Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Miley Cyrus Is Vajina


continues from part CVI.


The agora Arab


strange and new things are happening in Arab countries. Strange and new for what they say about us, democracies bedded but unable to remember how born, wondering if you still live up to promises of origin. All European countries are upset by the whirlwinds of North Africa, but in Italy is that we couple to the dismay quest'inettitudine, radical, to question themselves. It is as if we had accustomed to over the years, to think in a unitary democracy, as if the domain, even by us, was just one. As if one was the source of sovereignty: the people voters. A law: that of the head. An opinion, even when it coincides with the opinion of only part (the majority) of society. Monism and thought only fall apart over the Mediterranean, but we have taken root and have triumphs.

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New World Order.


Wind uprising in Beijing detained dissidents, censorship on the internet

First peaceful gatherings in the country, invited foreign journalists. Leaders temono che il virus della libertà contagi anche le terre estreme d'Oriente. Oggi la scintilla si chiama Internet.
Domenica prossima migliaia di cinesi sono invitati a occupare silenziosamente il centro di oltre cento città

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Io, giornalista "a lezione" dalla polizia così la Cina lotta contro la rivoluzione

Il vento della protesta terrorizza Pechino. Stretta sui cronisti stranieri. Regole surreali: per parlare con chiunque, ad esempio, serve un'autorizzazione

dal nostro corrispondente GIAMPAOLO VISETTI

PECHINO - Da oggi, se desidero rivolgere la parola ad un cinese, devo chiedere il permesso alla police. Nine forms to complete, during office hours. Uncomfortable, in case of urgent necessity, but acceptable, the power of the technocrats of the second century that suddenly awake, mysteriously besieged by an invisible enemy.

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"Terrorism and religions."

PAKISTAN Pakistan: minister assassinated Minorities

killed in gunfire in Islamabad, had fought for Asia Bibi

02 March, 08:41

(AP) - ISLAMABAD, 2 March - Minister of Minorities of Pakistan, Shahbaz Bhatti, and 'was killed in a shootout today in Islamabad. Christian Catholic, he was beaten in favor of the liberation of Asia Bibi, a woman sentenced to death for blasphemy. Attacked when he left home to go to work, had spoken in recent months in favor of a reform of Islamic law on blasphemy.

taken to hospital, Bhatti and 'died of gravity' of their injuries.

Who is the minister killed

02 March, 11:11

ISLAMABAD - The Pakistani Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, 42, son of Christian missionaries and member of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), was for years a staunch defender of freedom religious and in particular those of Christians as Asia Bibi, the mother of five children to death for blasphemy and sentenced to prison in the province of Punjab. Last month was confirmed at the head of the department of religious minorities, despite opposition from Islamic religious groups, which had issued a "fatwa" against him.

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LIBYA Libya Gates: no-fly zone attack requires

U.S. Defense Minister: Only after we can fly our planes

02 March, 18:51

( ANSA)-WASHINGTON, 2 March-Minister of Defense Robert Gates said that the creation of a 'no-fly zone' would take an attack against Libya. 'Say it like it is.
A 'no-fly zone' begins with an attack against Libya to destroy its defenses aeree', ha detto il ministro Gates durante una audizione al Congresso. 'Solo dopo un attacco del genere sarebbe possibile far volare i nostri aeroplani sul Paese senza la preoccupazione che i nostri piloti possano essere abbattuti',ha aggiunto.

Oooh! Finalmente.

"Diciamo le cose come stanno".

E quindi, in una parola...



I dubbi Usa sulla no-fly zone
"Non abbiamo abbastanza forze"

I generali dopo Iraq e Afghanistan avvertono: non possiamo aprire un nuovo fronte in Libia. Tutti i governi sottolineano: la priorità per ora è alle azioni umanitarie. La Clinton punta il dito contro l'Iran: "Tenta di influenzare the Arab Revolt

from our correspondent Federico Rampini

NEW YORK - China does not want it, "The solution to the crisis in Libya should be achieved only by peaceful means."
Russia is not: "It would risk a new Afghanistan." To Turkey "is an absurdity." France takes time: "Priorities for humanitarian aid." The hypothesis of the no-fly zone imposed on Libya, the prohibition of the airspace to bomb Gaddafi to prevent the rioters, they is colliding with enormous resistance.

The Chinese and Russian opposition is enough to make the missing votes in the UN Security Council, and that a United Nations mandate is considered essential by the United States. But by leaders American soldiers are other objections, once unthinkable: Washington no longer has the means to fight another war, even in coalition with allies. Army, Air Force, even the legendary U.S. Navy, are exhausted and do not make it any more. Just as the riots in the Middle East create a new front of instability - in which squeezes Iran, whose military ships today have returned from Suez - the discovery of America is discovered dangerously and with a presence far more "subtle" in past.

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"The dictator bombards us but we will fall"

Gaddafi tries to recover the wells of Cyrenaica. On the war with the rebels.
"We repelled the attack of the militia of Colonel"

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bombs on the rebel stronghold
Obama: "Gaddafi has to go"

You fight in the city defended by the insurgents.
Explosion near oil facilities. The International Criminal Court opens an investigation into the violence in the country, targeted the leaders of the regime. Operational block EU goods for the 6 family members of the Libyan leader. U.S. warships to the coast, the U.S. president: "With Aviation repatriating refugees Egyptians"

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New Brega
bombing raids also measured against

According to reports in the Arab media forces Gaddafi would resume violent attacks this morning against the two major cities passed to insurgents. Appeals Napolitano: "Stop all military action"

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Iranian warships ... "The Homecoming" ...

MO: Iran Ships Suez canal revenue in

are the first to cross it from the Islamic Revolution of '79

03 March, 09:36

(ANSA) - CAIRO, March 3 - The two Iranian warships that had recently entered the Mediterranean arousing international alarm, entered the Suez Canal toward the Red Sea where they should arrive the same day. He says a source of authority 'of the Canal. 'The two Iranian ships have entered the Suez Canal from the entrance at 4:00 in the northern Mediterranean and I travel to the Red Sea,' said the source. They are the first ships to cross the channel from the Islamic revolution del'79.


"Next stop ... Saudi Arabia ...

Tehran's hands-off threat to Riyadh Saudi Shiites to revolt incites
(in English - ).

"Even as a weapon of retaliation for attempts to destabilize suffered at home''...

fears Tehran-backed coup

Thursday, March 3, 2011 15:27

The head of the intelligence service of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Hossein taebo said that the U.S. will seek to finalize a coup d'etat in Iran velvet within a year.
taebo, quoted by Press TV, said, "They want to link the sanctions to a wave of popular protest" from this month, triggering the entry into force of the Iranian government plan to remove subsidies on many products and replace them with a cash payment to each family.

According to Senior, Washington seeks to present the Iranian society as profoundly "unhappy", but the plan moves forward on three fronts: to destabilize the states around Iran, producing instability in the Islamic Republic and eventually hit the Islamic system. We are on the table in the White House also military options, according taebo, but they are not pleasing to many U.S. officials, because it is believed that the extent of U.S. forces to be used in a possible war with Tehran should be proportionate to the Iranian people and equal to two percent of the number of inhabitants of the Islamic Republic.

Article Link:



The west wind blows on the revolt, but the fall of Saddam strengthened Iran

democracy can take root in the streets, but asks for time to take root and take shape. In some European countries came after the war and millions of deaths. Iran has stepped up its infiltration in countries surrounding Saudi Arabia

of Bernardo Valli

not often, it is rare indeed, that the interests of the United States and western countries in general, coincide with the principles profess. Events Libyan create this perfect harmony, which spurs us to intervene in the country that starts a civil war. If it is natural to emphasize the duty imposed by the beliefs underlying the liberal societies, then it becomes more difficult to show how we can move to concrete action.

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Côte d'Ivoire, the massacre of women demonstrating against Gbagbo

The police opened fire on a demonstration by supporters of Ouattara recognized winner of the last elections by the international community.
The self-proclaimed president is cutting supplies to areas dominated by the opposition.
The United Nations: "A step away from a humanitarian crisis"

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Bahrain Bahrain Shia-Sunni clashes in Hamad

police intervention could stop the violence, several injured

March 4, 12:30

(ANSA) - Hamad (Bahrain), 4 March - Several people were injured in clashes between Sunnis and Shiites to Hamad in Bahrain. This is the first step in inter-religious since two weeks ago and 'protest broke out in the small Gulf state, a Shia majority, but ruled by a Sunni monarchy. The violence came to an end and when 'the police came. Thereafter, the security forces were faced with groups of Shiites flocked in from other parts of the country.


"Growing intolerance ..." ...

Events in Morocco

Friday, March 4, 2011 12:10

quietly in the background of noisy revolutions Tunisian, Egyptian and Libyan now, something moves in and shakes the monarchy felix Morocco Mohammed VI. Without having the characteristics of the other radical revolts that aimed to overthrow the status quo, the protest Moroccan revealed, however, the growing intolerance against an almost absolute power, that of the king ascended the throne in 1999.

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Following the part CVII.


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