di aver i giorni contati, lo giuro. E invece non avevo una cippa: il solito errore. Ma te potessero.. Comunque per ora mi limiterò ad oggi:

Dunque, entro con Leopard, ché non ho nessuno che me lo tenga. E già lì: ma fai un sorrisetto a sto pupo. O chiedimi quando ho avuto il bambino, che comunque non mi vedi da quasi due anni, cose così, no? Ovviamente NO. Gli spiego cos'ho. Lui mi maneggia la mano (che ora mi fa ancora più male di prima, ovviamente! Anche un tocco leggermente più delicato schifo non farebbe..). Mi guarda, senza espressione di nessun genere, la minima luce negli occhi, cambio di tonalità della voce: forse in un'altra vita era una spia del KGB. 
E sentenzia: qui ci vogliono o delle punture al cortisone (esticazzi) o un'operazione (estigrancazzi). Io punture non ne faccio, quindi ti mando da un chirurgo della mano. 

Benissimo. Faccio io. E potete forse immaginarvi la mia espressione :-O.

Secondo voi lui mi dice qualcosa? Non so,  tipo: lo so che con un bambino piccolo un'operazione non è il massimo. insomma dar quei piccoli cenni di empatia che direi che dovrebbero rientrare nel bagaglio di un medico di base (di qualsiasi essere umano a dir il vero, ma di un medico di base ancor di più). Mi fissa, in silenzio. I, too, incredulos. Then I say, Okay I do not give a sheet, a telephone number of the other doctor? No, no, they call it .. However it is not a big operation, eh .. (Maybe this was an attempt to be vaguely human, I do not know).

Then again convinced of the qualities of the much-vaunted Swiss health system? Of course I will do is visit, and then, as is normal, if I am not convinced, will fall back to Milan for a second opinion. But it can not be everything always so difficult and uncomfortable porcaccia misery!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Possible Range Of Values


Prosegue dalla parte CII .


Alimentazione ed aspettativa di vita...


( ASCA ) - Rome, 22 February - who eats food rich in fiber can 'expect to live more' to those who not long ago, an average of 22% in piu '. And 'what emerges from a study published in Archives of Internal Medicine that examined the diet of 30,000 people aged between 50 and 71 years and which' were asked to declare their standard menu. It and 'found that men who ate an average of about 30 grams of fiber per day and women who are over 25 grams - mostly' whole grains such as wheat, oats and barley - have a life expectancy of 22% higher than those who consumed between 10 and 12.6 grams per day. The research 'was conducted by the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study. The fibers have properties' anti-inflammatory and inflammation, and 'often associated with infectious diseases and respiratory diseases. noe / sam / alf

New World Order.


The two Iranian warships in Port Said

The military boats had crossed the Suez Canal

February 22, 16:49

(ANSA) - CAIRO, 22 February - After crossing the Channel Suez, the two Iranian warships arrived in Port Said on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. The sailors and officers of the two boats, local sources, remained on deck during the crossing, many of them waving the local population and taking photos. The passage of the Channel and now 'the first since the revolution Khomeini in 1979.

And behold, the "obvious" news, which I expected ...


(AFP) - Jerusalem, 22 February - Israel will react 'immediately in front of any''provocation''by the two Iranian warships today have crossed the Suez Canal and are now in the Mediterranean. AFP said a government source in Tel Aviv, adding that Israel''will not give 'rise to any action''against the boats, but that''the answer will be' immediately''if the Iranians decide to act in a provocative way.

The two ships, the frigate and the ship Alvand support Kharg, are officially in mission training and en route to Syria, a destination that would bring close to Israeli territorial waters.


remarks, Iran, Suez, here is the post-Mubarak's watch

well those two Iranian ships which came at four o'clock in the Mediterranean. It is a spectacle entirely new, and is completely dedicated to us, Europeans, Israelis and Americans, staged to make us gnash his teeth, since 1979 the 'Egypt will not let go of its precious vessels corridor Khomeini of Iran, the country of the fundamentalist Shiite revolution and bitter enemy of Sunni power, if not the extremist Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda and other students of the genre. Now, however, this is the first gesture of 'post-revolutionary Egypt: since the U.S. ally has just dodged the crowd is underway, the new-old military power wisely imagine new alliances. Better not to argue with Ahmadinejad with praise that fills the Egyptian Revolution. Even the Saudis, too 'them Sunnis, have never had sympathy for Khomeini's Iran, on the contrary. Indeed, recently fought to defend Mubarak: the King Abdullah has made a tough call for Obama to tell him not to humiliate his friend. But the U.S. President 's abandoned, and that is that the Saudis new key strategic possibilities: ships Iranian made stopovers, it seems, the Saudi port of Jeddah.

Continue to:

Hamas Iran-made missiles hit Beersheba as Iranian warships dock in Syria
SYRIA (in English - debka . com). Interesting

the whole article, some news you knew, others sensed it, but I, I quote only the end ...

"DEBKAfile's military sources wonder if this message will not finally act as a wakeup call for Jerusalem."

"The sources of military Debka will be astonished if this message will not be an act designed to give the alarm for visit to Jerusalem. "

I'll tell you ... I always thought that from the moment the popular unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, they would see, what would happen over a couple of years.

Instead, all that may happen within months ...

"Ed, the old scores, after all, could also return."

Libya LIBYA: Berlusconi, Gaddafi's call

It is feared the arrival of 300,000 Libyan ships for return matches

February 22, 21:01

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Prime Minister Berlusconi in the afternoon had a telephone conversation with Libyan leader Ghaddafi. The news and 'a note of Palazzo Chigi. According to the Italian government there is' the risk that they arrive in Italy 200-300 thousand migrants fleeing from Libya. And 'one of the scenarios shown in a top night at the Palazzo Chigi. Meanwhile, games are to Libya some Italian navy ships that could be used for the repatriation of our compatriots.


Libya, killing and it is feared exodus of biblical
Frattini: "Cease horrible bloodbath"
Berlusconi: "Beware of fundamentalisms"

Do not stop the violence, the deaths could be a thousand in Tripoli. The Foreign Minister referred to the House: "Encrypt likely." And again: "Never provided rockets to insurgents, Italian anti false rhetoric. Gaddafi from unacceptable violence. Faced with this serious situation, the country is united. "
He also talks about the Prime Minister:" Wind of democracy in North Africa. No to violence, but watch what happens next. Avoid fundamentalist tendencies. "After the speech of the Libyan leader to the country, last night the UN Security Council called for the immediate end to repression. In Italy could reach 300 thousand 2-immigrants. In the morning meeting of the Technical Committee and monitoring of emergency the gas system. Time: The Libyan leader gave an order to the army to sabotage the oil pipelines.

Link updates 23/02/2011:

Libya: Evacuation of U.S. citizens

Hired two catamarans protected by U.S. warships

February 23, 11:21

(Reuters) - VALLETTA (MALTA), 23 FEB - E 'in the course of the evacuation by sea a hundred American citizens from Tripoli. The U.S. State Department has chartered two large catamarans Maltese to arrive in Libya after the authorities' Libya had denied landing permission for U.S. aircraft.

According to some sources, the stretch of sea between Malta and Libya are united 'to make U.S. naval armed escort for the two catamarans that should be included in Valletta in the afternoon.


Among boys heroes Tobruk
"The people will chase you"

Journey in the "liberated" of Libya between the young protagonists of the uprising on television while Gaddafi's anger explodes

from our correspondent PETER KING

Tobruk - To convince soldiers and police officers to fraternize with the square, the demonstrators began to burn with the police.
That gesture made it the first city in Tobruk fell into the hands of the insurgents. Now it's right in front of the ruins of that building that one week the protesters continue to rally, while plumes of smoke on the horizon stand clear blue Mediterranean, rising from an ammunition dump bombarded by the troops led by a son of Muammar Gaddafi.

Continue to:

Libya: Al Arabiya, 10,000 deaths

Al Qaeda has set up the Islamic emirate in the east

February 23, 16:49

(ANSA) - ROMA, 23 FEB - There are at least 10,000 dead and 50,000 wounded in Libya, writes about Twitter Al Arabiya, quoting a member of the International Criminal Court. The Deputy Foreign Minister in Tripoli, Kaim, meanwhile, reported that al Qaida has set up an Islamic emirate in Libya, Derna, in the east. The emirate is 'directed by Abdelkarim Al-Hasad, a former Guantanamo detainee,' said Kaim. The group would have had the obligation of the burqa for women and those who killed refuses to cooperate.

Libya: Tripoli Days of Fear

barricaded in their homes against the 'death squads'

February 23, 20:49

(ANSA) - ROMA, 23 FEB - They run the testimonials on the hours of terror that living in Tripoli in the district of Jansour, Al Jazeera reports, residents have barricaded themselves in houses, for fear of being attacked by 'death squads' in plain clothes who roam armed with swords and guns. The teams shoot to kill at random and then eliminate the evidence of the murders. It reads a testimony from the Libyan capital, published online by the BBC.


Libya, Gaddafi Zawia
Al Qaeda bombed the insurgents: siamo con voi

Testimoni riferiscono di un nuovo attacco contro la città a 30 chilometri dalla capitale. "E' in corso un massacro". Alitalia sospende i voli: "Troppo caos". Obama chiede che venga posta fine alla "violenza mostruosa". La repressione in corso "viola le leggi internazionali" ed è contraria ai diritti umani, che "non sono negoziabili", ha aggiunto il presidente Usa. Domani nuovo manifestazione a Tripoli annunciata via sms. La Russa: "Le nostre navi in mare pronte per evacuare cittadini italiani"

Link aggiornamenti del 24/02/2011:

Da cui...

La Ue si tiene pronta ad humanitarian military intervention in Libya. The diplomatic sources said in Brussels, adding that it was "an option".

Libya: Frattini, no missiles Italy

We are however in terms of preventing hypothesis apocalyptic

February 24, 11:17

(ANSA) - ROMA, 24 FEB - Foreign Minister Frattini exclude the possibility 'of a possible missile attack on Italy by Gaddafi.
to the minister, interviewed by, the Libyans 'problems have far more' serious in them and obviously this would be an apocalyptic scenario and absolutely rule it out clearly. It 'clear, however,' - Frattini said - that the system of prevention are always alert and active. This 'clear'.

SENEGAL SENEGAL: broke relations with Iran, ARMA REBELS

February 23, 2011 12:02

(AGI) Dakar - Senegal has severed diplomatic relations with Iran after the discovery of a cache of Iranian arms to separatist rebels in Nigeria for Casamance.

was announced 'was the Senegalese Foreign Ministry in a statement. "Senegal has decided to terminate diplomatic relations with the Republic of Iran - the statement - We are outraged to learn that Iranian missiles have caused the death of Senegalese soldiers." The reference 'to the 16 soldiers killed in Senegal in December with those rebels who were described as "sophisticated weapons".

NORTH KOREA North Korea: Protesters, police clashes

injured and perhaps killed. Popular protest for lack of food

February 24, 9:53

(AP) - SEOUL, Feb. 24 - Clashes between hundreds of protesters and security forces took place in North Korea to Sinuiji, on the border with China, where talking about perhaps some of the dead and several injured.

to quell the protests and 'the army intervened, the newspaper said South Korea's Chosun Ilbo. That sparked the clashes, the use of force by police against a trader in the market, which caused the reaction of the population exasperated by the lack of basic needs'.

Following the part CIV.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Io AMO il nido

(and I hate the coach of the fridge)

Yes, yes. Now give me the mother's selfish or insensitive or whatever.

The first day is a tragedy for you and for him. Do you feel tossed around, like you've been abducted your child, torn from her arms, even as if they had ripped my arm to you, you have all the guilt of the world etc..

The entire first week is tough. Besides the baby reacts to the posting starting to want to spend any time stuck to your legs (not figuratively, really) and making new terrible tantrums. You always feel some guilt, you wonder if this is the right choice, if you could even martyred a few months without help from anyone for the nano spupazzarti solo. And the moment of parting is always difficult because he will not stick to the neck, but you're too tired for yet another sleepless night that a couple of hours for you (and to render the human house to tell the truth) are a godsend.

Then go get it, come and see him play with another child chirping. As soon as you can see the lights in your face a beautiful smile and extends his arms towards you. Take it home and he never stops whispering. It's peaceful, it looks fun. And then you're happy too.

week after a long time 'anxieties are passed away. Those hours alone you seem a paradise on earth. So maybe I should not say, but you try not to have even 5 minutes to you, not to have relatives, friends, neighbors disponibili o baby sitter a portata di mano in caso di necessità. Esser in un posto dove mediamente nessuno ti rivolge la parola e quindi le tue uniche conversazioni da più di un anno a questa parte son con tuo figlio, che ovviamente non parla. E so che me lo ricorderete alla prima malattia che Leopard si beccherà al nido, e poi alla seconda e alla terza. Per ora fatemi godere quest'ultima oretta da sola.

E se vi chiedete che faccio qui al computer al posto di "spassarmela" in giro la risposta è: e te pareva che il cavolo di tecnico del frigo doveva venir proprio oggi pomeriggio e quindi io devo rimaner qui in casa a aspettarlo?? Sarà il karma da mamma degenere che mi si rivolta contro???

Old School Vehicle Auctions



(ASCA) - Roma, 21 feb - Just one spray into the nose to protect against all types of flu season and beyond. Australian researchers have successfully tested in the laboratory a synthetic vaccine that immunizes a shot against many strains of flu, including H5N1 avian influenza virus, in this case reaching the levels of protection of antivirals more 'effective movement . The study led by Darren Millen, a virologist at the University 'of Adelaide,' published in the Journal of General Virology. Laboratory tests show that the prototype and 'effective in 100% of cases. ''The vaccine is administered with a spray in the nose,''said Millen, thus avoiding 'injections do not like to many. It 'also allergy test, as synthetic production, so do not grown in eggs as with traditional serum, and not recommended for those who' are allergic to food proteins. Finally, it will 'have to wait every year new strains of flu to start the''growing''of specific antibodies, since the super-peptide vaccine attacks the virus even when they are different or change. noe / sam / rob

Article Link:

I really, Read articles in the past about such studies being tested.

But ...

Honestly, from "conspiracy" I do not know whether to be happy, or seriously begin to worry.

await developments.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Homemade Masterbation Toys


continues from Part CI .

Oh my sweet love. You

pink, burning with passion.

You, you, delicate leaves, floral harmony

, personified.

Enchantment of my eyes,

in the otherwise sad and empty life.

dazzling light in the darkness of my nights.

only hold, not to give in to the inevitable fate.

safe harbor from any storm.

I would have looked everywhere

if only I had guessed,

your real life.



New World Order.

"threat from space" ...

U.S. Must Take Seriously Space Storm Threat, Experts Warn
(in English -


20/02/2011 - THE CASE
Yellow on Iranian ships in the Suez

TV: "Yes, crossing the channel" Fars
denies: "They will spend tomorrow"

Continue to:

While there, who ... on, thinks otherwise ...

Cairo and Tehran connive to slip fake Iranian warships through the Suez after delays
ARE CAIRO AND TEHRAN Complicity in having intruded Iranian warships THROUGH THE SUEZ AFTER DELAYS
FALSE (in English - ).

From the article ...

"Egypt's military rulers approved the Iranian flotilla of passage through the Suez Canal without Inspecting Their freights for banned cargo, taking advantage of the sandstorm over the region obscured Which theme from spy satellites and monitors helped Them To Give The Slip."

"I militari egiziani al potere hanno approvato il passaggio della flottilia attraverso il Canale di Suez senza ispezionare il loro carico per scoprire trasporti di merce proibita, avvantaggiandosi della tempesta di sabbia sopra la regione che li ha oscurati dai satelliti spia ed aiutati nell'evitare di essere monitorati nell'attraversamento."

US warships box in Iranian flotilla, delay Suez passage
( in inglese - ).


"The next date announced for their passage, Tuesday night, Feb. 22, will be a testing moment."

"La prossima date announced for their passage on the night of Tuesday, February 22, will be a trying time "

There are five U.S. warships, including two aircraft carriers, which in practice, they're waiting for" near "the entrance of the Channel Suez.

If they decide to board, despite the green light given to them by the UN resolution last year ...

could happen to all ... and more.

And not just in those waters .

By the way, "read" the quatrain MDN?

"Arabian Sea, a large fleet will sink ..."

This could be the right time.

Ed "finally" passed ...


Iranian ships in the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean headed

It 's the first time it has happened since the Islamic revolution of 1979. This is a frigate armed with torpedoes and missiles and a dedicated supply. Israel: "serious provocation"

Continue to:

From now on, every event, even the most extreme, you can ...

"from nothing ... to cause a war."

LIBYA Libya threatens stop cooperation with Tripoli

EU warns: you are not being addressed in North Africa

February 20, 18:09

(AP) - BRUSSELS, Feb. 20 - If the Union Europea non cessera' di sostenere le rivolte in corso nei Paesi del Nord Africa e in particolare in Libia, Tripoli cessera' ogni cooperazione con la Ue in materia di gestione dei flussi migratori: e' questa la 'minaccia' arrivata alla presidenza ungherese di turno della Ue da parte delle autorita' libiche. La minaccia delle autorita' libiche e' stata resa nota giovedi' scorso all'ambasciatore ungherese a Tripoli.

Libia: unita' militare con rivoltosi

Rappresentante libico a Lega Araba si dimette, unito a rivolta

20 febbraio, 21:42

(ANSA) - BENGASI (LIBIA), 20 FEB - Membri di un'unita' dell'esercito libico a Bengasi hanno detto ai manifestanti di essere passati dalla parte dei rivoltosi. La citta' e' stata 'liberata' dalle forze filogovernative, hanno affermato. Intanto il rappresentante libico presso la Lega Araba ha rassegnato le sue dimissioni affermando di essersi 'unito alla rivoluzione' e di voler protestare contro la 'violenza contro i manifestanti'.

Almeno 50 persone sono morte nel solo pomeriggio di oggi nelle violenze a Bengasi.

Libia: amministrazione Obama preoccupata

Lo ha detto l'ambasciatrice americana all'Onu Susan Rice

20 febbraio, 22:24

(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 20 FEB - L'amministrazione Obama e' 'molto preoccupata' per l'evolversi della situazione in Libia. Lo ha detto l'ambasciatrice americana all'Onu, Susan Rice, the telecast Sunday 'Meet the Press' NBC.

'We are very concerned by reports coming from Benghazi and coastal waters, which report of gunfire by security forces against peaceful demonstrators' Rice said. The U.S. 'there' room for violence against peaceful demonstrators'.


Libya, 61 killed in Tripoli
Al Jazeera: Military coup to

clashes and tension after the speech by the son of Kadhafi promises reforms but a threat: "Stop or will be civil war." Gunshots and screams in the capital, burning the palace of the people, one of the main government buildings. Al Jazeera in the capital today, there would be only 61 victims. The unofficial talks budget of almost three hundred dead in Benghazi, to fall into the hands of insurgents. Army units in solidarity with the protest. A construction site stranger assault: injuries. Voices of the flight leader, but according to the sites of opposition Gaddafi is still in the country. CNN: "Unable to connect". Minister Frattini: "Start the process of peaceful national reconciliation."

Link updates 21/02/2011:

Among other news we receive from Libya, were present, among other things, the link I posted above, those which in my opinion, more damage to the "pulse of the situation, about what might hold those lands in the near future," are the evacuation started, or intends to initiate the various oil companies in the field.

When they decide to sell an entire sector of the oil sector ...


(AFP) - London, 21 February - Shell announced the sale of its activities' refining in Africa at the Swiss Vitol Group and the African Helios Investment Partners for a billion dollars, about 740 million euro. Ne from 'news Franco-Dutch company in a statement. LUq / sam / alf

But surely, will be a''case''.

"As usual."

Libya alert air bases Italian

Many helicopters have been ordered to move south

February 21, 18:31

(ANSA) - ROMA, 21 FEB - 'In all the Italian air bases on maximum alert level would be in relation to the Libyan crisis' : e 'as he learns the ANSA from qualified parliamentary sources. According to the same sources, a high proportion of Air Force helicopters and Navy at this time would have been ordered to move south.

I think, that the extraordinary mobilization of resources and Navy to serve this ...


(AFP) - Rome, 21 February - The Foreign Ministry has announced a plan to''return''for the Italians present in Libya. The country 'now a prey to uncontrolled riots against the regime of Colonel Gaddafi. sin / mcc / rob

Then, you protect, even from a possible crazy extreme act of a dictator "bloodless", there is.


Libya, new air raids on Tripoli
C130 ready for the return of 100 Italian

According to Al Jazeera have resumed bombing on demonstrators calling for the end of the regime of Moammar Gaddafi. Hundreds of dead in Tripoli alone. Colonel appears for a few seconds on TV to deny rumors that he had fled to Venezuela and France. The situation is more dramatic e oggi, alle 15 ora italiana, ne discuterà il Consiglio di sicurezza dell'Onu. La Russa annuncia l'avvio del rimpatrio dei nostri connazionali

Link aggiornamenti del 22/02/2011:


Marocco: scontri polizia-manifestanti

Polizia ha fatto uso gas lacrimogeni per disperdere dimostranti

20 febbraio, 19:44

(ANSA) - RABAT, 20 FEB - Scontri tra polizia e manifestanti sono scoppiati oggi ad Al Hoceima, nel nord del Marocco. Lo riferiscono testimoni. La polizia ha fatto uso di gas lacrimogeni per disperdere dei manifestanti che avevano preso d'assalto una stazione di polizia. Manifestazioni a sostegno di riforme politiche and for greater democratization of the country were held in Morocco. Accidents also Marrakech (south) and Larache (North).

Morocco: clashes in the north, 5 dead

Minister, 'to cause disorders'

February 21, 13:03

(ANSA) - RABAT, 21 FEB - E' of the five dead toll from clashes yesterday Al Hoceima in northern Morocco. The charred corpses were found inside a bank that had been set on fire. During the clashes yesterday in the city 'and in those of Larache Marrakech, the minister added, there were 128 wounded, 115 of them police officers. In handcuffs are over 120 people. Interior Minister Taib Cherkaoui, blamed the riots in the 'provocateurs'.


CHINA Beijing protest from websites and jasmine
suppressed evidence of revolt "Tunisia"

Inspired by the rebellions in Africa and the Middle East, in the capital city and other activists have launched the flowers as a form of symbolic protest. Quick
police intervention in the territory and block mobile and web. Hundreds of arrests

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IRAQ Iraq, the insurgency continues to square

Monday, February 21, 2011 11:46

In the crescendo of protests across the Middle East region and North Africa are also expressions of widows and children of Iraq who denounce the lack of services and rampant corruption.

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Iraq: protest spreads

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 13:12

According to the Observatory from Iraq, does not stop the popular protest in Iraq, now extended from north to South (including the region of Kurdistan), waiting for the big event planned for Feb. 25 in Baghdad, in what has been dubbed the "Day of Anger." From
yesterday in Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province west of the country, the demonstrations iniziate la settimana scorsa si sono trasformate in un sit-in a oltranza – con i dimostranti intenzionati ad andare avanti finché non saranno stati rimossi il governatore e il presidente del Consiglio Provinciale, accusati di non avere fatto nulla per la provincia. Le tensione è palpabile: mentre i manifestanti minacciano di bloccare l'autostrada internazionale che collega Baghdad a Damasco e ad Amman nel caso in cui le loro richieste non ricevano risposta, la protesta incassa l'appoggio di uno dei più influenti capi tribù locali – lo sceicco Ali Hatim al Sulaiman.

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