Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Do I Make A Taffy Puller

.. Look deep in "the blink of an eye ..." Maternity

Il trucco occhi spesso non ci concentra abbastanza sulle ciglia. Siamo troppo concentrati sul colore dell’ombretto e sulla stesura corretta della matita per pensare che la profondità dell’occhio è data solo in parte dal make up, perché un ruolo fondamentale è giocato dalle ciglia stesse.

Il mascara è da sempre uno strumento fondamentale per le donne! Occhi grandi e ben make-up make it look deep and captivating!
Mascara should be applied last after any eye makeup. The mascara brush dampened must be kept in a horizontal position and passed on the upper lashes, dry, with a rocking motion from the bottom to the tip: this serves to make the first pass. To separate the lashes must instead hold the brush tilted about 80 degrees above the lashes and then brush the outer corners.
To enhance the look you'll need at least another pass, but before the first to dry, to avoid the risk of being glued eyelashes.
A higher load will give a closer look at the center expanded, a greater load on the ends will give a lighter look.

To make up the lower lashes you should use the mascara remained.


very popular among the 40s and 70s, a long false eyelashes had an important role in the makeup of the Lord and for many years, have created a real trend.

Sono più facili da applicare e donano uno sguardo molto sensuale che regala al viso un tocco di fascino speciale. Metterle e toglierle è semplice, l’importante è innanzi tutto capire se vogliamo avere uno sguardo scintillante solo in rare occasioni oppure sempre. Oggi il mercato propone svariati tipi di ciglia di ogni lunghezza e forma.
Le ciglia finte vanno applicate dopo ombretti e eyeliner, ma prima del mascara. Bisogna prenderle, applicarle un filino di colla sul bordo e lasciarle asciugare un poco. Quindi, con estrema attenzione, posizionare le ciglia finte vicinissime alle vere (bisogna prima tagliarle a misura eyelid, and should not reach the inner corner of the eye: would very annoying) and joining them on the skin, perhaps helping with the tip of the handle of a brush. So, you have to wait a little longer the glue to dry completely and that cilia are secure. Then you have to wipe the eyeliner (or the product used to emphasize the eyelashes above), to cover any droplets of glue, masking the best hanging of false eyelashes. After you pass the mascara - always with great care - to standardize the true and false eyelashes.

Extensions for eyelashes

doe to have a look without resorting to false eyelashes is a novelty: the extensions to the eyelashes.

eyelashes applied "stretch" the look, you can choose from ten lengths, two different types of curvature, thickness and 4 kinds of different colors.

The application takes between 60 and 90 days.

E 'also necessarily involves the maintenance to be performed every two or three weeks.
This method keeps the lashes day and night, play sports and lead a completely normal life, their strength is that they are waterproof, and suitable even when you go to the beach or pool. The important thing is to avoid rubbing the eye and use cleansing oil.

The permanent

to bow then gets a perm. It supports a kind of roller (roll of cotton) on the eyelid so that it follows the shape of eyelashes and a cream is applied before and after a fixer. E ' treatment in great demand by people who want to end the so-called cilia-down menu.
Lasts up to 90 days. Often combines the dye that is pretty up to 20 days.


In the case of sparse eyelashes, to stimulate growth, a very effective method is the classic "grandmother's remedy": Castor oil is a natural, low cost and helps to thicken, strengthen and lengthen our eyelashes and eyebrows.
This oil is a substance unique: it is also useful for puffiness, dark circles, skin, hair and brittle nails.
Using it every night before going to bed is a good solution for those who also suffer from loss of an eye: the results can already see the first applications, in addition, over time, we realize that will be thicker, stronger and therefore more beautiful!



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