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Three seem to be, at the moment, certain things in the final chapter of Twilight will be divided into two parts, will be conducted by Bill Condon, will have to wait to view it il 18 novembre 2011. Non sarà un'impresa semplice per il regista (e sceneggiatore) di Demoni e dei, Kinsey e Dreamgirls adattare per il grande schermo Breaking Dawn; alcuni passaggi si prospettano alquanto ostici da mutare in immagini. Basti pensare al parto di Bella, una scena che per chi ha letto il libro si preannuncia decisamente forte ed estrema. Tuttavia Condon si è detto entusiasta di mettere le mani su un romanzo in cui "succede tutto quello che uno può sperare oltre alle cose più incredibili che possa mai immaginare".
La scelta del regista newyorkese è stata confermata dopo che l'autrice della serie Stephenie Meyer e i vertici della Summit avevano incontrato Mark “Mean Girls” Waters e Gus Van Sant (sì, avete read that right, Gus Van Sant!) to discuss a possible collaboration. Even Sofia Coppola had expressed interest to take the helm if only the production had not insisted to split into two and the fourth - at the time - the last chapter in the saga of literary vampires (at least until we know the fate of ' novel Midnight Sun.) Although the curiosity to see Van Sant or a Coppola at work on a novel of love for children will not be satisfied, Bill Condon is a great choice, even if only to have successfully transposed the book Father of Frankenstein by Christopher Bram for The film earned an Academy Award and a Bram Stoker Award, the award based on the father's literary Dracula.
Condon, who is currently working on the pilot episode of a new television series for HBO (Tilda, with Diane Keaton and Ellen Page), said it had not yet entered the Twilight universe, but we are confident that at night literary characters come to haunt him kindly, and that a basic idea, which is visual, it has already been covered. Taking as a yardstick in his debut long, Sister, Sister, and the award-winning Gods and Monsters, it is possible that the two sides of Breaking Dawn - which will be shot simultaneously in Vancouver this autumn - take on the gothic tones and a touch of horror a director who for over twenty years has been a frequent visitor to the genre. Paura, eh?
Sources: MyMovies
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